A step-by-step tutorial ======================= Introduction ------------ This step-by-step tutorial will make you create, document and use webservices on a basic TurboGears application with TGWebServices. The services we will create allow a third-party application to do a few operations on the user definitions, so it can, for example, synchronise the user definitions with its own one. Preresquites ------------ * Python : This tutorial was tested with python 2.5 on a machine with multiple versions of python installed, so when needed the interpreter is explicitely given in the command lines so that another version does not interfere. * setuptools (or distribute) for the version of python you will use (preferably python 2.5). * virtualenv for the version of python you will use:: easy_install-2.5 virtualenv Initialise the environment -------------------------- #. Choose a workspace directory name, for example ~/workspace or C:\workspace (we assert you use one of these in this tutorial) and create it. #. Create the virtualenv and activate it : * Unix: .. code-block:: bash mkdir ~/workspace cd ~/workspace virtualenv -p python2.5 tutoenv source tutoenv/bin/activate * Windows .. code-block:: bat c: mdir c:\workspace cd \workspace C:\Python25\Scripts\virtualenv tutoenv tutoenv\Scripts\activate.bat Your shell prompt should now look like : .. code-block:: bash (tutoenv)cdevienne@tryo:~/workspace$ #. Install TurboGears >= 1.1, < 1.1.99: .. code-block:: bash easy_install -f http://files.turbogears.org/eggs/ "TurboGears >= 1.1, < 1.1.99" Create the project ------------------ #. Quickstart a TG project named WSTuto with identity activated .. code-block:: bash tg-admin quickstart --sqlalchemy --identity WSTuto -p wstuto cd WSTuto .. note:: From now, for all of the commands we assume the current directory is your project root, WSTuto #. Add the required dependencies in setup.py (around line 57), and also specify where to look for the packages:: install_requires=[ "TurboGears >= 1.1.1", "WebTest", "SQLAlchemy >= 0.6.3", "TGWebServices >= 1.2.4rc1, < 1.2.99", "Sphinx >= 0.6.5, < 0.6.99", ], dependency_links=['http://files.turbogears.org/eggs/'], .. note:: We depend on Sphinx only to make this tutorial easier to execute. It is not really a dependency of your application, but more a tool you need when you work on the documentation that you can install manually. #. Make sure your application has all its dependencies: .. code-block:: bash python setup.py develop #. Create your database .. code-block:: bash tg-admin sql create #. You should now be able to start your turbogears application: .. code-block:: bash start-wstuto And one of the last line of logs on your console should soon be:: 2010-08-25 22:52:31,397 cherrypy.msg INFO HTTP: Serving HTTP on Point your brower on http://localhost:8080/ to see what it looks like for a minute ! Create the webservices controllers ---------------------------------- #. First we need to add a webservices root controller somewhere in our controllers tree. Adding it as "/ws" or "/api" is generally a good idea. Here we'll use "/ws". Another thing we can determine now is the soap-namespace we will use in the wsdl for types and xxx. Here we will use http://wstuto.com/ and http://wstuto.com/types/. * Create a new directory in wstuto for storing all the webservice controllers and name it "ws": .. code-block:: bash mkdir wstuto/ws * Add a new file called "__init__.py" in the wstuto/ws/ directory, with the following content:: import logging from turbogears import config from tgwebservices.controllers import WebServicesRoot, wsexpose, wsvalidate log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WSController(WebServicesRoot): def __init__(self): super(WSController, self).__init__('http://localhost:%s/ws/' % config.get('server.socket_port'), 'http://wstuto.com/', 'http://wstuto.com/types/') * In wstuto/controllers.py, import your new controller and mount it:: # After all the other imports from wstuto.ws import WSController # ... # In the root controller class Root(controllers.RootController): """The root controller of the application.""" ws = WSController() # ... We now have a "/ws" controller that is the root of all the webservices we will expose. You can already see the wsdl definition of your empty services at http://localhost:8080/ws/soap/api.wsdl. #. Now we will create a dedicated controller for the user management functions, so that all the related calls we be done on URLs starting with "/ws/user". * Create a file wstuto/ws/user.py with the following content:: # coding: utf-8 import logging from tgwebservices.controllers import WebServicesController, wsexpose, wsvalidate log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UserWSController(WebServicesController): pass * Mount this controller on your webservice root by adding the following code to wstuto/ws/__init__.py:: # After all the other imports from wstuto.ws.user import UserWSController # ... # In the webservice root controller definition : class WSController(WebServicesRoot): user = UserWSController() # ... For now the webservice still does nothing, but our controllers tree is ready. Define the apis --------------- Time to think a bit ! The apis we want to provide should allow a third-party application to manager our users, groups and permissions. Custom types ~~~~~~~~~~~~ First we will need to define complex type to manipulate the user and group definitions at least. Also, we will certainly manipulate user or group references. Since they have integer ids in the database, we can directly use integers. But they will be untyped references. To make things more strict, we will create custom types for references. Most importantly, we will document the types right away, so that sphinx can extract the docstrings for the final documentation. Add the following code to wstuto/ws/types.py:: import datetime class UserRef(object): """A user reference""" #: The user unique id id = int def __init__(self, obj=None): self.id = None if obj: self.id = obj.user_id class User(object): """A user data""" #: The user unique id id = int #: The user name, used for login. name = unicode #: The user email address email_address = unicode #: The user display name display_name = unicode #: When was this user created created = datetime.datetime def __init__(self, obj=None): self.id = None self.name = None self.email_address = None self.display_name = None self.created = None if obj: self.id = obj.user_id self.name = obj.user_name self.email_address = obj.email_address self.display_name = obj.display_name class UserList(object): totalcount = int offset = int users = [User] def __init__(self, **kw): self.totalcount = kw.get('totalcount') self.offset = kw.get('offset') self.users = kw.get('users') class GroupRef(object): """A user group reference""" #: The group unique id id = int def __init__(self, id=None): self.id = id class Group(object): """A user group data""" #: The group unique id id = int #: The group name name = unicode #: The group display name display_name = unicode #: When was this group created created = datetime.datetime def __init__(self): self.id = None self.name = None self.display_name = None self.created = None class PermissionRef(object): """A permission reference""" #: The permission unique id id = int def __init__(self, id=None): self.id = id class Permission(object): """A permission datas""" #: The permission unique id id = int #: The permission name name = unicode #: The permission description description = unicode def __init__(self): self.id = None self.name = None self.description = None .. note:: It is possible to auto-create these types from the sqlalchemy mapped classes. This is not the aim of this tutorial though. The functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although we created custom types for user, group and permission handling, we will concentrate on the user related functions only. What do we need to provide ? In one 'word': CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete). This can be done by a few functions: * 'create' : will create a user, given some datas. * 'list' : will list all the users, with some pagination to avoid too big results to be returned. * 'query' : will list the users filtered with a few simple criterions. * 'update' : will update a user datas, given some datas of course. * 'delete' : will delete a user, given a reference. In addition, we can have functions to (re)set a user password: * 'set_password': will change a user password, given the old one. * 'reset_password': will reset the password. Let's translate these ideas into tgws definitions. All we need to do is to expose functions on the `UserWSController` in wstuto/ws/user.py. We'll also import the needed types from wstuto.ws.types, and document immediately the api: .. code-block:: python # after all the other imports: from wstuto.ws.types import User, UserRef, UserList # complete the '/ws/user' controller : class UserWSController(WebServicesController): @wsexpose(User) @wsvalidate(User) def create(self, datas): """Create a new user. :param datas: The initial datas of the user. The will be ignored. """ pass @wsexpose(UserList) @wsvalidate(int, int) def list(self, limit=20, offset=0): """List all the users, with pagination. :param limit: How many users should be returned at most. :param offset: From which user should the list start. """ pass @wsexpose(UserList) @wsvalidate(str, str, str, int, int) def query(self, user_name=None, email_address=None, display_name=None, limit=20, offset=0): """Returns the users having the given values in their datas. The applied operator is "in". :param user_name: If non-null, a string that should be found in the user name. :param email_address: If non-null, a string that should be found in the user email address. :param display_name: If non-null, a string that should be found in the user display name. """ pass @wsexpose(User) @wsvalidate(User) def update(self, data): """Update a user datas and returns its new datas :param data: The new values. null values will be ignored. The id must exist in the database. """ pass @wsexpose() @wsvalidate(UserRef) def delete(self, ref): """Delete a user. :param ref: An existing user reference. """ pass @wsexpose() @wsvalidate(UserRef, str, str) def change_password(self, ref, old_password, new_password): """Change a user password. :param ref: The reference of the user. :param old_password: The user old password. :param new_password: The user new password. """ pass @wsexpose() @wsvalidate(UserRef, str) def reset_password(self, ref, password): """Reset a user password. :param ref: The reference of the user. :param password: The new password. """ pass Have another look to http://localhost:8080/ws/soap/api.wsdl, you should see a much more complex xml content than before that describe your types and functions. Good news, the most difficult part is done ! Now that we properly defined the types, the functions and the documentation of our web services, the next steps are only technical formalities. Documents --------- The documentation is actually already written in the code. All we need to do is to properly create a sphinx documentation project, install the tgwsdoc extension and write few directives to reference our code. Create the doc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash mkdir doc cd doc sphinx-quickstart Sphinx quickstart will ask a few questions. Leave the defaults answers when there are some. For the others: * Project name: WSTuto * Author name(s): Your Name Here * Project version: 1.0 * Install the 'autodoc' extension. Modify a bit the html target in the generated Makefile (at line 33): .. code-block:: make html: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) ../wstuto/static/doc @echo @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in ../wstuto/static/doc" and make.bat (line 36) if your using windows: .. code-block:: bat if "%1" == "html" ( %SPHINXBUILD% -b html %ALLSPHINXOPTS% ../wstuto/static/doc echo. echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in ../wstuto/static/doc. goto end ) Now build this quickstarted project to make sure its working properly: .. code-block:: bash cd doc make html Have a look at http://localhost:8080/static/doc/index.html, and admire your new (empty) embedded documentation. Install the extension ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In conf.py: * Add "tgwsdoc" to the extensions lists * Add "." to sys.path. * Add the following line somewhere:: html_style = 'wstuto.css' Prepare a few files : * Download http://tgws.googlecode.com/hg/contrib/tgwsdoc/tgwsdoc.py to the doc directory * Download http://tgws.googlecode.com/hg/contrib/tgwsdoc/toggle.css and http://tgws.googlecode.com/hg/contrib/tgwsdoc/toggle.js to doc/_static. * Create the file doc/_static/wstuto.css with the following content: .. code-block:: css @import 'default.css'; @import 'toggle.css'; For more details, see :mod:`tgwsdoc` (Installing the extension). .. note:: The tgwsdoc extension will be more easy to be installed when ported to Sphinx 1.0. Write the ws documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add a doc/ws.rst file, in which we'll document our application webservices: .. code-block:: rest WebServices =========== Our great application provides webservices thanks to TGWebServices. Types ----- .. autotgwstype:: wstuto.ws.types.UserRef .. autotgwstype:: wstuto.ws.types.User .. autotgwstype:: wstuto.ws.types.UserList .. autotgwstype:: wstuto.ws.types.GroupRef .. autotgwstype:: wstuto.ws.types.Group .. autotgwstype:: wstuto.ws.types.PermissionRef .. autotgwstype:: wstuto.ws.types.Permission Functions --------- .. tgwsrootcontroller:: wstuto.ws.WSController .. autotgwscontroller:: wstuto.ws.user.UserWSController :members: Now add this file to your index.rst toctree: .. code-block:: rest .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 ws That's it ! Generate the documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash cd doc make html If everything goes well, you will obtain a nice documentation of your web services at http://localhost:8080/static/doc/ws.html. Implements ---------- We have a lot of functions defined, but we will concentrate on 2 of them : create, and change_password. The other ones are let as an exercise. .. code-block:: python from turbogears.database import session from wstuto import model #... class UserWSController(Controller): @wsexpose(User) @wsvalidate(User) def create(self, datas): """Create a new user. :param datas: The initial datas of the user. The will be ignored. """ user = model.User() user.user_name = datas.name user.email_address = datas.email_address user.display_name = datas.display_name session.add(user) session.flush() return User(user) # ... @wsexpose() @wsvalidate(UserRef, str) def reset_password(self, ref, password): """Reset a user password. :param ref: The reference of the user. :param password: The new password. """ user = session.query(model.User).get(ref.id) user.password = password session.flush() Security consideration ---------------------- The webservices we just wrote are accessible to anybody on the network, which might be a security problem. To address this problem, the solution is very easy, we just need to use what TurboGears provides, identity. Let's say we add two permissions: "userread" for read-only functions, and "userwrite" for all modifying functions. Give this permission to a user, and protect your functions with the identity.requires decorator. For example, the create and query functions definitions will be: .. code-block:: python @wsexpose(User) @wsvalidate(User) @identity.requires(identity.has_permission("userwrite")) def create(self, datas): """Create a new user """ @wsexpose(UserList) @wsvalidate(str, str, str, int, int) @identity.requires(identity.has_permission("userread")) def query(self, user_name=None, email_address=None, display_name=None, limit=20, offset=0): """Returns the users having the given values in their datas. """ For more information on this aspect, please refer to the TurboGears documentation. Client-side ----------- Now that we have web services, we will see how they can be accessed with different protocols and languages. First you will obviously need to run your application: .. code-block:: bash start-wstuto ... Listening on http://localhost:8080/ Accessing the web services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REST+XML '''''''' The functions are callable doing a GET or POST to ws/user/, giving parameters. For example, for calling user/create, post this code to /ws/user/create: .. code-block:: xml newuser newuser@example.com New User REST+JSON ''''''''' Same as REST+XML, except that json is used instead of xml. The post or get should add a "Accept = application/json" header to the request. For example, to call user/delete, post this code to /ws/user/delete: .. code-block:: javascript { 'ref': { 'id': 4 } } SOAP '''' A wsdl file is available at /ws/soap/api.wsdl. Any decent soap client will be able to use this file to auto-create a mapping in the target language. The functions names will be: userCreate, userQuery etc. Examples in python ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REST+JSON ''''''''' .. code-block:: python import simplejson import liburl2 url = 'http://localhost:8080/ws/' def call(fname, params): req = urllib2.Request(url=url+fname, data=simplejson.dumps(params)) # If authentication is required, the easiest way is to use http # authorization : # # req.add_header('Authorization', # 'Basic %s' % base64.encodestring( # '%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1]) # Set the type of result we want req.add_header('Accept', 'text/javascript') # Set the type of data we send req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') # Call the function response = urllib2.urlopen(req) return simplejson.loads(response) call('user/create', { 'datas': { 'name': 'newuser', 'email_address': 'newuser@example.com', 'display_name': 'New User' } }) SOAP '''' With suds: .. code-block:: python import datetime from suds.client import Client import suds url = 'http://localhost:8080/ws/soap/api.wsdl' client = Client(url, cache=None) userdata = client.factory.create('{http://wstuto.com/types/}User') userdata.id = 0 userdata.created = datetime.now() userdata.name = 'newuser' userdata.email_address = 'newuser@example.com' userdata.display_name = 'New User' userdata = client.service.userCreate(userdata) print "The new user id is:", userdata.id userref = client.factory.create('{http://wstuto.com/types/}UserRef') userref.id = userdata.id client.service.userReset_password(userref, 'test')