.. _pipeline-integration-label: ***************************************** Integrating MRV into Production-Pipelines ***************************************** MRV sole purpose of existence originally was to serve as foundation of a Maya based 3D production pipeline, details about that can be read in a :doc:`designated article <../history>`. Nowadays, and after many improvements, it should be even more useful when applied in the context of pipelines. MRV doesn't weigh much, neither in memory, nor on the CPU, is very well documented and :download:`very well tested <../download/coverage/index.html>`. Besides that, you are able to :doc:`extend <../extend>` it to suit your needs, and :doc:`configure <../conf>` it to suit your needs even better. Finally, if - after a thorough study of the documentation - there are any questions or doubts left that would prevent its use, I will be glad to help personally.