Python 3 function annotation and AnnotationExtension example.

from json import dumps
class Root:
	def __init__(self, context):
		self._ctx = context
	def tmpl(self) -> 'mako:./template.html':
		return dict()

Multiply two values together and return the result via JSON.

Python 3 function annotations are used to ensure that the arguments are integers. This requires the functionality of web.ext.annotation:AnnotationExtension.

There are several ways to execute this method:

  • POST http://localhost:8080/mul
  • GET http://localhost:8080/mul?a=27&b=42
  • GET http://localhost:8080/mul/27/42

The latter relies on the fact we can't descend past a callable method so the remaining path elements are used as positional arguments, whereas the others rely on keyword argument assignment from a form-encoded request body or query string arguments. (Security note: any data in the request body takes presidence over query string arguments!)

You can easily test these on the command line using cURL:

    curl http://localhost:8080/mul/27/42  # HTTP GET

    curl -d a=27 -d b=42 http://localhost:8080/mul  # HTTP POST
	def mul(self, a: int = None, b: int = None) -> 'json':
		if not a or not b:
			return dict(message="Pass arguments a and b to multiply them together!")
		return dict(answer=a * b)

Here's an example of how to catch an annotation like this as a view handler.

class SampleExtension:
	def start(self, context):
		context.view.register(tuple, self.render_json)
	def render_json(self, context, result):

Bail out if this isn't a 2-tuple, or isn't intended for JSON serialization. This is an informal protocol shared with the more complete web.template package and possibly others.

		if len(result) != 2 or result[0] != 'json':
		resp = context.response
		resp.content_type = 'application/json'
		resp.encoding = 'utf-8'
		resp.text = dumps(result[1])
		return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
	from web.core import Application
	from web.ext.annotation import AnnotationExtension
	Application(Root, extensions=[SampleExtension(), AnnotationExtension()]).serve('wsgiref')