
Cuevana is a (pretty cool) site to watch movies and shows in streaming in good quality.

CuevanaLinks uses cuevanalib to download or retrieve links and other information to enjoy contents offline.

Before Release 0.2dev (Apr 13, 2011) it worked as a generator of input files (with links of file host services) for Tucan or JDownloader .


This is a CLI program (for now), so there is no much eyecandy. But ...


CuevanaLinks retrieving links of a ‘Mad Men’ episode

Get and install


There are Windows installers (for 32bits) in


Probably, you will be interested in Cuevanalinks-gui project, by Martín Chikillian

Linux and others

You can install CuevanaLinks via pip

$ sudo pip install cuevanalinks

Or via easy_install

$ sudo easy_install cuevanalinks

Or directly download the package from pypi, and run

$ tar xvfz CuevanaLinks-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
$ cd CuevanaLinks-X.Y.Z
$ sudo python install

where X.Y.Z is the version you retrieve (hopelly the last and better one)



CuevanaLinks is command line program. If you are a Windows user need to open a console, for example Start Menu ‣ Run.. and type cmd. Then you should be able to invoke cuevanalinks command [1]

Get help

You can get help on usage with the flag -h

$ cuevanalinks -h
usage: cuevanalinks [-h] [-s] [-d] [-p] [-l {es, en, pt}] [-r None]
                title [episode] [end]

CuevanaLinks 0.5 - 2011 Martin Gaitán
A program to retrieve movies and series (or links to them) from

positional arguments:
  title                 Look for a movie or show with this title or URL. If
                        it's not an URL and `episode` is empty a movie is
  episode               Specifies a season/episode of a show. Examples: S01 (a
                        whole season), s02e04, 1x4 If `end` is given retrieve
                        the slices including limits
  end                   Specifies the end of season/episode slices (including
                        it). Examples: S01 (a whole season), s02e04, 1x4

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --subs            Download subtitles (if available)
  -d, --download        Download the contents instead show links
  -p, --play            Play while download. This automatically buffer enough
                        data before call the player. It's possible define the
                        player command in the config file
  -l {es, en, pt}, --language {es, en, pt}
                        Define the language of subtitles. Default: 'es'
  -r None, --max_rate None
                        Max File transfer rate (in kbps)


  • Download ‘Black Swan’:

    $ cuevanalinks -d 'black swan'
  • Retrieve URLs of one specific episode of a show:

    $ cuevanalinks house 4x10
  • Download the complete 4th season of Mad Men and its subtitles (in spanish):

    $ cuevanalinks -d -s 'mad men' s04

    Note that you can also handle downloads through Tucan

    $ cuevanalinks -s 'mad men' s04 > links.txt && tucan -d -i links.txt
  • Download a content by its full url:

    $ cuevanalinks -d
  • Retrieve links of ‘Seinfeld’ between s02e10 and the last one of 4th season limiting the filetransfer rate to 30kbps

    $ cuevanalinks -r 30 seinfeld s02e12 s04
  • Retrieve URLs of El secreto de sus ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes) and download subtitles in english:

    $ cuevanalinks 'secreto de sus ojos' -s -l en


    Due is an Argentina based website, there is no many subtitles in other languages than spanish

The configuration file

New in version 0.3.

Cuevanalinks uses a configuration file named .cuevanalinks/config.ini in your home directory (/home/youruser/.cuevanalinks/config.ini in Unix like systems).

By defaults it looks like this:

player = mplayer -fs {file}
file_format = long

Config options


It’s the command when -p is used. If the placeholder {file} is present it’s replaced with the filename. If not, the filename is appended at the end.


The format of the filenames when downloading. Could be short or long (see Content.filename())

No other options are used at this stage.

Last seen episode persistence

New in version 0.5.

When are following a show, frequently you would want wathc the next episode of the last one you have seen. If you don’t remember which one it was just use next instead the specific episode.

For example:

$ cuevanalinks -ds 'mad men' next

Also you could define again to watch the last one again.

[1]The installer automatically adds cuevanlink’s installation directory into your PATH enviroment variable.