Source code for BinPy.Operations.operations

[docs]class Operations: """ This class implements the primary arithmetic binary functions ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, COMP(complement). Inputs are in the form of unsigned integers. Negative numbers will have - sign. """ def __parseInput(self, input1, input2): if isinstance(input1, list): input1 = ''.join(map(str, input1)) elif not isinstance(input1, str): input1 = str(input1) if isinstance(input2, list): input2 = ''.join(map(str, input2)) elif not isinstance(input2, str): input2 = str(input2) return input1, input2
[docs] def ADD(self, input1, input2): """ This function implements the binary addition It takes two binary number and gives their sum How to use: >>> opr = Operations() >>> opr.ADD('1100','0001') '1101' """ a, b = self.__parseInput(input1, input2) c = bin(int(a, 2) + int(b, 2)) if c[0] == '-': return c[3:] else: return c[2:]
[docs] def SUB(self, input1, input2): """ This function implements the binary subtraction It takes two binary number and gives their difference How to use: >>> opr = Operations() >>> opr.SUB('1100','0100') '1000' """ a, b = self.__parseInput(input1, input2) c = bin(int(a, 2) - int(b, 2)) if c[0] == '-': return c[3:] else: return c[2:]
[docs] def MUL(self, input1, input2): """ This function implements the binary multiplication It takes two binary number and gives their product How to use: >>> opr = Operations() >>> opr.MUL('1100','0100') '110000' """ a, b = self.__parseInput(input1, input2) c = bin(int(a, 2) * int(b, 2)) if c[0] == '-': return c[3:] else: return c[2:]
[docs] def DIV(self, input1, input2): """ This function implements the binary division It takes two binary number and gives their quotient How to use: >>> opr = Operations() >>> opr.DIV('1000','0010') '100' """ a, b = self.__parseInput(input1, input2) c = bin(int(a, 2) // int(b, 2)) if c[0] == '-': return c[3:] else: return c[2:]
[docs] def COMP(self, input1, option): """ This function gives the complement of the input Note: In this case the input is put in the form of signed/unsigned number It takes two parameters, number to be complemented and the nth complement you want. How to use: >>> opr = Operations() >>> opr.COMP('1000','1') '0111' """ if isinstance(input1, list): input1 = ''.join(map(str, input1)) elif not isinstance(input1, str): input1 = str(input1) result = bin(int(input1, 2) ^ int(len(input1) * '1', 2))[2:] temp = bin(int(result, 2) + int('1', 2))[2:] if str(option) == '1': return (len(input1) - len(result)) * '0' + result else: return (len(input1) - len(temp)) * temp[0] + temp
[docs] def decToBin(number): """ This function converts positive decimal number into binary number How to use: >>> Operations.decToBin(12) >>> 1100 """ exponent = 0 shifted_num = number while shifted_num != int(shifted_num): shifted_num *= 2 exponent += 1 if exponent == 0: return '{0:0b}'.format(int(shifted_num)) binary = '{0:0{1}b}'.format(int(shifted_num), exponent + 1) integer_part = binary[:-exponent] fractional_part = binary[-exponent:].rstrip('0') return '{0}.{1}'.format(integer_part, fractional_part)
[docs] def binToDec(number): """ This function converts binary number into decimal number How to use: >>> Operations.binToDec('1001') >>> 9 """ if isinstance(number, list): number = ''.join([str(i) for i in number]) if "." in number: [x, y] = number.split(".") bin_x = int(x, 2) a = -1 bin_y = 0 for i in list(y): if i != "0" and i != "1": raise Exception("Invalid Input") bin_y = bin_y + (int(i) * (2 ** a)) a = a - 1 flt = bin_x + bin_y return flt flt = int(number, 2) return flt