============ Installation ============ Development ----------- If you want to develop for ballotbox or use the latest code we're working on, you can install from the sources. You'll need bzr installed, and then just do the following:: $ bzr branch lp:ballotbox $ cd ballotbox $ sudo python setup.py install Easy Install ------------ You can use the setuptools easy_install script to get ballotbox on your system:: $ sudo easy_install ballotbox Manual Download --------------- You can manually download the source tarball from the Python Package Index by visiting the following URL: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ballotbox You'll need to untar and gunzip the source, cd into the source directory, and then you can do the usual:: $ sudo python setup.py install Checking the Source ------------------- Once installed, as long as you have Twisted installed on your system and the trial script in your PATH, you can test the source code by executing this anywhere:: $ trial ballotbox That will run the test suite and report on the success and failure of any unit tests.