couchpy.client – CouchDB client

Client implements the client interface for a CouchDB server. Aside from this, Client instance provide pythonified way of accessing the database systems, for example, a Client instance behave like a dictionary of databases. A Client constructor typically takes httpurl (for server) as its argument. If url is not provided, ENVIRONMENT variable COUCHDB_URL will be used if available, if that is also not available then the default url ‘http://localhost:5984/‘ will be assumed.

A collection of examples using Client objects.

Create a client object,

>>> couch = Client()

Check for server availability,

>>> bool( couch )

To get server information,

>>> couch()
{ "couchdb" : "Welcome", "version" : "<version>" }

Get list of all available database names,

>>> couch.all_dbs()
[ <Database u'sessions'>, <Database u'bootdb'>, <Database u'_users'> ]

Or, iterate over all databases in the server, obtaining a list of couchpy.database.Database objects,

>>> [ db for db in couch ]
[ <Database u'sessions'>, <Database u'bootdb'>, <Database u'_users'> ]

Number of databases present in the server,

>>> len(couch)

Get or Delete a database (python style).

>>> couch['bootdb']
<Database u'bootdb'>
>>> del couch['bootdb']

Check whether a database is present,

>>> couch.has_database( '_users' )
>>> '_users' in couch               # Python way
>>> 'contacts' in couch

Get server statistics,

>>> couch.stats()
{ ... }     # A dictionary of server statistics

Get a list of 2 univerally unique IDs, the count argument is optional.

>>> c.uuids( 2 )
[ u'a0cf4956301a349a0ecc99370e74331e', u'93e4ec906703b7a00abbfd46b46425fb' ]

Operations that require admin privileges :

Restart couchdb server instance,

>>> couch.restart()

Get server log (required admin privileges)

>>> logs = couch.log().splitlines()
>>> couch.log( offset=100, bytes=10 )

Server configuration

>>> couch.config()      # Get the current configuration dictionary, section wise
>>> couch.config( section='uuids' )
{u'algorithm': u'utc_random'}
>>> couch.config( section='uuids', key='algorithm' )
>>> couch.config( section='uuids', key='algorithm', value='random') # Update
>>> couch.config( section='uuids', key='algorithm' )                
>>> couch.config( section='uuids', key='algorithm', delete=True )   # Delete
>>> couch.addadmin( 'sokochi', 'joe123' ) # Add a server admin (username,passwd)
>>> couch.deladmin( 'sokochi' )           # Delete a server admin
>>> couch.admins()                        # List of server admins
{ 'pratap' : u'-hashed-cf8f18ed9a17e6d6....' }

Server authetication and session,

>>> couch.login( username, password )
>>> couch.authsession() # Authenticated user's session information
>>> couch.logout()      # Authenticated user will be identified via cookie.

Database operations :

>>> c.put('blog')                       # Create database
<Databse 'blog'>
>>> c.Database('blog')                  # Get the Database instance
<Databse 'blog'>
>>> c.delete( 'blog' )                  # Delete database
>>> c.has_database( 'blog' )            # Check whether database is present

Miscellaneous operation,

>>> couch.version()
>>> couch.ispresent()

Module Contents

class couchpy.client.Client(url=None, config=None, hthdrs=None, cookie=None)

Client interface for CouchDB server.

Server http url.
Configuration parameters.
Dictionary of HTTP request headers, remembered at the instance level. All http-requests made via this instance will use hthdrs for request headers. Aside from these headers, if an instance method supports hthdrs key-word argument, it will override instance-level request-headers.
cookie value for authenticated sessions. Value can be of type basestring or cookie.SimpleCookie object.

Return True if database name is present, else False. Refer Client.has_database()


Iterate over all database available in the server. Each iteration yields couchpy.database.Database instance corresponding to a database in the server. Refer Client.all_dbs()


Return the count of database available in the server.


If returns True, then the server is available. This is essentially a one time check to know whether the database instance pointed by server-url is available. Subsequent checks will simply return the remembered status. To make a fresh request for server availability use, Client.ispresent() method.


Remove database name from server. Refer Client.delete() method.


Return a couchpy.database.Database instance for database, name. Refer Client.Database() method


Check whether CouchDB instance is alive and return the welcome string, which will be something like

>>> c = Client()
>>> c()
{ "couchdb" : "Welcome", "version" : "<version>" }

To just check for server availability, use Client.ispresent() method.


Version string from CouchDB server.


Do a fresh check for server availability. This will emit a HEAD request to the server. For efficiency reasons you can just use the boolean operator on the Client instance like,

>>> bool( couch )

Obtain a list of active tasks. The result is a JSON converted array of the currently running tasks, with each task being described with a single object.

>>> couch.active_tasks()
[ {
  "pid"    : "<0.11599.0>",  # Erlang pid
  "status" : "Copied 0 of 18369 changes (0%)",
  "task"   : "recipes",
  "type"   : "Database Compaction"

Admin-Prev, Yes


Return a list of all the databases as couchpy.database.Database objects from the CouchDB server.

Admin-Prev, No

log(bytes=None, offset=None, hthdrs={})

Get CouchDB log, equivalent to accessing the local log file of the corresponding CouchDB instance. When you request the log, the response is returned as plain (UTF-8) text, with an HTTP Content-type header as text/plain. Returns a stream of text bytes.

Bytes to be returned.
Offset in bytes where the log tail should be started.

Admin-Prev, Yes


Restart CouchDB server instance. You must be authenticated as admin user with administrative privileges for this to work. Returns a Boolean, indicating success or failure

Admin-Prev, Yes

stats(*paths, **kwargs)

Return a JSON converted object containing statistics from CouchDB server. The object is structured with top-level sections collating statistics for a range of entries, with each individual statistic being easily identified, and the content of each statistic is self-describing. You can also access individual statistics by passing statistics-section and statistic-id as positional arguments, similiar to the following example

>>> c.stats( 'couchdb', 'request_time' )
{'couchdb': {'request_time': {'current': 1265.6880000000001,
                              'description': 'length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb',
                              'max': 235.0,
                              'mean': 14.717000000000001,
                              'min': 3.0,
                              'stddev': 29.754999999999999,
                              'sum': 1265.6880000000001} } }

Admin-Prev, No

uuids(count=None, hthdrs={})

Return count number of uuids, generated by the server. These uuid can be used to compose document ids. Refer to CouchDB API manual to know more about UUIDs.

config(section=None, key=None, hthdrs={}, **kwargs)

Configuration of CouchDB server. If section and key is not specified, returns the entire CouchDB server configuration as a JSON converted structure. The structure is organized by different configuration sections.

If section parameter is passed, returns the configuration structure for a single section specified by section.

If section and key is specified, returns a single configuration value from within a specific configuration section.

To update a particular section/key, provide a keyword argument called value. Value will be converted to JSON string and passed on to the server.

To delete a particular section/key supply delete=True keyword argument.

Returns nested dictionary of configuration name and value pairs, organized by section.

Admin-Prev, Yes

addadmin(name, password)

Create a server admin by name name with password.

Admin-Prev, Yes


Delete server admin user name

Admin-Prev, Yes


List of admin user

Admin-Prev, Yes

login(username, password, hthdrs={})

Login with username and password. Uses session-cookie for authentication. Cookie is remembered on this client’s instance and will be used for all subsequent request to CouchDB server, until a Client.logout() method. is called.

Returns a tuple of (status, header, payload) from HTTP response, header contains the cookie information if the login was successful,


Logout from authenticated DB session. The authentication cookie is no longer valid.


Fetch the authenticated session information for this client. At any point only one user can remain authenticated for a single client instance. Note that browser-session is not handled by the client.

put(name, hthdrs={})

Create a new database with the given name. Return, a couchpy.database.Database object representing the created database.

Admin-Prev, Yes

delete(db, hthdrs={})

Delete database db, which can be passed as an instance of couchpy.database.Database class or as database-name.

Admin-Prev, Yes

has_database(name, hthdrs={})

Return a boolean, indicating whether database name is available on the server.

Admin-Prev, No

Database(name, *args, **kwargs)

Convenience method to access the Database class under the context of this client instance. Return a couchpy.database.Database object representing the database name.

Admin-Prev, No


– TBD – This is part of multi-document access design, which is still evolving.

Call to this method will bulk commit all the active documents (dirtied) under every open database for this client.

replicate(source, target, hthdrs={}, **options)

– TBD –

Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation.

URL of the source database
URL of the target database

key-word arguments,

Cancels the replication
Boolean to configure the replication to be continuous
Creates the target database
Array of document IDs to be synchronized
Address of a proxy server through which replication should occur


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