
  1. Install python:

  2. Install setuptools library (and (optional) virtualenv)

  3. Install datapkg

    Using setuptool’s easy_install:

    $ easy_install datapkg

    Or to install with pip (

    $ pip install datapkg

    If you want it in a nice insulated virtualenv do instead:

    # set up virtualenv
    $ virtualenv your_virtual_env
    # EITHER (with easy_install)
    $ . your_virtual_env/bin/activate
    $ easy_install datapkg
    # OR (with pip)
    $ pip -E your_virtual_env install datapkg

    NB: f you want to install from source datapkg’s mercurial repository is here:

  4. Extras (e.g. upload capabilities).

    If you want to use the upload capabilities you will need to install the OFS library:

    $ easy_install ofs
    # or
    $ pip install ofs

    You can also install plugins - see the project’s home page for a current list.

  5. Take a look at the manual:

    $ datapkg man

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Datapkg Manual

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