.. _index: ********************************************** :py:mod:`Products.membrane` - Content as users ********************************************** :Version: |version| membrane is a set of PluggableAuthService (PAS) plug-ins that allow for the user-related behaviour and data (authentication, properties, roles, groups, etc.) to be obtained from content within a Plone site. It does not actually provide a full member implementation, it is intended to be a set of tools from which a full implementation can be constructed. It is meant to be flexible and pluggable, and easy to adapt to different deployment scenarios. It is not meant to be configured through-the-web-only, but to be adapted by filesystem code. membrane tries to take a step backwards and re-think some of the Plone membership-handling. We have tried to make it as simple as possible, so that grasping and extending it is simple. Hopefully, simplicity should also make it easier to make sure it is secure. For announcement, help, or to keep up with development discussions, see the poorly named `"remember" mailing-list `_. Vision ====== membrane is a product to enable users as content in Plone sites, in collaboration with PlonePAS. The name gives you an idea of the intended complexity and amount of code. membrane won't be the only member handling product in your site, instead it should enable us to easily plug in products that enable default Plone member policy, or more exotic setups in corporate intranets. This means that to get the default Plone behaviour you will need something else in addition to membrane. Contents ======== .. toctree:: content faq Change History ============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 changes Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`