.. _topics-settings: ========================== Full list of settings ========================== .. module:: djpcms.settings A Django settings file doesn't have to define any ``djpcms`` settings if it doesn't need to. Each setting has a sensible default value. These defaults live in the :file:`djpcms/conf/djpcms_defaults.py` module. Here's a full list of all available settings, in alphabetical order, and their default values. .. setting:: APPLICATION_URL_MODULE APPLICATION_URL_MODULE --------------------------------- default: ``None`` The python dotted path to the application urls module. This module is where applications can be registered to the site. If not provided, no dynamic application will be available. See: :ref:`topics-applications-index` .. setting:: CONTENT_INLINE_EDITING CONTENT_INLINE_EDITING ------------------------- default:: { 'available': True, 'preurl': 'edit-content', 'pagecontent': '/site-content/', 'width': 600, 'height': 400 } Dictionary of information for `inline content editing`. * ``preurl`` is the prefix to add to a page url in editing mode. * ``pagecontent`` defines the base url for editing page contents. It must contain trailing slashes. * ``width`` and ``height`` are the size of the floating dialog used for editing plugin content. .. hint:: Check out the :ref:`inline editing ` documentation for more information. .. setting:: DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NAME DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NAME --------------------------- default: ``['base.html','djpcms/base.html']`` A list of template files or a string. Used when no :attr:`djpcms.models.Page.template` is specified. .. setting:: DJPCMS_MARKUP_MODULE DJPCMS_MARKUP_MODULE ------------------------- default: ``'djpcms.utils.markups'`` Python dotted path to the markup module. This module exposes four functions: * ``choices()`` return a iterable over two-element tuple. * ``get(name)`` return the handle for rendering with markup *name*. * ``add(handle)`` add a new markup handle. * ``default()`` return the default markup handle. .. seealso:: This setting is used in the :class:`djpcms.plugins.text.Text` plugin. .. setting:: DJPCMS_PLUGINS DJPCMS_PLUGINS ---------------------- Default: ``['djpcms.plugins.*]`` A list of python dotted paths to where plugins are defined. .. hint:: Check out the :ref:`plugins ` documentation for more information. .. setting:: DJPCMS_SITE_MAP DJPCMS_SITE_MAP ------------------------- default: ``True`` if ``False`` sitemap won't be added to the urls. .. setting:: DJPCMS_STYLING_FUNCTION DJPCMS_STYLING_FUNCTION --------------------------- default: ``None`` A python dotted path to a styling function which takes ``request`` as the only parameter. .. settings:: DJPCMS_STYLE DJPCMS_STYLE ------------------- Default: ``'smooth'`` Css style to be included in pages. If you don't want to include any styling from ``djpcms`` set the value to ``None``. .. setting:: ENABLE_BREADCRUMBS ENABLE_BREADCRUMBS ------------------------- Default: ``1`` If set to 0, no bread crumbs support, otherwise it indicates from which level to start generating bread-crumbs (usually 1 or 2). .. setting:: GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID ------------------------- Default: ``None`` ID for Google Analytics. .. setting:: GRID960_DEFAULT_FIXED GRID960_DEFAULT_FIXED -------------------------- Default: ``True`` If set to True (the default), the grid 960 layout is fixed at 960px, otherwise is floating to the whole page. See `960 grid system `_ and `fluid 960 grid system `_ .. setting:: HTML_CLASSES HTML_CLASSES ---------------- Default: ``djpcms.ajaxhtml.ajaxhtml()`` Instance of djpcms.ajaxhtml.ajaxhtml. It contains a dictionary of css classes which may define particular javascript decorators or simple css styling. See: :ref:`topics-javascript-index` .. setting:: SERVE_STATIC_FILES SERVE_STATIC_FILES ---------------------- Default: ``True`` Whether static files are served by the server running the Django site (and therefore included in the urls) or not. It should be set to ``True`` only during development. .. SETTING:: SITE_NAVIGATION_LEVELS SITE_NAVIGATION_LEVELS -------------------------------- Default: ``2`` Number of nested levels in the main site navigation. This setting is used by the main site navigation which can be found in the context dictionary at key ``sitenav``. To include the site navigation in your page add:: {{ sitenav.render }} somewhere in your template file. .. seealso:: Check out the ``djpcms/bits/navitem.html`` template which renders the navigation.