
This package is developed using continuous integration which can be found here:

The latest development version of the documentation can be found here:

If you wish to contribute to this project, then you should fork the repository found here:

Once that has been done, you can follow these instructions to perform various development tasks:

Setting up the buildout

All development requires that you run the buildout:

$ python
$ bin/buildout

Running the tests

Once you have a buildout, the tests can be run as follows:

$ bin/nosetests

Building the documentation

The Sphinx documentation is built by doing the following from the directory containg

$ cd docs
$ make html

Making a release

The first thing to do when making a release is to check that the ReST to be uploaded to PyPI is valid:

$ bin/docpy --long-description | bin/rst2 html \
  --link-stylesheet \
  --stylesheet= > build/desc.html

Once you’re certain everything is as it should be, the following will build the distribution, upload it to PyPI, register the metadata with PyPI and upload the Sphinx documentation to PyPI:

$ bin/buildout -o
$ cd docs
$ make clean
$ make html
$ cd ..
$ bin/docpy sdist upload register upload_sphinx --upload-dir=docs/_build/html

The bin/buildout will make sure the correct package information is used.

This should all be done on a unix box so that a .tgz source distribution is produced.

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