Credits ======= ZSyncer is based on Gregor Heine's Client-Server product. Not much code remains of that, but thanks for getting us going! Thanks to Paul M. Winkler for much tinkering over the years! Chris Withers is one again keeping things up to speed. Contributors (alphabetical order): - Samuel Brauer submitted some bugs and patches for 0.6. - Robert Brewer wrote an ASPN python cookbook recipe that we swiped to do dynamic imports. - Gregor Heine wrote Client-Server and helped out on version 0.3. - Amos Latteier at Zope Corp. wrote xmlrpc Basic Authentication. - Dieter Maurer wrote patches to improve cmf support and provided an alternative to xmlrpc using ZPublisher.Client. - Chris McDonough reminded Andy about xmlrpc basic auth. - Andy McKay was Head Tinkerer prior to the 0.5 release and did a whole bunch of stuff. - Alan Milligan fixed the SSL support for xmlrpc basic auth, and for 0.6.1 contributed ConnectionMgr to provide yet another transport because xmlrpc is broken and ZPublisher.Client doesn't support SSL. For 0.7, Alan provided big patches to implement push/pull syncing and the "touch" feature. - Sascha Ottolski contributed a patch to make it easier to add the Sync tab to new classes, and did some work on improving support for ZClass definitions. - Charlie Reiman helped out a lot during the 0.5 releases. - Mikhail L. Titov added a feature to remove talkback comments. - Joachim Werner came up with some cool UI suggestions for 0.3, thanks. - Chris Withers killed off zLOG. Credits first added by Charlie Reiman, Oct 23, 2002