Compact XML



Compact XML is an alternative syntax for representing XML files. It uses indentation to indicate nesting to give a python like feel, XPath based prefixes to identify nodes, and has a macro system to shorten common XML constructs. It is intended for writing element based XML files, especially those where the XML elements share a common structure, such as XSLT files.

It is not well suited for markup based XML files, such as XHTML files, where element nesting is less important.


Familiarity with XML is assumed.

Compact XML uses a simple line based syntax for representing XML. The simplest XML document is a single element:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:


Compact XML identifies each line by its prefix. Notice that the < prefix is used to indicate that the line is an element, which is then followed by the name of the element. Since the tag is not closed, this immediately leads to nesting elements:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:


Compact XML uses indentation to indicate nesting, similar to the python programming language. Such leading whitespace is used only to determine nesting, and is not considered part of the XML. To add whitespace, or any other textual data to an element, use the " prefix:

Compact XML:

        "Hello, world.

Equivalent in XML:

<root>Hello, world.</root>

Notice that text is indented just like elements are to show which element contains the text. Notice the difference:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:



Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:


Whitespace after the prefix is significant, and will show up in the XML. However, things like trailing spaces can be difficult to see:

Compact XML:

        " Hello, world.

Equivalent in XML:

<root> Hello, world. </root>

Because of this, you can also quote the value, using either single(') or double(") quotes to quote a single line. So, the previous example can be shown more clearly as:

Compact XML:

        "' Hello, world. '

Equivalent in XML:

<root> Hello, world. </root>

What about when we need to include a quote in a quoted value? Compact XML uses a simple escaping rule, just double whichever quote character you're using:

Compact XML:

        "' It''s a small world. '

Equivalent in XML:

<root> It's a small world. </root>

Now, to include a new line in a text value, use a continuation. Values can be continued on to the next line using the \ or + continuation. With the \ continuation, a newline is added, with the + continuation the text values are simply concatenated unmodified. Continuations must be indented to the same level as the line they are continuing:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:


Both names and values can be continued, but names can not use the \ continuation, as names do not allow for whitespace. To illustrate, this is an overly verbose way to specify the same thing as the previous example:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:


This is of course, ridiculous. Use the + continuation for formatting when you have a very long line and use the \ continuation when you want to insert a new line.

Let's look at the last fundamental type of XML node, attributes. Attributes are specified using the @ prefix:

Compact XML:

        @message=Hello, world.

Equivalent in XML:

<root message="Hello, world."/>

Remember value quoting? You can quote attribute values, but it's not required. The only special rule is that whitespace between the equals sign and the start of the attribute value is ignored, so the value will need to be quoted to include whitespace at the start of an attribute value:

Compact XML:

        @message=" Hello, world. "

Equivalent in XML:

<root message=" Hello, world. "/>

There is a special short form for attributes, that allows them to be included in-line on the element statement. Quoting is also important here, as it's the only way to include in-line attribute values with whitespace:

Compact XML:

<root @message="Hello, world."

Equivalent in XML:

<root message="Hello, world."/>

Notice that the @ prefix may still be included for in-line attributes, but that it can be omitted:

Compact XML:

<root message="Hello, world."

Equivalent in XML:

<root message="Hello, world."/>

Namespaces are fully supported by compact XML. A namespace prefix can be declared using the standard XML attribute:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:

<test:root xmlns:test="uri:testns"/>

However, there's no need to use the long form. The # prefix can be used to define a namespace prefix like so:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:

<test:root xmlns:test="uri:testns"/>

Namespaces work like attributes, and can be declared as either stand alone statements or in-line:

Compact XML:

<test:root #test=uri:testns

Equivalent in XML:

<test:root xmlns:test="uri:testns"/>

Declaring default namespaces is just as simple:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:

<root xmlns="uri:testns"/>

That covers all the basic statement types. See the reference documentation for details on the less common nodes; comments(!), processing instructions(<?), and document type declarations(<!).

There is another class of statement that begins with the ? prefix. These are commands for the compact XML converter, and do not directly correspond to XML nodes. We'll take a look at some of the more common ones. First is ?default, which sets a default attribute value. When working with a document that has many common attribute values, it can help to set this value. Then, when an attribute is given with no value, the default is used instead:

Compact XML:

?default True
<root @flag

Equivalent in XML:

<root flag="True"/>

If no default has yet been set, the value of the flag attribute would be an empty string:

Compact XML:

<root @flag

Equivalent in XML:

<root flag=""/>

If a single default isn't enough, variables can be defined using the ?variable statement. This sets a variable value that is global to the document. To use the value of a variable, use the $ variable continuation. The variable continuation is similar to the + continuation, but instead of inserting a literal value, inserts the value of the named variable:

Compact XML:

?variable value=True

Equivalent in XML:

<root flag="True"/>

Now, the interesting thing about variable evaluation is, if the variable hasn't been defined, the statement is omitted from the output XML. This can be used to conditionally include XML parts:

Compact XML:

?variable exists=

Equivalent in XML:


Notice that the two element is omitted from the XML.

This may seem unnecessary, but is a useful part of defining macros. Element macros use variables in a very similar way. Say you've got a very repetitive XML file:

        <item name="first" description="stuff" available="True"/>
        <item name="second" description="thingy" available="True"/>
        <item name="third" description="other" available="False"/>

You can define an element macro using the ?element command to include the common parts:

Compact XML:

?element item
        item first stuff
        item @name=second @description=thingy
        item third other False

Equivalent in XML:

<root><item name="first" description="stuff" available="True"/><item
name="second" description="thingy" available="True"/><item
name="third" description="other" available="False"/></root>

Let's take a look at each part of the macro. First, we have the ?element command. All element macro definitions should occur before the document starts. The ?element command is followed by the name of the macro to create, in this case item.

Next is a list of attribute values, describing the parameters the macro accepts. If a value is given, it's used as the default value for the parameter if it is not passed. Here, only the available parameter has a default value, the others must be passed to the macro. The order the parameters are defined in is important, as values can be passed to the macro both by position and by name.

Then we have the actual element node that will be inserted for the macro: <item. Next, each of the parameters we created are used as the values for a similarly named attribute. Note that the same variable continuation syntax is used for parameters, and the variable name corresponds to the name of the defined parameter.

Last, we see the special element macro only command ?contents. This is a placeholder value for any extra macro contents that aren't part of a parameter. Here, it's unused as the <item/> element is empty.

In the next section, we see where the macro is called. The first uses positional parameters, in the same order as the parameters were defined. Notice, since the parameter values don't have spaces, there's no need to quote them.

The second uses named parameters. Both positional and named parameters can be used in the same macro call.

Finally, the third uses positional parameters, and overrides the default value used for the available parameter.

Remember when we were talking about undefined variables being useful for element macros? This behaviour can be used to omit parts of the element macro based on the parameters that are passed. For instance:

Compact XML:

?element item
        item first @avaliable=False

Equivalent in XML:

<root><item name="first" available="False"/></root>

Notice how the description attribute just disappears when no value is given for the description parameter.

There is a different attribute group macro available for working with attributes. The ?attribute command defines such an attribute group. Attribute group macros do not take parameters, only a group of attributes and namespaces. Attribute groups are used with the @@ prefix:

Compact XML:

?attribute grouped
        @message=Hello, world.

Equivalent in XML:

<root message="Hello, world." type="Greeting"/>

Attribute group statements can be used just like attributes, either in-line or as a standalone statement.

That's all the major features of compact XML, you should be ready to start writing!


Compact XML uses a prefix based syntax, with each line generally comprising a statement and each statement corresponding to a specific XML node. Statements are comprised of a prefix followed by one or more expressions, and are usually in one of the following three forms:

prefix [name expression]
prefix [value expression]
prefix [name expression] = [value expression]

Some statements, such as those representing XML elements allow nesting. The indentation of each line is used to indicate nesting, and is always significant.

Whitespace is significant throughout, with leading indentation used to indicate nesting, and other whitespace being considered to be part of data wherever applicable. Quoting is optional, and is only needed when it is necessary to resolve ambiguity.

Most parser commands, those statements starting with ?, must appear at the beginning of the document; The exceptions being ?default and ?variable commands. Remaining document structure must follow XML form, with a single optional document type declaration at the beginning of the document and a required single root element or element macro. As with XML, comments and processing instructions may exist before or after the root element.


Statements in compact XML are built from three kinds of expressions. There are name expressions for XML names or internal names, value expressions for everything else, and in-line expressions for brevity. Expressions always evaluate to a single text value.


All literal values are text values which span until the end of the line (non-inclusive). Literals may contain other whitespace depending on the context.


Names follow the restrictions for XML names, and are used for both XML names and for compact XML identifiers. This means they can not contain whitespace and are limited to alphanumeric characters and three allowed punctuation characters; dash (-), underscore (_), and period (. ).


Name or value expressions may be continued over several lines using one of the special continuation prefixes on the following line. Continuations must be indented to the same level as the line they are continuing.

The simplest is the addition continuation, which is prefixed with a plus sign (+). This simply continues the name or value onto the next line adding its literal value.

Next there is the newline continuation, which is prefixed with a backslash (\). Then newline continuation is only valid for value expressions, as it inserts a new line before appending its literal value. As names can not contain whitespace such as new lines, it is disallowed in name expressions.

Finally there is the variable continuation, which is prefixed with a dollar sign ($). It is replaced by a variable value as defined for the name specified. If the variable is not defined, the whole expression is ignored. Variable values can be defined globally as with the ?variable command, or inside element macros by parameters.

Value Expressions

Values are used for arbitrary text, and can include whitespace and new lines. Whitespace is significant and is included in the value no matter where it occurs, with the special case that whitespace after an '=' sign in name/value pairs is ignored.

The components of value expressions can be either unquoted or quoted with either single quotes (') or double quotes ("). The entire value is either quoted or not, depending on if the first non-whitespace character encountered is a quote. If a quote is found in an unquoted component, it is used as is, and has no special meaning. Quotes in quoted literals can be escaped by doubling the quote, as in '' or "".

Name Expressions

Names are used for XML names and internal compact XML names. Names can not contain whitespace, and as such it is ignored in name expressions. Due to this, name expression literals can't be quoted as there is no reason to do so.

In-Line Expressions

Attributes, attribute groups and namespace declarations can also be given in-line on element statements. In-line expressions follow the same content rules, however as in-line expressions are separated by whitespace, in-line values must be quoted if they contain whitespace.

In-Line expressions can not be continued. Use the statement form if continuations are needed.


A statement in compact XML is a single indented line. The line may be continued if one of the contained expressions uses one or more continuation prefixes on the following lines ( +, \, or $ ).

Indentation indicates nesting. Only element macro definitions, attribute macro definitions, elements and element macros may have nested statements indented under them. Tabs are always treated as 8 spaces. Mixing of tabs and spaces for indentation is discouraged, and can create confusion between lines that look identical in a text editor, but are parsed differently.

Statements are identified by prefix, and are as follows:

No Prefix:Element Macro
@@:Attribute Group
<?:Processing Instruction
<!:Document Type Declaration
?attribute:Attribute Group Definition Command
?comment:Comment Command
?contents:Contents Command
?default:Default Attribute Value Command
?element:Element Macro Definition Command
?encoding:Encoding Command
?indent:Indent Command
?load:Load Command
?variable:Variable Command

Element (<)

XML elements are prefixed with <, followed by the name of the element as a name expresssion. Elements with a namespace are specified as normal for xml with the prefix followed by a colon, then the remainder of the name. Nodes contained within an element are indicated by indenting the contained nodes.

Both namespace and attribute statements can be nested as child elements or in-line following the element name. If in-line the @ can optionally be omitted for attribute statements.

Namespace prefixes must be declared before they can be used, either globally to the compact XML parser or by an explicit namespace declaration. As with XML, namespaces declared on the element can be used by the element

For example, here are three nested elements:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:


Element Macro (No Prefix)

Element macros must first be defined by an ?element element macro definition command. Attributes defined on the element macro will be used as parameters for the macro. Parameters may be passed by position or by name.

Positional parameters require no prefix, and can only be passed in-line. Named parameters and other attributes require the @ prefix, even when passed in-line, to disambiguate them from positional parameters.

Extra parameters and any nested statements are passed to the macro, and are available using the ?contents contents command. An element macro will expand to one or more XML elements.

For details on creating and using macros, see the macros section.

Attribute (@)

XML attributes are prefixed with @ and must appear as the child of an element or element macro They consist of a name expression, followed by and optional = sign and value expression.

If no value expression is given, the attribute will have the current default attribute value as set by the ?default default attribute value command.

Named parameters are passed to element macros as attribute values.

For example, here is a single element with an attribute value:

Compact XML:



<one @name=value


<one name=value

Equivalent in XML:


Attribute Group (@@)

Attribute groups must first be defined by an ?attribute attribute group definition command. Once defined, they are included with the @@ prefix followed by the macro name as a name expression.

Unlike element macros attribute groups do not have parameters or contents.

See the macros section for more details on creating and using attribute groups.

Namespace (#)

XML namespace declarations are prefixed with # and must appear as the child of an element or element macro. Namespaces are declared by a prefix name as a name expression, followed by =, and a value expression declaring the namespace URI.

Namespace declarations are equivalent to an explicit namespace declaration done with an attribute, in the xmlns namespace.

For example, here is an element declared in a namespace:

Compact XML:



<test:a #test=


<test:a @xmlns:test=

Equivalent in XML:

<test:a xmlns:test=""/>

Optionally, a default namespace can be declared as a stand alone value expression. Remember to quote the value expression if it contains an = sign. For example:

Compact XML:



<a #


<a @xmlns=

Equivalent in XML:

<a xmlns=""/>

Text (")

Text is prefixed with " followed by a value expression.

For example, here is a multi-line text value:

Compact XML:

        "Line one.
        \Line two.
        \Line three.

Equivalent in XML:

<a>Line one.
Line two.
Line three.</a>

Comment (!)

Comments are prefixed with ! followed by a value expression.

For example, here is a multi-line comment:

Compact XML:

!Line one.
\Line two.
\Line three.

Equivalent in XML:

<!--Line one.
Line two.
Line three.-->

Processing Instruction (<?)

Processing instructions are prefixed with <? followed by a target as a name expression, an = sign, and a value expression for the body of the instruction. Notice the required = sign, unlike XML. It will not appear in the output document.

For example, here is a simple processing instruction:

Compact XML:


Equivalent in XML:

<?target instruction?>

Document Type Declaration (<!)

Document type declarations are prefixed with <! followed by DOCTYPE and a value expression specifying the rest of the document type as required by XML.

Document type definition can only be specified at the top level of the document, and only one is allowed per document. A document type declaration is not required, however.

Due to limitations in the lxml library used, when compacting XML to compact XML format, inline DTD definitions in DOCTYPE declarations are lost.

For example, the standard XHTML doctype declaration looks like this:

Compact XML:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Equivalent in XML:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Attribute Group Definition Command (?attribute)

The attribute group definition command is used to create an attribute group. It expects a name literal to define the attribute group.

Any number of attributes or namespace declarations may be nested under the command, and become part of the group. The group can be included in an element or element macro using an attribute group.

A simple attribute group would look like:

Compact XML:

?attribute common


<root @@common

Equivalent in XML:

<root one="1" two="2" three="3"/>

Attribute groups must be defined at the beginning of a compact XML document, before any XML elements are created.

See the macros section for further details.

Comment Command (?comment)

The comment command is used to include a compact XML comment in a source file. It adds nothing to the expanded output, use the Comment command to create an XML comment.

Any text may be included after the comment command, it is ignored.

An example:

Compact XML:

        ?comment Include your message here.
        "Hello, world.

Equivalent in XML:

<message>Hello, world.</message>

Contents Command (?contents)

The contents command is used only within element macro definition commands to show where extra contents passed to the element macro should be inserted. By default, all contents will be inserted at the location of the command, however the contents can be filtered to include only statements of a particular type. To do so, give the prefix of the command type to include as an argument, one of:

  • <
  • @
  • #
  • "
  • !
  • <?
  • ?

Note that attribute groups are expanded out into their component parts before being filtered by the contents command.

Here is a simple macro demonstrating filtered contents:

Compact XML:

?element filtered
                        ?contents @
                        ?contents <
        !A comment.

Equivalent in XML:

<root><attributes one="1" two="2"/><elements><nested/></elements></root>

Notice that the comment is ignored, and that the element and attribute statements are included in differing spots based on the contents filters. See the macros section for further details on using element macros.

Default Attribute Value Command (?default)

This command sets the default attribute value used when no value is given for an attribute statement. It takes a value expression that sets that default value. If no default has been set using ?default, the default attribute value is an empty (0-length) string.

Unlike most other commands, the default command can be used anywhere in a document:

Compact XML:

        ?default 1
        ?default 2

Equivalent in XML:

<root><first one="1" two="2"/></root>

This can be useful to set when using an XML language that has attribute flag values which must all be set to True or something similar.

Element Macro Definition Command (?element)

The element macro definition command is used to create an element macro. It expects a name literal to define the identifier used by the macro.

Macro parameters are defined as attribute statements nested under the definition. If a value is assigned to the parameter definition, it is used as a default value for that parameter.

The expansion itself must be an element or element macro, although it can have any normal element contents nested underneath it.

The contents command is only used within element macro definitions, and allows for including unparameterized data in the macro.

A simple attribute group would look like:

Compact XML:

?element greeting
        @message=Hello, world.
        greeting Goodbye.

Equivalent in XML:

<root><greeting message="Hello, world."/><greeting message="Goodbye."/></root>

Element macros must be defined at the beginning of a compact XML document, before any XML elements are created.

See the macros section for further details on creating and using element macros.

Encoding Command (?encoding)

The encoding command takes a value expression which specifies the encoding of the output document. Note, unlike XML, this does not specify the encoding of the compact XML file itself. Instead, compact XML files are always expected to be in UTF-8 encoding.

The encoding command can only be given at the beginning of a compact XML document, before any XML elements are defined.

A simple example:

Compact XML:

?encoding iso-8859-1

Equivalent in XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

Load Command (?load)

The load command takes a value expression specifying a file name to load element macro definitions and attribute group definitions from. The behaviour of the loader can be altered in the parser, if simple filenames are not sufficient.

The file which is loaded must still be a valid compact XML file, and as such must include the required root element even if it is never used.

External macros must be loaded at the beginning of a compact XML document, before any XML elements are created.

Restart Indentation Command (?indent)

Due to indentation based nesting, deeply nested documents can become difficult to work with. This command, in ?indent restart and ?indent resume pairs, provides a workaround. When the restart command is given, indentation is reset to the first column, but all following statements will still be nested under the same element as the restart command until a resume command is encountered. At which point indentation will be reset to the previous level.

Note, due to parser limitations, the resume command must not be indented.

Here's a simple example of the syntax:

Compact XML:

                ?indent restart
?indent resume

Equivalent in XML:


Notice how the reset element and resume element are in the same place in the output document.

Variable Command (?variable)

The variable command takes a name expression, an = sign, and a value expression. It creates a variable with the given name, and assigns it that value. This variable is then added to the global scope, and any expression can access it using a $ continuation.

Note that this can be used to create variables with whitespace or other characters which are invalid for name expressions. Using such a variable value in a name expression will trigger a run time error in the parser.

The global namespace can be shadowed in element macro definition commands, so be careful using the same names for global variables as in element macro definitions.

Variables can be defined anywhere in the document. As with the default command, execution occurs top to bottom. Any expression on a later line can access the variable.


Compact XML contains a macro syntax for defining commonly used elements and groups of attributes. Element macros and attribute groups must be defined at the top level of a document, before any XML nodes (including document type definitions).

Once created, libraries of macros or groups can be kept in separate files and loaded using the load command.

Attribute Groups

Attribute groups are defined with the attribute group definition command. The declaration may contain any number of attribute (@ statements) or namespace (# statements) declarations.

Attribute group names may contain namespace prefixes, but they aren't attached to a particular namespace. Instead, the prefix itself is simply part of the name.

When an attribute group is included by a @@ statement, the defined attributes and namespaces are inserted at that location. This can be as a child for an element or element macro, or even inside an element macro definition.

Attribute groups can be nested to create groups of groups. Expansion of attribute groups happens when used, not at definition.

Element Macros

Element macros are used to declare a common form for an XML element. It allows for shortening common structures, as well as declaring attributes by declaration position as well as by name.

Element macros are defined using the element macro definition command, followed by a macro name and a list of parameters and default values. The definition must contain one or more elements or element macros, which will be what the macro is actually expanded to.

Macro names may contain namespace prefixes, but they aren't attached to a particular namespace. Instead, the prefix itself is simply part of the name.

Element macros can be used within element macro definitions, if necessary. If an error occurs, a stack trace will be shown listing all of the element macros involved in the expansion.

Parameters are given as attributes, and may have default values. The order parameters are defined in is important, positional parameters will be assigned to names in this same order. When expanded, both positional and named parameters may be passed. If both are encountered, named parameters are applied first and positional parameters are applied to the remaining parameters. Any extra parameters are considered attribute contents, and can be inserted using the contents command inside the macro definition.

Each macro definition creates its own parameter namespace scope, with the global variable scope (as created by the variable command or by the parser) as the containing scope.

If a macro has optional parts, it's important to take advantage of the expression variable continuation behaviour. If an expression tries to expand a variable or parameter name that doesn't exist, the entire statement (and any nested children of the statement the expression is a part of), will be omitted from the output document. If a parameter has no default value, if used as a variable it will be considered undefined and trigger this omission behaviour.

The most common use for element macros is when dealing with an element which has several required attributes, often with commonly used values. Macros allow the attributes to be assigned an order, and the short positional form to be used.

XSLT Macro Example

As a detailed example, presented here is a sample set of element macro definitions for XSLT 1.0. The xsl: prefix is used for these macro definitions to avoid confusion, if you never deal with namespaces this could easily be removed for brevity. This covers the commonly used attributes, all others must be specified by name. All elements are mapped, however.

?element xsl:stylesheet
?element xsl:include
?element xsl:import
?element xsl:strip-space
?element xsl:preserve-space
?element xsl:template
?element xsl:apply-templates
?element xsl:apply-imports
?element xsl:call-template
?element xsl:namespace-alias
?element xsl:element
?element xsl:attribute
                $@ name = @name
                $@ namespace = @namespace
?element xsl:attribute-set
?element xsl:text
?element xsl:processing-instruction
?element xsl:comment
?element xsl:copy
?element xsl:value-of
?element xsl:number
?element xsl:for-each
?element xsl:if
?element xsl:choose
?element xsl:when
?element xsl:otherwise
?element xsl:sort
?element xsl:variable
?element xsl:param
?element xsl:copy-of
?element xsl:with-param
?element xsl:key
?element xsl:decimal-format
?element xsl:message
?element xsl:fallback
?element xsl:output