The base extension providing request, response, and core views.


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from io import IOBase
	IOBase = (IOBase, file)

	from collections import Generator
except ImportError:
	def _tmp(): yield None  # pragma: no cover
	Generator = type(_tmp())

from os.path import getmtime
from time import mktime, gmtime
from datetime import datetime
from mimetypes import init, add_type, guess_type
from webob import Request, Response

from web.core.compat import str, unicode
from web.core.util import safe_name

Module Globals

log = __import__('logging').getLogger(__name__)


Base framework extension.

This extension is not meant to be manually constructed or manipulated; use is automatic.

class BaseExtension(object):
	first = True  # Must occur as early as possible in callback lists.
	always = True  # Always enabled.
	provides = ["base", "request", "response"]  # Export these symbols for use as other extension's dependencies.

Application-Level Callbacks

	def start(self, context):
		if __debug__:
			log.debug("Registering core return value handlers.")

This prepares the mimetypes registry, and adds values typically missing from it.

		add_type('text/x-yaml', 'yml')
		add_type('text/x-yaml', 'yaml')

Register the core views supported by the base framework.

		register = context.view.register
		register(type(None), self.render_none)
		register(Response, self.render_response)
		register(str, self.render_binary)
		register(unicode, self.render_text)
		register(IOBase, self.render_file)
		register(Generator, self.render_generator)

Request-Level Callbacks


Add the usual suspects to the context.

This adds request, response, and path to the RequestContext instance.

	def prepare(self, context):
		if __debug__:
			log.debug("Preparing request context.", extra=dict(request=id(context)))

Bridge in WebOb Request and Response objects. Extensions shouldn't rely on these, using environ where possible instead.

		context.request = Request(context.environ)
		context.response = Response(request=context.request)

Record the initial path representing the point where a front-end web server bridged to us.

		context.environ['web.base'] = context.request.script_name

Track the remaining (unprocessed) path elements.

		context.request.remainder = context.request.path_info.split('/')
		if context.request.remainder and not context.request.remainder[0]:
			del context.request.remainder[0]

Track the "breadcrumb list" of dispatch through distinct controllers.

		context.path = []

Called as dispatch descends into a tier.

The base extension uses this to maintain the "current url".

	def dispatch(self, context, consumed, handler, is_endpoint):
		request = context.request
		if __debug__:
			log.debug("Handling dispatch event.", extra=dict(
					request = id(context),
					consumed = consumed,
					handler = safe_name(handler),
					endpoint = is_endpoint

The leading path element (leading slash) requires special treatment.

		if not consumed and context.request.path_info_peek() == '':
			consumed = ['']
		if consumed:

Migrate path elements consumed from the PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME WSGI environment variables.

			if not isinstance(consumed, (list, tuple)):
				consumed = consumed.split('/')
			for element in consumed:
				if element == context.request.path_info_peek():

Update the breadcrumb list.

		context.path.append((handler, request.script_name))
		if consumed:  # Lastly, update the remaining path element list.
			request.remainder = request.remainder[len(consumed):]



Render empty responses.

	def render_none(self, context, result):
		context.response.length = 0
		context.response.body = b''
		return True

Allow direct returning of WebOb Response instances.

	def render_response(self, context, result):
		context.response = result
		return True

Return binary responses unmodified.

	def render_binary(self, context, result):
		context.response.app_iter = iter((result, ))  # This wraps the binary string in a WSGI body iterable.
		return True

Return textual responses, encoding as needed.

	def render_text(self, context, result):
		context.response.text = result
		return True

Perform appropriate metadata wrangling for returned open file handles.

	def render_file(self, context, result):
		if __debug__:
			log.debug("Processing file-like object.", extra=dict(request=id(context), result=repr(result)))
		response = context.response = Response(
				conditional_response = True,
		modified = mktime(gmtime(getmtime(
		response.last_modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(modified)
		response.cache_control = 'public'
		ct, ce = guess_type(
		if not ct: ct = 'application/octet-stream'
		response.content_type, response.content_encoding = ct, ce
		response.etag = unicode(modified), 2)  # Seek to the end of the file.
		response.content_length = result.tell()  # Seek back to the start of the file.
		response.body_file = result
		return True

Attempt to serve generator responses through stream encoding.

This allows for direct use of cinje template functions, which are generators, as returned views.

	def render_generator(self, context, result):
		context.response.encoding = 'utf8'
		context.response.app_iter = (
				(i.encode('utf8') if isinstance(i, unicode) else i)  # Stream encode unicode chunks.
				for i in result if i is not None  # Skip None values.
		return True