
This section contains information about how to configure your Django projects to use django-taggit-autocomplete-modified and also contains a quick reference of the available settings that can be used in order to customize the functionality of this application.

Configuring your project

In the Django project’s settings module, add taggit_autocomplete_modified to the INSTALLED_APPS setting:


Finally, edit the file of your project to add the django-taggit-autocomplete-modified urls:

# URLs for taggit_autocomplete_modified
urlpatterns += patterns('',
    url(r'^taggit_autocomplete_modified/', include('taggit_autocomplete_modified.urls')),

Modify your template/s

Ensure that jQuery is linked to before the {{ }} is rendered in your template/s

Reference of the application settings

The following settings can be specified in the Django project’s settings module to customize the functionality of django-taggit-autocomplete-modified.

Define a custom Tag model. Accepts a string and the syntax is 'app_label.model_calss'. By default this is taggit.Tag.
Customize the location of the CSS and javascript files required for autocomplete operation. By default this is set to STATIC_URL/taggit_autocomplete_modified/ If this does not have a trailing forward slash, one will be automatically appended.

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