Sijax 0.3.0 documentation

Using Sijax

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Using Sijax

The main idea behind Sijax is registering/exposing functions on the server-side and easily calling those functions from the browser.

The functions that you expose can be referred to as Response functions or Handler functions.

All functions receive a response object as their first argument, which is an instance of sijax.response.BaseResponse. The Response function should use that argument to feed data back to the browser. You do that by calling one of the many methods that it provides.

Registering functions

To register/expose a function you use the sijax.Sijax.register_callback() method:

Let’s take a look at an example function and a way of calling it:

def index():
    def rate_news_item(obj_response, news_id, stars_count):
        update_news_rating(news_id, stars_count)
        rating = get_new_rating(news_id)

        obj_response.html('#news_rating', rating)
        obj_response.alert('Thanks for voting with %d stars' % stars_count)

    instance = Sijax()
    instance.register_callback('rate', rate_news_item)
    if instance.is_sijax_request:
        return instance.process_request()

    return render_news_page()

Note that we’re registering the rate_news_item function with the name of rate. The public name of the function is the one that would be used in the browser to call it.

If we want to call this function now, we can just do:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var news_id = 324;
    var user_rating = 4;
    Sijax.request('rate', [news_id, stars_count]);

The first argument that Sijax.request() accepts in the browser is the public name of the function to call. The second argument is an optional array/list of arguments to pass to the Python function. This Sijax.request() call rates the news item (with an id of 324) with 4 stars. To learn more on invoking functions using Sijax.request(), see Client side API functions - Sijax.request().

Sijax will update the DOM element which matches the jQuery selector #news_rating with the new rating value. It would then show an alert message to the user.

Mass function registration

It’s common to have many functions exposed/registered for any page. As pages grow more and more interactive (and complex) you’ll want to be able to register all those different functions in a shorter way.

An easy way to do that is to group related functions inside a class (or a Python module) and tell Sijax that you want to register the whole thing (the whole object).

You do that using sijax.Sijax.register_object():

Here’s an example which registers 2 functions with a single call:

class Handler(object):

    def say_hi(obj_response):

    def say_hello(obj_response):


This is equivalent to registering both functions manually:

sijax_instance.register_callback('say_hi', Handler.say_hi)
sijax_instance.register_callback('say_hello', Handler.say_hello)

You can also use a class instance and register all of the object’s methods the same way. You only need to remove the @staticmethod decorator and do the actual registering like this:


Available Response methods

To see the full list of available response methods (like alert() above), take a look at BaseResponse.

Extending the Response class

If you want to extend the functionality provided by sijax.response.BaseResponse you can create your own subclass and tell Sijax to use it when creating the obj_response object for a particular function.

Here’s an example of a function, which uses a custom response class:

# Custom Response class, which adds a new shortcut method
class MyResponse(sijax.response.BaseResponse):
    def say_hello_to(self, name):
        self.alert('Hello %s' % name)

# The handler function which would use our custom Response class
def say_hello_handler(obj_response, name):

sijax_instance.register_callback('say_hello', say_hello_handler, response_class=MyResponse)

Passing extra arguments (context)

Sometimes you may want to pass some more special arguments after obj_response, but before the actual call arguments coming from the browser. Perhaps you’ve got some data available when you’re registering the Sijax function, which you want to pass along to it (because you may only have a reference to it at the place the handler is registered).

You can use an optional argument when registering the function that tells Sijax what other variables to pass along.

Here’s an example:

# The handler is defined outside the other function
# so it wouldn't normally be able to access its data
def say_hello_handler(obj_response, hello_from, hello_to):
    obj_response.alert('Hello from %s to %s' % (hello_from, hello_to))

# Let's assume that this is the entry point for all page requests
def index():
    hello_from = get_site_name_from_database()

    sijax_instance = Sijax()
    sijax_instance.register_callback('say_hello', say_hello_handler, args_extra=[hello_from])
    if sijax_instance.is_sijax_request:
        return sijax_instance.process_request()

    # normal page request (not Sijax)
    return render_page()

You can do extra arguments passing with mass registration too:

sijax_instance.register_object(SijaxHandler, args_extra=['additional', 'arguments', 'here'])


There are certain events that you may be interested in. Sijax can invoke a handler function for each event that you’ve “subscribed” to.

The following events are available as seen in the sijax.Sijax class:

Events are registered using sijax.Sijax.register_event():

Here are some examples:

def before_handler(obj_response):
    obj_response.alert('Called before calling the response function!')

def after_handler(obj_response):
    obj_response.alert('Called after calling the response function!')

def invalid_request_handler(obj_response, function_name):
    obj_response.alert('%s is an unknown function!' % function_name)

def invalid_call_handler(obj_response, callback):
    obj_response.alert('The call to %s failed!' % callback.__name__)

sijax_instance = Sijax()
sijax_instance.register_event(Sijax.EVENT_BEFORE_PROCESSING, before_handler)
sijax_instance.register_event(Sijax.EVENT_AFTER_PROCESSING, after_handler)
sijax_instance.register_event(Sijax.EVENT_INVALID_REQUEST, invalid_request_handler)
sijax_instance.register_event(Sijax.EVENT_INVALID_CALL, invalid_call_handler)

# some more initialization code here

sijax_instance.register_callback('say_hi', lambda r: r.alert('Hi!'))

If a request for say_hi is made using:


The result would be the following 3 alerts in order:

Called before calling the response function!
Called after calling the response function!

If a request for say_hi is made using:

Sijax.request('say_hi', ['arguments', 'here']);

The result would be the following 3 alerts in order:

Called before calling the response function!
The call to say_hi failed!
Called after calling the response function!

If a request for say_hello_instead_of_hi is made using:


The result would be the following 3 alerts in order:

Called before calling the response function!
say_hello_instead_of_hi is an unknown function!
Called after calling the response function!

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