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Djpcms comes with autocomplete functionalities out of the box. The auto-complete is associated with a database model and its registered djpcms.views.appsite.ModelApplication.

Lets say we have the following model (from vinoweb example):

class Grape(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(unique = True, max_length = 200)
    extended = models.CharField(blank = True, max_length = 500)

The four points to follow to have auto-complete working for a given model:

  • Your model application must have a valid djpcms.views.appsite.ModelApplication.search_fields list specified (by default this attribute is None).

  • Your model application must have the djpcms.views.appview.AutocompleteView:

    from djpcms.views import appsite,appview
    class GrapeApp(appsite.ModelApplication):
        search_fields = ['name','extended']
        autocomplete = appview.AutocompleteView(display = 'name')
  • Register your application as usual:'/grape/', GrapeApp, model = Grape)
  • When using the model in Forms, import from djpcms.forms and not django.forms:

    from djpcms import forms
    class WineForm(forms.Form):
        grape = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset = Grape.objects.all())
        name  = forms.CharField()

There is also a tagging autocomplete functionality.