
WebCore extension management.

This extension registry handles loading and access to extensions as well as the collection of standard WebCore Extension API callbacks. Reference the SIGNALS constant for a list of the individual callbacks that can be utilized and their meanings, and the extension.py example for more detailed descriptions.

At a basic level an extension is a class. That's it; attributes and methods are used to inform the manager of extension metadata and register callbacks for certain events. The most basic extension is one that does nothing:

    class Extension: pass

To register your extension, add a reference to it to your project's entry_points in your project's setup.py under the web.extension namespace:

            entry_points = {'web.extension': [
                            'example = myapp:Extension',

Your extension may define several additional properties:

  • provides -- declare tags describing the features offered by the plugin
  • needs -- delcare the tags that must be present for this extension to function
  • uses -- declare the tags that must be evaluated prior to this extension, but aren't hard requirements
  • first -- declare that this extension is a dependency of all other non-first extensions
  • last -- declare that this extension depends on all other non-last extensions

Tags used as provides values should also be registered as web.extension entry points.


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from marrow.package.host import ExtensionManager

from .compat import items
from .context import Context

Module Globals

A standard Python logger object.

log = __import__('logging').getLogger(__name__)

Extension Manager

Principal WebCore extension manager.

class WebExtensions(ExtensionManager):

Each of these is an optional extension callback attribute.

	SIGNALS = (  # Extension hooks.
			'start',  # Executed during Application construction.
			'stop',  # Executed when (and if) the serve() server returns.
			'graceful',  # Executed when (and if) the process is instructed to reload configuration.
			'prepare',  # Executed during initial request processing.
			'dispatch',  # Executed once for each dispatch event.
			'before',  # Executed after all extension `prepare` methods have been called, prior to dispatch.
			'after',  # Executed after dispatch has returned and the response populated.
			'mutate',  # Inspect and potentially mutate arguments to the handler prior to execution.
			'transform',  # Transform the result returned by the handler and apply it to the response.
			'middleware',  # Executed to allow WSGI middleware wrapping.
	__isabstractmethod__ = False  # Work around a Python 3.4+ issue when attaching to the context.

__init__(ctx: ApplicationContext)

Extension registry constructor.

The extension registry is not meant to be instantiated by third-party software. Instead, access the registry as an attribute of the current Application or Request context: context.extension

Currently, this uses some application-internal shenanigans to construct the initial extension set.

	def __init__(self, ctx):
		self.feature = set()  # Track the active `provides` tags.
		self.all = self.order(ctx.app.config['extensions'])  # Needs/uses/provides-dependency ordered active extensions.
		signals = {signal: [] for signal in self.SIGNALS}  # Prepare the known callback sets.
		for ext in self.all:
			self.feature.update(getattr(ext, 'provides', []))  # Enable those flags.
			for mn in self.SIGNALS:  # Attach any callbacks that might exist.
				m = getattr(ext, mn, None)
				if m: signals[mn].append(m)
			if hasattr(ext, '__call__'):  # This one is aliased; the extension itself is treated as WSGI middleware.

Certain operations act as a stack, i.e. "before" are executed in dependency order, but "after" are executed in reverse dependency order. This is also the case with "mutate" (incoming) and "transform" (outgoing).


Transform the signal lists into tuples to compact them.

		self.signal = Context(**{k: tuple(v) for k, v in items(signals)})

This will save a chain() call on each request by pre-prepending the two lists. Attempts to add extensions during runtime are complicated by this optimization.

		self.signal['pre'] = tuple(signals['prepare'] + signals['before'])

Continue up the chain with the ExtensionManager initializer, using the web.extension namespace.

		super(WebExtensions, self).__init__('web.extension')