Forms creation ============== You can get data for form submissions without secifying form fields (it acs very much like :ref:`any_model `). Given you have a simple contact form:: class ContactForm(forms.Form): subject = forms.CharField(max_length=100) message = forms.CharField(max_length=10) sender = forms.EmailField() cc_myself = forms.BooleanField(required=False) You can create a random data to test that form this way:: from django_any.forms import any_form post, files = any_form(ContactForm) It will create a tuple dictionaries with ``POST`` and ``FILES`` data:: >> post {'cc_myself': 'False', 'message': 'wEqhESoSOO', 'sender': 'bbfGIXwKrd@KPXRDCAyJD.xyR', 'subject': 'hVocAZRuZPRHuVyWCV' } >> files {} Now we can pass the data to the form and check if it validates:: test_form = ContactForm(post, files) self.assertTrue(test_form.is_vlaid()) For advances usage see :ref:`post_any_data `