Web-based REPL shell and interactive debugger extension.


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound
from backlash import DebuggedApplication

Module Globals

log = __import__('logging').getLogger(__name__)

Controller Endpoint Utility

Attach a console to your web application at an arbitrary location.

class Console(object):
	__slots__ = ('debugger', 'request')
	def __init__(self, context):
		self.debugger = context.get('debugger', None)
		self.request = context.request
	def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
		if not self.debugger:
			raise HTTPNotFound()
		return self.debugger.display_console(self.request)


Enable an interactive exception debugger and interactive console.

Possible configuration includes:

    * `path` -- the path to the interactive console, defaults to: `/__console__`
    * `verbose` -- show ordinarily hidden stack frames, defaults to: `False`
class DebugExtension(object):
	__slots__ = ('path', 'verbose')
	provides = ['debugger', 'console']
	def __init__(self, path="/__console__", verbose=False):
		if __debug__:
			log.debug("Initializing debugger extension.")
		self.path = path
		self.verbose = verbose
		super(DebugExtension, self).__init__()

Add variables to the console context.

	def init_console(self):
		return dict()

Add variables to the debugger context.

	def init_debugger(self, environ):
		return dict(context=environ.get('context'))

Executed to wrap the application in middleware.

The first argument is the application context, not request context.

Accepts a WSGI application as the second argument and must likewise return a WSGI app.

	def __call__(self, context, app):
		if __debug__:
			log.debug("Wrapping application in debugger middleware.")
		app = DebuggedApplication(
				evalex = __debug__,  # In production mode, this is a security no-no.
				show_hidden_frames = self.verbose,
				console_init_func = self.init_console,
				context_injectors = [self.init_debugger],
		context.debugger = app
		return app