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models – astronomy-specific models for pymodelfit

This module makes use of the pymodelfit package to define a number of models inteded for data-fitting that are astronomy-specific. Note that pymodelfit was originally written as part of astropysics, and hence it is tightly integrated (including the Fit GUI, where relevant) to other parts of astropysics, often using the models in this module.


Everything in the pymodelfit package is imported to this package. This is rather bad form, but is currently done because other parts of astropysics is written for when pymodelfit was part of astropysics. This may change in the future, though, so it is recommended that user code always use from pymodelfit import ... instead of from astropysics.models import ....

Classes and Inheritance Structure

Inheritance diagram of astropysics.models

Module API

class astropysics.models.BlackbodyModel(unit='wl')

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto, astropysics.spec.HasSpecUnits

A Planck blackbody radiation model.

Output/y-axis is taken to to be specific intensity.

A = 1
T = 5800
c = 29979245800.0
f(x, A=1, T=5800)
getFlux(x, radius=None, distance=None)

Returns the flux density at the requested wavelength for a blackbody of the given radius at a specified distance.

  • x (float) – x-value of the model
  • radius (float) – radius of the blackbody in cm
  • distance (float) – distance to the blackbody in cm

flux/wl at the specified distance from the blackbody


Determines the distance to a spherical blackbody of the specified radius assuming the flux is given by the model at the given temperature.


Determines the radius of a spherical blackbody at the specified distance assuming the flux is given by the model at the given temperature.

h = 6.626068e-27
kb = 1.3807e-16
setFlux(radius, distance)

Sets A so that the output is the flux at the specified distance from a spherical blackbody with the specified radius.

  • radius (float) – Radius of the blackbody in cm
  • distance (float) – distance to the blackbody in cm

Sets A so that the output is specific intensity/surface brightness.

static stephanBoltzmannLaw(T, area=1)

assumes cgs units


Uses the Wien Displacement Law to calculate the temperature given a peak input location (wavelength, frequency, etc) or compute the peak location given the current temperature.

Parameters:peakval (float or None) – The peak value of the model to use to compute the new temperature.
Returns:The temperature for the provided peak location or the peak location for the current temperature if peakval is None.
yaxisname = 'I'
class astropysics.models.BurkertModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

Burkert (1996) profile defined as:

\frac{\rho_0 r_0^3}{(r+r_0)(r^2+r_0^2)}

where rho0 is the central density.

f(r, rho0=1, r0=1)
r0 = 1
rho0 = 1
xaxisname = 'r'
yaxisname = 'rho'
class astropysics.models.DeVaucouleursModel

Bases: astropysics.models.SersicModel

Sersic model with n=4.

Ae = 1
f(r, Ae=1, re=1)
re = 1
xaxisname = 'r'
class astropysics.models.EinastoModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

Einasto profile given by

\ln(\rho(r)/A) = (-2/\alpha)((r/r_s)^{\alpha} - 1) .

A is the density where the log-slope is -2, and rs is the corresponding radius. The alpha parameter defaults to .17 as suggested by Navarro et al. 2010


The Einasto profile is is mathematically identical to the Sersic profile (SersicModel), although the parameterization is different. By Convention, Sersic generally refers to a 2D surface brightness/surface density profile, while Einasto is usually treated as a 3D density profile.

A = 1
alpha = 0.17
f(r, A=1, rs=1, alpha=0.17)
rs = 1
xaxisname = 'r'
yaxisname = 'rho'
class astropysics.models.ExponentialDiskModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel2DScalarAuto

A disk with an exponential profile along both vertical and horizontal axes. The first coordinate is the horizontal/in-disk coordinate (scaled by l) wile the second is z. i.e.

A e^{-|s/l|} e^{-|z/h|}

for pa = 0 ; non-0 pa rotates the profile counter-clockwise by pa radians.

A = 1
f(inarr, A=1, l=2, h=1, pa=0)
h = 1
l = 2
pa = 0
class astropysics.models.ExponentialSechSqDiskModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel2DScalarAuto

A disk that is exponential along the horizontal/in-disk (first) coordinate, and follows a {\rm sech}^2(z) profile along the vertical (second) coordinate. i.e.

A e^{-|s/l|} {\rm sech}^2 (z/h)

for pa = 0 ; non-0 pa rotates the profile counter-clockwise by pa radians.

A = 1
f(inarr, A=1, l=2, h=1, pa=0)
h = 1
l = 2
pa = 0
class astropysics.models.GaussHermiteModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

Model notation adapted from van der Marel et al 94

hj3 are h3,h4,h5,... (e.g. N=len(hj3)+2 )

A = 1
f(v, A=1, v0=0, sig=1, *hj3)
gaussHermiteMoment(l, f=None, lower=-inf, upper=inf)

compute the requested moment on the supplied function, or this object if f is None

paramnames = 'h'
paramoffsets = 3
sig = 1
v0 = 0
class astropysics.models.HernquistModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

Hernquist (1990) profile defined as:

\frac{A r_0}{2 \pi r (r+r_0)^3}

where A is the total mass enclosed. Note that r0 does not enclose half the mass - the radius enclosing half the mass is r_h = \frac{r_0}{\sqrt{2}-1} .


This form is equivalent to an AlphaBetaGammaModel with (\alpha,\beta,\gamma) = (1,4,1) , but with a slightly different overall normalization.

A = 1
f(r, A=1, r0=1)
r0 = 1
xaxisname = 'r'
yaxisname = 'rho'
class astropysics.models.InclinedDiskModel(inc=0, pa=0, degrees=True, **kwargs)

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel2DScalarDeformedRadial

Inclined Disk model – identical to FunctionModel2DScalarDeformedRadial but with inclination (inc and incdeg) and position angle (pa and padeg) in place of axis-ratios.

class astropysics.models.JaffeModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

Jaffe (1983) profile as defined in Binney & Tremaine as:

\frac{A}{4 \pi} \frac{r_j}{r^2 (r+r_j)^2)}

where A is the total mass enclosed. rj is the radius that encloses half the mass.


This form is equivalent to an AlphaBetaGammaModel with (\alpha,\beta,\gamma) = (1,4,2) , but with a slightly different overall normalization.

A = 1
f(r, A=1, rj=1)
rj = 1
xaxisname = 'r'
yaxisname = 'rho'
class astropysics.models.King2DrModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

2D (projected/surface brightness) King model of the form:

f(r) = A r_c^2 (\frac{1}{\sqrt{r^2+r_c^2}} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{r_t^2+r_c^2}})^2

See also

King (1966) AJ Vol. 71, p. 64

A = 1
f(r, rc=1, rt=2, A=1)
rc = 1
rt = 2
xaxisname = 'r'
class astropysics.models.King3DrModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

3D (deprojected) King model of the form:

f(r) = A/(z^2 \pi r_c) ((1+(r_t/r_c)^2)^{-3/2}) \arccos(z)/(z-\sqrt{1-z^2})

A = 1
f(r, rc=1, rt=2, A=1)
rc = 1
rt = 2
xaxisname = 'r'
class astropysics.models.MoffatModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

Moffat function given by:

A \frac{(\beta-1}{\pi \alpha^2} \left(1+\left(\frac{r}{\alpha}\right)^2\right)^{-\beta}

A = 1

Full Width at Half Maximum for this model - setting changes alpha for fixed beta

alpha = 1
beta = 4.765
f(r, A=1, alpha=1, beta=4.765)
class astropysics.models.NFWModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

A Navarro, Frenk, and White 1996 profile – the canonical \Lambda {\rm CDM} dark matter halo profile:

\rho(r) = \frac{\rho_0}{r/r_c (1+r/r_c)^2} .

Where unspecified, units are r in kpc and rho in Msun pc^-3, although units can always be arbitrarily scaled by rescaling rho0.


This form is equivalent to an AlphaBetaGammaModel with (\alpha,\beta,\gamma) = (1,3,1) , but with a slightly different overall normalization. This class also has a number of helper methods.

static Cvir_to_Mvir(Cvir, z=0)

from Maller & Bullock ‘04 M_sun


These scalings are approximations.

  • Cvir (float) – Concentration parameter rvir/rc
  • z (float) – Redshift

Virial mass in Msun

static Mvir_to_Cvir(Mvir, z=0)

from Maller & Bullock ‘04 M_sun


These scalings are approximations.

  • Mvir (float) – Virial Mass in Msun
  • z (float) – Redshift

Concentration parameter (rvir/rc)

static Mvir_to_Rvir(Mvir, z=0)

from Bullock ‘01 M_sun,kpc


These scalings are approximations.

  • Mvir (float) – Virial Mass in Msun
  • z (float) – Redshift

Virial radius in kpc

static Mvir_to_Vmax(Mvir, z=0)

Convert virial mass to vmax using the scalings here


These scalings are approximations.

  • Mvir (float) – Virial Mass in Msun
  • z (float) – Redshift

Maximum circular velocity in km/s

static Mvir_to_Vvir(Mvir, z=0)

from Bullock ‘01 km/s,M_sun


These scalings are approximations.

  • Mvir (float) – Virial Mass in Msun
  • z (float) – Redshift

Virial Velocity in km/s

static RvirMvir_to_Vvir(Rvir, Mvir)

Computes virial velocity from virial radius and virial mass.

  • Rvir (float) – Virial Radius in kpc
  • Mvir (float) – Virial Mass in Msun

Virial Velocity in km/s

static Rvir_to_Mvir(Rvir, z=0)

from Bullock ‘01 M_sun,kpc


These scalings are approximations.

  • Rvir (float) – Virial Radius in kpc
  • z (float) – Redshift

Virial mass in Msun

static Vmax_to_Mvir(Vmax, z=0)

Convert vmax to virial mass using the scalings here


These scalings are approximations.

  • Vmax (float) – Maximum circular velocity in km/s
  • z (float) – Redshift

Virial mass in Msun

static Vmax_to_Rvir(Vmax, z=0)

Convert vmax to virial radius using the scalings here.


These scalings are approximations.

  • Vmax (float) – Maximum circular velocity in km/s
  • z (float) – Redshift

Virial radius in kpc

static Vmax_to_Vvir(Vmax)

from Maller & Bullock ‘04 good from 80-1200 km/s in vvir


These scalings are approximations.

  • Vmax (float) – Maximum circular Velocity in km/s
  • z (float) – Redshift

Virial Velocity in km/s

static Vvir_to_Mvir(Vvir, z=0)

from Bullock ‘01 km/s,M_sun


These scalings are approximations.

  • Vvir (float) – Virial velocity in km/s
  • z (float) – Redshift

Virial mass in Msun

static Vvir_to_Tvir(Vvir, mu=0.59)

Compute the Virial temperature for a given virial radius.

From Barkana & Loeb 2001: T_{\rm vir} = \frac{\mu m_p V_c^2}{2 k_B}

\mu is the mean molecular weight, which is 0.59 for fully ionized primordial gas, .61 for fully ionized hydrogen but singly ionized helium, and 1.22 neutral. m_p is the proton mass, k_B is the Boltzmann constant, and V_c is the virial velocity.

  • Vvir (float) – Virial velocity in km/s
  • mu (float) – Mean molecular weight

Virial Temperatur in Kelvin

static Vvir_to_Vmax(Vvir)

from Bullock ‘01 good from 80-1200 km/s in vvir


These scalings are approximations.

Parameters:Vvir (float) – Virial velocity in km/s
Returns:Virial velocity in km/s
static create_Cvir(Cvir, z=0)

Generates a new NFWModel with the given Mvir using the Cvir_to_Mvir() function to get the scaling.


These scalings are approximations.

  • Cvir (float) – Concentration parameter (rvir/rc)
  • z (float) – Redshift at which the model is valid

A NFWModel object with the provided Cvir and normalization set by the approximate scalings here.

static create_Mvir(Mvir, z=0)

Generates a new NFWModel with the given Mvir using the Mvir_to_Cvir() function to get the scaling.


These scalings are approximations.

  • Mvir (float) – Virial Mass in Msun
  • z (float) – Redshift at which model is valid

A NFWModel object with the provided Mvir and concentration set by the approximate scalings here.

static create_Rvir(Rvir, z=0)

Generates a new NFWModel with the given Mvir using the Mvir_to_Cvir and Rvir_to_Mvir() functions to get the scaling.


These scalings are approximations.

  • Rvir (float) – Virial Radius in kpc
  • z (float) – Redshift at which the model is valid

A NFWModel object with the provided Rvir and concentration set by the approximate scalings here.

static create_VmaxRvmax(vmax, rvmax)

Generates a new NFWModel with the given Vmax and R_Vmax.

  • vmax (float) – maximum circular velocity in km/s.
  • rvmax (float) – radius of maximum circular velocity in kpc.

See Bullock et al. 2001 for reflated reference.

Returns:A NFWModel object matching the supplied vmax and rvmax

Returns the virial overdensity at a given redshift.

This method should be overridden if a particular definition of virial radius is desired. E.g. to use r200 instead of rvir, do:

nfwmodel.deltavir = lambda z:200
Parameters:z (scalar) – redshift at which to compute virial overdensity
Returns:virial overdensity
f(r, rho0=1, rc=1)

Returns the concentration of this profile(rvir/rc) for a given redshift.


If setC() has been called with an explicitly provided Rvir and Mvir, the concentration will be saved and this will return the saved concentration instead of one computed for a given redshift. If this is not desired, delete the _c attribute after calling setC() .


Gets the mass within the virial radius (for a particular redshift)


Computes the mean density within the requested radius, i.e.

\rho_m = M(<r)/(4/3 pi r^3)

density in units of Msun pc^-3 assuming r in kpc


Get the virial radius at a given redshift, with deltavir choosing the type of virial radius - if ‘fromcosmology’ it will be computed from the cosmology, otherwise, it should be a multiple of the critical density

units in kpc for mass in Msun

getV(r, **kwargs)

Computes the circular velocity of the halo at a given radius. i.e. v = \sqrt{\frac{G M(<r)}{r}}.

Parameters:r – The radius (or radii) at which to compute the circular velocity, in kpc.

Additional keyword arguments are passed into integrateSpherical().

Returns:The circular velocity at r (if r is a scalar, this will return a scalar, otherwise an array)

Computes the maximum circular velocity of this profile.

Returns:(vmax,rvmax) where vmax is the maximum circular velocity in km/s and rvmax is the radius at which the circular velocity is maximized.
integrateSpherical(lower, upper, method=None, **kwargs)

NFW Has an analytic form for the spherical integral - if the lower is not 0 or or if method is not None, this function will fall back to the numerical version.

rc = 1
rho0 = 1
setC(c, Rvir=None, Mvir=None, z=0)

Sets the model parameters to match a given concentration given virial radius and mass.

  • c (scalar) – concentration = rvir/rc
  • Rvir (scalar or None) – virial radius to assume in kpc - if None, will be inferred from Mvir, c and the virial overdensity (see deltavir).
  • Mvir (scalar or None) – virial mass to assume in Msun - if None, will be inferred from Rvir, c, and the virial overdensity (see deltavir), or if Rvir is None, from the current virial mass.
  • z (scalar) – redshift at which to compute virial overdensity if Rvir or Mvir are None. If both are given, this is ignored.

returns a new AlphaBetaGammaModel based on this model’s parameters.

xaxisname = 'r'
yaxisname = 'rho'
class astropysics.models.NFWProjectedModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

f(R, rc=1, sig0=1)
integrateCircular(lower, upper, method=None, **kwargs)

NFW Has an analytic form for the spherical integral - if the lower is not 0 or or if the keyword ‘numerical’ is True, this function will fall back to FunctionModel1D.integrateCircular

rc = 1
sig0 = 1
class astropysics.models.PlummerModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

Plummer model of the form

\frac{3M}{4 \pi r_p^3} (1+(r/r_p)^2)^{-5/2}

M = 1.0
f(r, rp=1.0, M=1.0)
rp = 1.0
xaxisname = 'r'
class astropysics.models.RoundBulgeModel(Ae=1, re=1, n=4)

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel2DScalarSeperable

A bulge modeled as a radially symmetric sersic profile (by default the sersic index is kept fixed - to remove this behavior, set the fixedpars attribute to None)

By default, the ‘n’ parameter does not vary when fitting.

fixedpars = ('n',)
class astropysics.models.SchechterLumModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

The Schechter Function, commonly used to fit the luminosity function of galaxies, in luminosity form:

\phi(L) = \frac{\phi^*}{L_*} \left(\frac{L}{L_*}\right)^\alpha e^{-L/L_*}

See also

SchechterMagModel, Schechter 1976, ApJ 203, 297

Lstar = 10000000000.0
alpha = -1.0
derivative(L, dx=None)

Compute Schechter derivative. if dx is not None, will fallback on the numerical version.

f(L, Lstar=10000000000.0, alpha=-1.0, phistar=1.0)
integrate(lower, upper, method=None, **kwargs)

Analytically Compute Schechter integral using incomplete gamma functions. If method is not None, numerical integration will be used. The gamma functions break down for alpha<=-1, so numerical is used if that is the case.

phistar = 1.0
xaxisname = 'L'
yaxisname = 'phi'
class astropysics.models.SchechterMagModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

The Schechter Function, commonly used to fit the luminosity function of galaxies, in magnitude form:

\Phi(M) = \phi^* \frac{2}{5} \ln(10) \left[10^{\frac{2}{5} (M_*-M)}\right]^{\alpha+1} e^{-10^{\frac{2}{5} (M_*-M)}}

See also

SchechterLumModel, Schechter 1976, ApJ 203, 297

Mstar = -20.2
alpha = -1
derivative(M, dx=None)

Compute Schechter derivative for magnitude form. if dx is not None, will fallback on the numerical version.

f(M, Mstar=-20.2, alpha=-1, phistar=1.0)
integrate(lower, upper, method=None, **kwargs)

Analytically compute Schechter integral for magnitude form using incomplete gamma functions. If method is not None, numerical integration will be used. The gamma functions break down for alpha<=-1, so numerical is used if that is the case.

phistar = 1.0
xaxisname = 'M'
yaxisname = 'phi'
class astropysics.models.SersicModel

Bases: pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1DAuto

Sersic surface brightness profile:

A_e e^{-b_n[(R/R_e)^{1/n}-1]}

Ae is the value at the effective radius re


The Sersic profile is is mathematically identical to the Einasto profile (EinastoModel), although the parameterization is different. By Convention, Sersic generally refers to a 2D surface brightness/surface density profile, while Einasto is usually treated as a 3D density profile.


value at r=0

Ae = 1
static bn_estimate(n)

bn is used to get the half-light radius. If n is None, the current n parameter will be used

The form is a fit from MacArthur, Courteau, and Holtzman 2003 and is claimed to be good to ~O(10^-5)

static bn_exact(n)

Computes b_n exactly for the current sersic index, using incomplete gamma functions.

static exactBn(val=None)

Sets whether the exact Bn calculation is used, or the estimate (see getBn()).

Parameters:val – If None, nothing will be set, otherwise, if True, the exact Bn computation will be used, or if False, the estimate will be used.
Returns:True if the exact computation is being used, False if the estimate.
f(r, Ae=1, re=1, n=4)

Computes b_n for the current sersic index. If the SersicModel.exactbn attribute is True, this is calculated using incomplete gamma functions (bn_exact()), otherwise, it is estimated based on MacArthur, Courteau, and Holtzman 2003 (bn_estimate()).

n = 4
re = 1
sbfit(r, sb, zpt=0, **kwargs)

fit surface brightness using the SersicModel

r is the radial value,sb is surface brightness, zpt is the zero point of the magnitude scale, and kwargs go into fitdata

sbplot(lower=None, upper=None, data=None, n=100, zpt=0, clf=True)

plots the surface brightness for this flux-based SersicModel. arguments are like fitDat

xaxisname = 'r'