.. _inline-editing: .. module:: djpcms.views.apps.contentedit ============================ Inline edting ============================ Djpcms is designed with inline editing of pages and applications. This feature is enabled by default and it is controlled by the :setting:`CONTENT_INLINE_EDITING` setting. The setting is a dictionary of parameters. * *available* if set to ``True`` (default), inline editing is available, otherwise is not. * *preurl* this is a slug which is preappended to form the editing url for a given page. Let's say we have a page with url ``/strategies/view/``, and *preurl* is set to the default value ``edit-content``, than the editing url will be ``/edit-content/strategies/view/``. The editing url is available in the context dictionary with entry ``edit_content_url``. .. hint:: Check out the ``djpcms/bits/usernav.html`` in the ``djpcms/templates`` directory for an example how the inline editing links can be included in a page.