
Create a new user

>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> user = User.objects.create(username="doe")

Create a new permission

>>> from permissions.utils import register_permission
>>> permission = register_permission("View", "view")

Create a new role

>>> from permissions.utils import register_role
>>> editor = register_role("Editor")

Assign user to role

>>> editor.add_principal(user)

Create a content object

>>> from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage
>>> content = FlatPage.objects.create(title="Example", url="example")

Grant permission

>>> from permissions.utils import grant_permission
>>> grant_permission(content, editor, "view")

Now all users which are member of the role “Editor” have the permission to view object “content”.

Check permission

>>> from permissions.utils import has_permission
>>> has_permission(content, user, "view")

This will check whether the current user has the permission “View” for the FlatPage “content”.

More information

See also

This is just a simple use case. Look into the API documentation for more.

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