Source code for collective.cropimage.browser.miscellaneous

from Acquisition import aq_inner
from Products.Archetypes.Field import ImageField
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from import ExtensionBlobField
from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
from zope.component import getUtility

[docs]class Miscellaneous(BrowserView): def image_fields(self): """Returns list of field names.""" registry = getUtility(IRegistry) ids = registry['collective.cropimage.ids'] context = aq_inner(self.context) if hasattr(context, 'Schema') and len(ids) > 0: keys = [key for key in context.Schema().keys() if isinstance( context.getField(key), ExtensionBlobField) or isinstance( context.getField(key), ImageField)] return keys def has_image(self): """Returns True if there are any available field names else False.""" return self.image_fields()
[docs] def cropped_image(self, field, id_name): """Retuns html tag for the cropped image. :param field: Field name. :type field: str :param id_name: ID name. :type id_name: str """ context = aq_inner(self.context) anno = IAnnotations(context) name = 'collective.cropimage.{0}'.format(field) data = anno[name][id_name] if anno.get(name) is not None and anno.get(name).get(id_name) is not None else None if data is not None: width = 'width:{0}px;'.format(data['w']) height = 'height:{0}px;'.format(data['h']) html = '<div class="crop" style="{0}{1}">'.format(width, height) clip = 'clip:rect({0}px {1}px {2}px {3}px);'.format(data['y1'], data['x2'], data['y2'], data['x1']) top = 'top:-{0}px;'.format(data['y1']) left = 'left:-{0}px;'.format(data['x1']) html += '<p style="{0}{1}{2}">'.format(clip, top, left) src = '{0}/{1}'.format(context.absolute_url(), field) title = context.Title() html += '<img src="{0}" alt="{1}" title="{1}" />'.format(src, title) html += '</p>' html += '</div>' return html