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Source code for tests.conftest

import py
from tests.helpers import  VcsMan
import os

from anyvc import metadata

pytest_plugins = "doctest"

test_in_interpreters = 'python2', 'python3', 'jython', 'pypy'

test_on = {
    '%s': None,
    'remote/%s': 'popen//python=python2',

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    g = parser.getgroup('anyvc')
    g.addoption("--local-remoting", action="store_true", default=False,
               help='test via execnet remoting')
    g.addoption("--no-direct-api", action="store_true", default=False,
                help='don\'t test the direct api')
    g.addoption("--vcs", action='store', default=None)

def pytest_configure(config):
    if not config.getvalue('local_remoting'):
        for key in list(test_on):
            if '/' in key:
                del test_on[key]
    if config.getvalue('no_direct_api'):
        for key in list(test_on):
            if '/' not in key:
                del test_on[key]

    assert test_on,  'you shouldnt disable all test variations'

    vcs = config.getvalue('vcs')
    if vcs is None:
    vcs = vcs.split('-')[0]
    if vcs not in metadata.backends:
        if vcs in metadata.aliases:
            vcs = metadata.aliases[vcs]
            config.option.vcs = vcs
            raise KeyError(vcs, '%r not found' % vcs)

    os.environ['BZR_EMAIL'] = 'Test <>'

funcarg_names = set('mgr repo wd backend'.split())

def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
    if not funcarg_names.intersection(metafunc.funcargnames):
    for name in metadata.backends:
        wanted = metafunc.config.getvalue('vcs')
        if wanted is not None and name!=wanted:
        for id, spec in test_on.items():
            metafunc.addcall(id=id%name, param=(name, spec))

[docs]def pytest_funcarg__backend(request): """ create a cached backend instance that is used the whole session makes instanciating backend cheap """ vc, spec = request.param return request.cached_setup( lambda: metadata.get_backend(vc, spec), extrakey=request.param, scope='session')
[docs]def pytest_funcarg__mgr(request): """ create a preconfigured :class:`tests.helplers.VcsMan` instance pass the currently tested backend and create a tmpdir for the vcs/test combination auto-check for the vcs features and skip if necessary """ vc, spec = request.param r = spec or 'local' vcdir = request.config.ensuretemp('%s_%s'%(vc, r) ) testdir = vcdir.mkdir(request.function.__name__) backend = request.getfuncargvalue('backend') required_features = getattr(request.function, 'feature', None) if required_features: required_features = set(required_features.args) difference = required_features.difference(backend.features) print required_features if difference: py.test.skip('%s lacks features %r' % (vc, sorted(difference))) return VcsMan(vc, testdir, spec, backend)
[docs]def pytest_funcarg__repo(request): """ create a repo below mgf called 'repo' """ return request.getfuncargvalue('mgr').make_repo('repo')
[docs]def pytest_funcarg__wd(request): """ create a workdir below mgr called 'wd' if the feature "wd:heavy" is not supported use repo as help """ mgr = request.getfuncargvalue('mgr') if 'wd:heavy' not in mgr.backend.features: repo = request.getfuncargvalue('repo') wd = mgr.create_wd('wd', repo) else: wd = mgr.create_wd('wd') fp = request.function if hasattr(fp, 'files'): files = fp.files.args[0] wd.put_files(files) assert wd.has_files(*files) if hasattr(fp, 'commit'): wd.add(paths=list(files)) wd.commit(message='initial commit') return wd
def pytest_collect_directory(path, parent): for compiled_module in path.listdir("*.pyc"): if not".py").check(): compiled_module.remove()