
Django-inviteme provides a simple contact form that only hits the database after the user confirm her email address. It sends threaded emails to avoid response blocking.

Quick start

  1. Add inviteme to INSTALLED_APPS.
  2. Add url(r'^invite/', include('inviteme.urls')) to your root URLconf.
  3. syncdb, runserver, and
  4. Hit http://localhost:8000/invite/ in your browser!

Workflow in short

The user...

  1. Clicks on the request an invitation link of your site.
  2. She types her email address and clicks on request.
  3. Then Django-Inviteme:
  1. Creates a token with the form data.
  2. Sends an email to her with a confirmation URL containing the token.
  1. She receives the email, she opens it, and she clicks on the confirmation link.
  2. Then Django-Inviteme:
  1. Check that the token is correct and creates a ContactEmail model instance.
  2. Sends an email to INVITEME_NOTIFY_TO addresses notifying that a new contact email has arrived.
  3. And shows a template being grateful to her for the message.

Read a longer workflow description in the Workflow section of the Tutorial.

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