Python 3 function annotation typecasting support.


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from inspect import ismethod, getfullargspec

from web.core.compat import items


Utilize Python 3 function annotations as a method to filter arguments coming in from the web.

Argument annotations are treated as callbacks to execute, passing in the unicode value coming in from the web and swapping it with the value returned by the callback. This allows for trivial typecasting to most built-in Python types such as int, float, etc., as well as creative use such as ','.split to automatically split a comma- separated value. One can of course also write custom callbacks, notably ones that raise HTTPException subclasses to not appear as an Internal Server Error.

For example:

    def multiply(a: int, b: int):
            return str(a * b)

This extension also performs a utility wrapping of returned values in the form of a 2-tuple of the return annotation itself and the value returned by the callable endpoint. This integrates well with the view registered by the web.template package to define a template at the head of the function, returning data for the template to consume:

    def hello(name="world"): -> 'mako:hello.html'
            return dict(name=name)

If your editor has difficulty syntax highlighting such annotations, check for a Python 3 compatible update to your editor's syntax definitions.

class AnnotationExtension(object):
	__slots__ = tuple()
	provides = ['annotation', 'cast', 'typecast']  # Export these symbols for other extensions to depend upon.

Request-Local Callbacks


Inspect and potentially mutate the given handler's arguments.

The args list and kw dictionary may be freely modified, though invalid arguments to the handler will fail.

	def mutate(self, context, handler, args, kw):
		annotations = getattr(handler.__func__ if hasattr(handler, '__func__') else handler, '__annotations__', None)
		if not annotations:
		argspec = getfullargspec(handler)
		arglist = list(argspec.args)
		if ismethod(handler):
			del arglist[0]
		for i, value in enumerate(list(args)):
			key = arglist[i]
			if key in annotations:
				args[i] = annotations[key](value)

Convert keyword arguments

		for key, value in list(items(kw)):
			if key in annotations:
				kw[key] = annotations[key](value)

Transform the value returned by the controller endpoint.

This extension transforms returned values if the endpoint has a return type annotation.

	def transform(self, context, handler, result):
		handler = handler.__func__ if hasattr(handler, '__func__') else handler
		annotation = getattr(handler, '__annotations__', {}).get('return', None)
		if annotation:
			return (annotation, result)
		return result