Demo prpject

Django-inviteme comes with a demo project to see the app in action.

Demo quick setup

  1. cd into the demo directory
  2. python manage syncdb will create a simple SQLite db file for the demo.
  3. Run the server python manage runserver and browse http://localhost:8000

Email settings

By default the demo project send email messages to the standard output. You can customize a few email settings to allow Django sending emails. This will allow you to receive email messages with confirmation URLs that actually work.

Edit the demo/ file, go to the end of the file and customize the following settings. Provide actual values of your email address and email provider:

EMAIL_HOST          = "" # gmail: ""
EMAIL_PORT          = "" # gmail: "587"
EMAIL_HOST_USER     = "" # gmail:
EMAIL_USE_TLS       = True # gmail

DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL  = "Your site name <>"

# Fill in actual EMAIL settings above, and comment out the
# following line to let the django demo sending actual emails
# EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'

INVITEME_NOTIFY_TO = "Your name <>"

The domain used in the links sent by email refers to and thus are not associated with your django development web server. Enter in the admin UI and change the domain name to something like localhost:8000.

Register a signal receiver

After trying the demo site you may like to add a receiver for any of the signals sent during the workflow.

Read the Signals to know more about Django-inviteme signals.

Read the Signals and receivers in the Tutorial to see an example.

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