
“Burn until recorded, now!”



Burn is a simple program/script written in Python.

It's aim is to make it simple and quick to burn CDs or DVDs.

First of all Burn...

Burn should be able to:

Burn still performs above features. Other things burn does:


In order to work, burn requires:

Optionally: you can choose not to decode mp3 and ogg files with native burn functions choosing to do it with external decoders. If you wanto to do so, you have to install preferred decoders (ogg123, mpg321, mpg123, etc.) and set up burn.conf. (remember: lame uses mpg123 to convert to wav).

Warning PowerPC users

Internal decoder (mp3 to wav) does not work. Please use external decoding.

Quick start

First of all, remember following points:

  1. first argument has to be one of the burn modes:
    • -A for Audio-CD
    • -D for Data-CD/DVD
    • -I for ISO-CD/DVD
    • -C for Copy-CD/DVD
  2. you can test burn commands using -s option after MODE, in this way you can always perform a CD/DVD writing simulation. So you don't have to waste CDs/DVDs to test it.


Here are some commands that help you start using burn quickly.

Creates a CD/DVD with /etc/ contents:

# burn -D -p /etc/

(you will find files and directories contained in /etc in CD's root.)

Creates a CD/DVD with spain.tar.gz in CDs root:

# burn -D -p /home/bigpaul/video/summer_2003/spain.tar.gz

Creates a CD/DVD containing the whole /etc/ directory:

# burn -D -r /etc/

(-r preserves path)

Creates a CD/DVD containing the whole /home/bigpaul/Mail renamed into /mail_2003:

# burn -D -c /mail_2003 /home/bigpaul/Mail -p /boot/vmli*

(-c changes path name). This command also adds in CD's root every vmli* file in /boot/ directory

Burns image.iso:

# burn -I -n image.iso

Copy CDs/DVDs:

# burn -C

Creates an Audio CD. Tracks come from wav files:

# burn -A -a *.wav

Creates an Audio CD. Tracks come from mp3 files:

# burn -A -a *.mp3

Creates an Audio CD. Tracks come from Ogg Vorbis files:

# burn -A -a *.ogg

Creates an Audio CD. Tracks come from .wav, .ogg, .mp3 files:

# burn -A -a *.mp3 file.ogg track01.wav


Burn already works. But it is in the early developement stage.

It already features:


To Do list for Burn:


Latest stable version (0.4.4)

Debian package

Old CVS repository hacknight CVS

My bzr branch at launchpad: bzr branch lp:~gaetano-paolone/+junk/burn/

Ben Finney bzr branch: bzr checkout http://vcs.whitetree.org/bzr/public/burn/burn.devel/

Main revisions are also avaible from download directory


Here is the help page. Other documents coming soon:

usage: burn -MODE [general_option] [mode_option] ...

For quick start you can get common examples with:

burn -e

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --examples        show examples for quick startup

  Main burn MODES:
    The _have_ to be the first argument after program name
    -D, --data-cd       creates a Data CD/DVD.
    -I, --iso-cd        creates a CD/DVD from ISO.
    -C, --copy-cd       copy CD/DVD.
    -A, --audio-cd      creates an Audio CD from .wav, .mp3 and .ogg files.

  General options:
    These options could be used for every burn mode unless stated otherwise
    -s, --simulate      This option will perform a burn simulation.
    -j, --eject         This option will eject disk when burn process is over.

  Data CD Mode (-D) options:
    Data CD: adds files and directories.
    -p, --path          add file/s or path's content to CD-ROM/DVD's root.
                        e.g.: -p /cvs/myproj/ <return>. In this example we will
                        find CD-ROM/DVD's root filled with /cvs/myproj/
                        contents, but no /cvs/myproj/ will be created.
    -r, --preserve-path
                        add file/s or path's content to CD-ROM/DVD preserving
                        original path. e.g.: -r /cvs/myproj/ <return>. In this
                        example we will find /cvs/myproj/ in CD-ROM/DVD's root.
    -x, --exclude-path  every file or directory matching this string will not
                        be included.
    -cCHANGE_PATH, --change-path=CHANGE_PATH
                        usage: -c <new_path> <old_path>. With this option,
                        old_path will be named new_path in CD-ROM/DVD. e.g.: -c
                        /my_home/2004_Jan/ /home/bigpaul/ <return>. Thus
                        /home/bigpaul/ will be named  /my_home/2004_Jan/ in CD-
    -l, --follow-symlink
                        this option allows burn to follow symbolic link
    -m, --multisession  this option allows multisession CDs

  ISO CD Mode (-I) options:
    Creates a CD-ROM/DVD from an existing image.
    -nISO_NAME, --name=ISO_NAME
                        image name

  Copy CD Mode (-C) options:
    If you have both a reader and a recording unit you can perform a copy
    on-the-fly. You can also copy a CD even if you only have the recording

  Audio CD Mode (-A) options:
    Audio CD is used to create an audio CD-ROM from .wav, .ogg and .mp3
    files. You can can use -a option to perform an Audio CD from different
    source audio files.
    -a, --audio-file    .wav, .mp3, .ogg file/s. Files must have extensions (no
                        matter if they are upper or lowercase).
                        m3u playlist or file with one audio file per line.
    --clear-audiotemp   remove temporary audio files.


The following people are primary contributors to Burn:
