Record basic performance statistics.


from __future__ import unicode_literals

import time

from web.core.compat import unicode

Module Globals

log = __import__('logging').getLogger(__name__)


Record performance statistics about each request, and potentially a lot more.

By default this extension adds a X-Generation-Time header to all responses and logs the generation time at the debug level. You can disable either by passing header=None or level=None, or specify an alternate logging level by passing in the name of the level.

class AnalyticsExtension(object):
	__slots__ = ('header', 'log')
	first = True  # We need this processing to happen as early as possible.
	provides = ['analytics']  # Expose this symbol for other extensions to depend upon.

Executed to configure the extension.

	def __init__(self, header='X-Generation-Time', level='debug'):
		super(AnalyticsExtension, self).__init__()

Record settings.

		self.header = header
		self.log = getattr(log, level) if level else None

Request-Local Callabacks


Executed during request set-up.

	def prepare(self, context):
		context._start_time = None

Executed after all extension prepare methods have been called, prior to dispatch.

	def before(self, context):
		context._start_time = time.time()

Executed after dispatch has returned and the response populated, prior to anything being sent to the client.

	def after(self, context, exc=None):
		duration = time.time() - context._start_time
		delta = unicode(round(duration, 5))

Default response augmentation.

		if self.header:
			context.response.headers[self.header] = delta
		if self.log:
			self.log("Response generated in " + delta + " seconds.", extra=dict(
					duration = duration,
					request = id(context)