.. _intro-tutorial02: ===================================== Writing your first site, part 2 ===================================== We assume you succesfully created a new django project with djpcms installed as explained in tutorial :ref:`Part 1 ` and yor file structure looks like :ref:`this `. .. _intro-firstpage Creating the first page ========================== You should be able to run the django development server:: python manage.py runserver and be able to access the admin page at `http://localhost:8000/admin/`. Click on `Sitemap` and add the root page. For this, all you need to specify is the the ``site`` and possibly the ``inner template``. For our site I choose the ``3 columns 33-33-33``. Adding styles ======================== Edit the :file:`root.html` template file and add the lines:: {% block extrastyle %}{{ block.super }} {% endblock %} and in the :file:`settings.py` file add:: DJPCMS_STYLE = 'mintchoc' Adding links for editing ====================================