
This document lists the changes as versions progress

What’s new in 0.10

  • python3 fix as unicode keyword is no longer supproted in python >-=3.4. This makes pyck compatible to >= python 2.7.x and >= python 3.4.x
  • Fixed broken auth routes section
  • Added bootstrap form-control class to form_as_p and form_as_table templates
  • Fixed new project scaffold login logic for str/bytes conversion issues
  • Fixed admin section to ignore python_type errors for SQL types that don’t have a corresponding python type
  • Python3 StringIO fix for CRUDController

What’s new in

  • Support for CSV download of CRUD list data
  • Support for CRUD details_exclude
  • Support for default filter condition for CRUD list
  • Minor bugfix in admin section that caused some crud properties not to take effect
  • Bootstrap CSS related updates to make the admin section and CRUD interface work equally better with both light and dark bootstrap themes.
  • Flash msgs can now contain html and admin flash msgs are also closable now.
  • Better structure for auth permissions in populate script.

What’s new in

  • The python develop command now generates requirements.txt file in project home folder based on the requires and app_requires lists from the main project and subapps.

  • Admin section uses the project’s bootstrap located in /static/bootstrap instead of fetching bootstrap from the net.

  • Search functionality for CRUD controller. Allows case sensitive and insesitive searching, partial matching and option to select fields for searching. Also allows partial date, time and datetime matching

  • Support for field heading and value translations in CRUD list and detail pages. Allows translating a field’s display value by calling a user defined function. So for example if a user wants to display ‘Yes’ when a field’s value is true, it can be done with something like:

    def translate_is_active(input_value):
        return 'Yes' if input_value else 'No'
    field_translations = {
        'is_active': {
              'header': 'Account Active',
              'translator': translate_is_active
  • Support for conditional links in CRUD list_per_record_actions and detail_actions parameters. Link is displayed if the condition is True. Condition is anything that can be processed by python’s eval function. Allow using special placeholders for fields like {fieldname} which is a reference to the value of the specified field for the current record object in the display context. For example:

    list_per_record_actions = [
               'link_text': 'View History',
               'link_url': '/history/{PK}',
               'css_class': 'text-primary',
               'condition': 'True == {has_history}'

What’s new in

  • Sorting support in crud controller that allows result sorting based on any field that is being displayed

  • Dojo base url is in the config file now and used by both base.mako and the admin panel’s admin_base.mako

  • Using pyramid’s SignedCookieSessionFactory instead of the deprecated UnencryptedCookieSessionFactory

  • Flash messages are now closable.

  • Change password page for currently logged in user.

  • Base.mako markup and structure cleanup.

  • Visual indication for sub routes for pyckauth routes multiselctor

  • Multiselector fix so that single item groups are treated as independent routes

  • Using html5 doctype for admin base

  • Default dojo libraries used for admin section upgraded to 1.10.1 from 1.8.3

  • Refactoring - Moved login and logout logic out of the controller and into the User model

  • Ability to disable dojo loading for a mako template. In the template file set skip_dojo=True before inheriting from base.mako template, example:

    <%! skip_dojo = True %>
    <%inherit file="base.mako"/>
  • Ability to set current route (for menu highlighting) to a different route than the current url’s route. This is useful when your current URL doesn’t have a corresponding main menu item but you want to highlight one of the menu items. Just set current_route to the route name you want to highlight before inheriting from base.mako:

    <%! current_route = 'get_reports' %>
    <%inherit file="base.mako"/>
  • Multiple types of flash messages. Now you can change the bootstrap CSS class for the flash message by prefixing the message content string with either “Error:” or “Warning:”. This changes the message display class to danger and warning respectivly. Please note that the actual word Error: or Warning: is removed from the displayed string. So:

    “Error: Error fetching data”


    ” Error fetching data”

    and is displayed using the “danger” css class.

What’s new in

  • Fixed admin section record add/edit issue that was caused because of SQLAlchemy version >= 1.0.

What’s new in

  • Further support for ‘crud_friendly_name’, ‘crud_add_edit_exclude’, ‘crud_add_edit_field_args’, ‘crud_list_recs_per_page’, ‘crud_list_max_pages’, ‘crud_list_field_args’ fields for custom admin controllers.

What’s new in

  • Minor fix in crud controller where editing a record in admin interface or crud interfaces caused error when using MySQL databases.

What’s new in 0.9.8

  • Added pyck.mako_utils package for mako related utility code

  • Addition of pyck.lib.routes.get_routes() function which returns OrderedDict of routes

  • Record sorting support for AdminController using ‘crud_list_sort_by’ property.

  • Record sorting support for CRUD controller using ‘list_sort_by’ property of CRUDController

  • Delete action in admin controller correctly displays HTTP Not Acceptable error if deleting a record violates Referential Integrity

  • Added support for ‘crud_list_only’, ‘crud_list_exclude’, ‘crud_models_field_args’, ‘crud_list_actions’, ‘crud_list_per_record_actions’, ‘crud_detail_actions’ for admin controllers. Now you can define a custom AdminController child class and use it to specify extra parameters for some or all of the crud controllers present in the admin interface. For example:

    class BlogsAdminController(AdminController):
        crud_list_per_record_actions = {
            UserInfo.__name__: [
                {'link_text': 'Details', 'link_url': 'details/{PK}'},
                {'link_text': 'Edit', 'link_url': 'edit/{PK}'},
                {'link_text': 'Delete', 'link_url': 'delete/{PK}'},
                {'link_text': 'Upload Photo', 'link_url': '/photo_upload/user/{PK}'},
  • Minor dojo fix that was causing dojo.parse to be called twice

  • Auth controller fixes that were broken for python 3

  • Admin section now displays number of records present in a table/model next to the model/tablename on the sidebar. If you want to revert to the old behavior of just displaying the modelname, create a subclass of AdminController and set display_record_count to False. For example in your project’s where you have code like:

    from pyck.ext import add_admin_handler, AdminController
    # later in the __init__.main function
    add_admin_handler(config, db, get_models(sms_vault, return_dict=True),
                      'admin.', '/admin', AdminController)

    you could update it to:

    from pyck.ext import add_admin_handler, AdminController
    class NoRecordCounterAdminController(AdminController):
        display_record_count = False
    # later in the __init__.main function
    add_admin_handler(config, db, get_models(sms_vault, return_dict=True),
                      'admin.', '/admin', NoRecordCounterAdminController)

    This will disable displaying record count next to table links. Disabling record count may be useful where you don’t want to put the extra strain on the DB for fetching record counts.

What’s new in

  • Fixed errors in lib/ where when not returning a dict (old projects ask for returning a list instead of dict) the code gave an error and failed.

What’s new in

  • Pluggable apps are allowed not to have any models now. PyCK now ignores model related operations for these apps correctly.
  • has_app function in apps package to check if a given app is present in project’s enabled apps. This is useful for pluggable apps that are dependent on other pluggable apps.
  • Updates to newapp scaffold to make it look better
  • Minor improvements to project homepage template

What’s new in

  • Fixes to crud controller pagination which broke in python3

What’s new in 0.9.7

  • Python 3.x compatibility. Now PyCK projects can run on both python 2.x ( > 2.5 ) and python 3.x ( >= 3.2 )

What’s new in 0.9.6

  • Added a section in base.mako template named extra_head for including stuff within the <head></head> section of the page.

  • Fixed minor bug in CURD list section causing errors when a FK is null.

  • Updated base.mako template to use dojo 1.10.1 instead of the previously used 1.8.3

  • Added top level route for favicon.ico in project scaffold

  • Mechanism for integrating subapp dependencies into project’s’s requires for pyck projects. In your subapp’s file just specify the required dependencies in a list named subapp_requires and it will automatically be merged with the project’s requirements. For example:

    subapp_requires = ['pygments', 'numpy']

What’s new in 0.9.5

  • Bugfix: PyCK auth controllers used request.current_route_url() with query strings that caused duplicate actions, like delete a record and then redirecting to the same url (with action delete) and trying to delete it again.

  • Bugfix: In admin section if an integer primary key is None (empty), it tries to insert or update that as a string ‘None’ causing error.

  • Allow redirecting from CRUD Controller add, update and delete actions.

  • Removed pyramid_handlers dependency. Converted CRUD controller from pyramid_handlers to simple pyramid add_route and add_view mechanism

  • Test case improvements
    • Updated test cases. Added test cases for pyramid’s CRUD controller and Admin controller
    • Updated scaffolds to include new tests architecture and also included some other minor improvements.
    • Added a test project to pyck source code named pycktestproject for functional testing.
    • Functional tests for admin and crud controller added in pycktestproject

What’s new in 0.9.4

  • Bugfix. Ignore non-field columns when trying to assess exclude list for admin panel
  • By default don’t display auth tables in admin section. Auth Manager should be used for managing those tables so displaying those in Admin section only encourages issues.

What’s new in 0.9.3

  • Fixed error in admin panel where providing an empty value in a numeric drop down box for add/edit forms caused error.
  • Update to AdminController, if a FK field can be null, the drop down in forms allows selecting an empty value. Previously just all the values from the FK column got displayed and user got no option for not selecting any value.
  • pyck.lib.models.get_models now has the option to return a dict instead of a list.
  • AdminController allows passing a dict of models (with keys being the appnames) and side links are then categorized by app.
  • Fix for CRUDController that allows many to many relationship forms to be displayed. For example a table containing two columns (composite primary key) and both being FKs to two different tables

What’s new in 0.9.2

  • Updated code to support Pyramid version 1.5.1 that broke backward compatibility by removing mako as default and adding it as a dependency.

What’s new in 0.9.1

  • Improved pluggable apps support allowing usage of pre-installed subapps and the usual placing the app folder within the apps folder

What’s new in 0.9

  • Startup project template uses bootstrap everywhere (main site, login, admin section & auth manager)
  • Dojo (using WTDojo) controls are used in all forms (contact us, admin section & auth manager)
  • CSS cleanup and removal of no longer required images, css elements, markup etc because of bootstrap usage
  • Admin section now has a link back to project home
  • Auth manager uses the same top menu as the rest of the project
  • Improved mako templates to include menu links using lists and loops and properly checking for the currently active URL

What’s new in 0.8.2

  • Colored logging on console. Now console actions like serving through pserve or other methods outputs log messages in color. INFO messages are displayed in green, DEBUG messages are in blue, WARNING messages in yellow and ERROR messages in red.

What’s new in 0.8.1

  • Fixed issue where app created but not included in enabled_apps causes project start-up failure

  • Top-level application routes now reside in instead of similar to sub-apps.

  • {projname}_initdb renamed to {projname}_populate

  • Renamed DBSession to db (it’s more pythonic and shorter)

  • Fixed bug - admin interface causes errors with non numeric primary keys

  • In sub-app initialization now using:

    from .. import PROJECT_NAME, project_package

    instead of:

    from apps import PROJECT_NAME, project_package

What’s new in 0.8

  • Use as ip for development.ini. For development.ini don’t use as it causes some issues requiring reloading on firefox (specially when using proxies). Just use, production.ini still uses
  • Use waitress HTTP server
  • Renamed populate_projname command to projname_initdb, all commands of a project starting from the project’s name make more sense.
  • Documentation updates

What’s new in 0.7.5

  • Admin Controller is enabled by default under /admin for new PyCK projects
  • Links to login, logout, admin and authentication section are included in the header
  • Documentation fixes
  • Minor refactoring

What’s new in 0.7.2

  • The default admin permission was renamed from manage to admin since this name makes more sense
  • Added wtdojo to requires for new projects

What’s new in 0.7.1

  • Updates to documentation
  • Design changes to make the default generated application look a bit better
  • Removal of the default sample app and Site Model since now the auth models already provide the sample models required
  • New PyCK Logos, new style for the login page
  • If AdminController is enabled then successful login redirects to admin interface if not otherwise directed by ‘came_from’ session variable
  • Minor CSS fix so that footer is properly bottom-aligned in the page

What’s new in 0.7

  • Static routes (routes normally used for JS, images, CSS etc) are now ignored for authentication checking. Using Javascript frameworks like Dojo requires accessing quite a lot of files for a page and this can slow down the application checking for permissions for each of the static resource. Of course, you can disable it by commenting out the relevant code in your project’s

  • The newapp script now uses argparse instead of optparse to avoid deprecation warnings.

  • Minor fix to admin controller to get rid of add errors for some models.

  • Inclusion of dojo from google’s CDN by default into admin and application base templates.

  • Admin controller

    • now ignores relationship properties of a model while display add/edit forms.
    • Add and edit forms in admin controller now display combo boxes for foreign keys instead of plain text boxes, and if the foreign_key column is integer then the value displayed in the combo box is from the field that comes after the field pointed to by the foreign key column. So if you have a foreign key product_id referring to a products table with fields id and name then the drop down displays product names while the backend values are prodcut ids from the products table
    • If there is any relationship for a foreign key field present in the current model displays the column next to the referenced column from the target table. So if you have a foreign key product_id referring to a products table with fields id and name then product names are displayed in listings

What’s new in 0.6.8

  • CRUDController now uses wtdojo to display fields using dojo.

What’s new in 0.6.6

  • Minor improvement in the authentication framework. Instead of fetching user permissions from the DB for each url request; user permissions are fetched only once during login time and stored in session. The auth.authenticator tween just used the list of user permissions present in session instead of fetching them each time.

What’s new in 0.6.5

  • dojo_model_forms support

What’s new in 0.6.4

  • Added facility in the authentication framework for static permissions. You can use the authentication manager to set a permission for a route but you don’t have to assign any user to that permission. This is meant to allow authentication from user databases other than PyCK’s users table. Developers just need to set the permission name in a request.session key named auth_static_permission in their login verification controllers. This way the users can be authenticated any way the developer wants and still their access to the whole application can be controlled by PyCK’s authentication manager.

What’s new in 0.6.3

  • Fixed minor issue with the populate script that prevented proper population of posgresql and possibly mysql databases. This does not seem to happen with SQLite.

What’s new in 0.6

  • Added support for authentication framework. PyCK now supports a graphical web based section for creating users, permissions and assigning them to different routes. A default login and logout route is now also present in the initial scaffold.

    Simply create a new project, run the populate script for the project and then go to:

    to access the authentication manager.

  • Minor changes to code for making it cleaner and more compliant to PEP guidelines

  • Renamed controllers/ to controllers/ since was confusing in the MVC context

What’s new in 0.5.1

  • Update to CRUDController allowing displaying of related data from another table of a foreign key field. The add_edit_field_args property can now take values choices and choices_fields and the list_field_args property takes a key display_field, for example:

    class ProductCRUDController(CRUDController):
        model = Product
        db_session = DBSession
        add_edit_field_args = {
             'category_id': {'label': 'Category', 'widget': Select(), 'coerce': int,
                             'choices_fields': [,] }
             #'category_id': {'widget': Select(), 'coerce': int, 'choices': [(1, 'ABC'), (2, 'DEF')] }
        list_field_args = {
                'category_id': {'display_field': ''}

What’s new in 0.5

  • Automatic Admin Interface - Enables automatic Admin interface generation from database models. The pyck.ext.admin_controller.AdminController allows you to quickly enable Admin interface for any number of database models you like. To use AdminController at minimum these steps must be followed.

    1. In your application’s routes settings, specify the url where the Admin interface should be displayed. You can use the pyck.ext.admin_controller.add_admin_handler() function for it. For example in your; put code like:

      from pyck.ext import AdminController, add_admin_handler
      from pyck.lib import get_models
      # Place this with the config.add_route calls
      add_admin_handler(config, db_session, get_models(myapplicationpackagenamehere), 'admin', '/admin', AdminController)

    and that’s all you need to do to get a fully operation Admin interface.

What’s new in 0.4.3

  • Updates to the CRUDController for better template integration

What’s new in 0.4.2

  • Pagination fixes for limiting the number of pages displayed

What’s new in 0.4.1

  • Fixed edit interface bug in CRUDController
  • Added instructions for setting up pyck with Apache+mod_wsgi

What’s new in 0.4

  • CRUDController - Enables automatic CRUD interface generation from database models. The pyck.controllers.CRUDController allows you to quickly enable CRUD interface for any database model you like. To use CRUD controller at minimum these steps must be followed.

    1. Create a sub-class of the CRUDController and set model (for which you want to have CRUD) and database session:

      from pyck.controllers import CRUDController
      from myapp.models import MyModel, DBSession
      class MyCRUDController(CRUDController):
          model = MyModel
          db_session = DBSession()
    2. In your application’s routes settings, specify the url where the CRUD interface should be displayed. You can use the pyck.controllers.add_crud_handler() method for it. For example in your (if you’re enabling CRUD for a model without your main project) or in your (if you’re enabling CRUD for a model within an app in your project) put code like:

      from pyck.controllers import add_crud_handler
      from controllers.views import MyCRUDController
      # Place this with the config.add_route calls
      add_crud_handler(config, 'mymodel_crud', '/mymodel', MyCRUDController)

    and that’s all you need to do to get a fully operation CRUD interface. Take a look at the newapp sample app in demos for a working CRUD example in the Wiki app.

What’s new in 0.3

  • Model Forms - Ability to generate forms automatically from database models. We now have a pyck.forms.model_form() function that behaves exactly like wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.orm.model_form() but uses pyck.forms.Form as its base class. The benefit is that you get all the features present in pyck forms in your model form (like, as_p and as_table rendering of your form and CSRF protection). Using a model form is quite easy, for example:

    from pyck.forms import model_form
    from myapp.models import User
    UserForm = model_form(User)

    Of course, you can then sub-class this UserForm class to add further validators or modifications if you like. Later in a view (considering you’ve not subclassed UserForm) you can use this form as:

    f = UserForm(request.POST, request_obj=request, use_csrf_protection=True)

    and it will work exactly like a normal pyck Form.

  • A more operational blog app in the newapp given in demos that uses the model_form feature to add blog posts.

What’s new in 0.2.4

  • Automated CSRF Protection in forms. While disabled by default (to maintain compatibility with WTForms), CSRF protection can be enabled for a form by passing the form two extra keyword arguments request_obj and use_csrf_protection set to True when initializing it. For example:

    f = ContactForm(request.POST, request_obj=request, use_csrf_protection=True)
  • Form objects now have an as_table pyck.forms.Form.as_table() method that allows displaying the form in a table similar to the pyck.forms.Form.as_p() method added in previous release. This method also accepts labels and errors positions (left, right, top, bottom) and optionally allows you to insert the html <table> tag within the method instead of putting it in your template by setting include_table_tag parameter to True

What’s new in 0.2.3

Till now almost all updates were to the scaffold generated by a PyCK project, so in a sense till now PyCK could be considered another scraffold for Pyramid. With this version, things are starting to change a bit.

  • A new package pyck.forms that serves as a wrapper on top of WTForms (will try to maintain code usage compatibility with wtforms) so instead of using normal wtforms.Form class instances, PyCK developers can use pyck.forms.Form instances in the same way. But these forms come with some additional features

    • Currently the form can be display using html p tags using pyck.forms.Form.as_p() method. This method supports displaying labels and validation errors on either direction of the field control (top, bottom, left, right).
    • The associated sample app code has been updated along with new app scaffold to use pyck.forms, the code already has become much simpler.
    • It is important to note that these forms can be used in the same way as WTForms so if you want to layout your form the way you want (as you normally do in WTForms); you are still able to do it.
  • Basic tests have been implemented for pyck.forms and nosetests are being used for automated testing. Keeping the code quality high is one of the aims here so I’ll try to write tests for all of the additions to pyck itself.

What’s new in 0.2.2

  • Sessions support - Sessions come pre-configured now with a new PyCK project and the sample included has also been updated accordingly

  • Forms support - Initial support for forms using WTForms has landed. Keeping with the structure forms are defined within a forms package inside the application package.

  • A newly created project (and the sample project) now contains a contact form demonstrating forms usage.

    • Additionally forms also have CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) protection
  • Flash messaging support is also in. Look at the contact form example (specifically its template and the home and base templates) to see flash messages in action.

What’s next? Focus now is to make forms more easy to use within PyCK. Upcoming versions are expected to contain more enhancements related to forms.

What’s new in 0.2.1

Some code refactoring to ease up a few things

  • Moved sys.path addition settings to a seperate function named load_project_settings in project’s This function is called by’s main function to load project specific settings and also called by the populate script. So the code is at one place instead of two places.

  • For apps, moved the RenameTables SQA MetaBase to the model package’s so its a bit hidden from the developer as the developer just sees:

    from . import DBSession, Base

    in the model definition files. This also makes importing these into multiple model files much easier (since again the code is at a single location now)

  • In the of every model package (apps or the main project alike), we now import the models defined by that project/app and include them in the __all__ list so that instead of importing like:

    from myapp.models.models import MyModel

    now we can use:

    from myapp.models import MyModel

What’s new in 0.2.0

  • tables created from models in apps are automatically prefixed by app name. For example: if you have an app named blog and it has a model Post where you have specified:

    __tablename__ = 'posts'

    it will automatically be created as blog_posts in the database. Your access to the table through the model remained same without any changes.

  • Once you run python develop for your new project, a new command for creating an app becomes availabe to you. Instead of copying the sample app provided and adjusting it, now the whole struture is created for you. For details see


    This feature is the reason that the version number bumped upto 0.2 :-)

What’s new in 0.1.6

  • First fully operational version with pluggable apps along with their database models etc.