SHPAML Template Loader

dutils comes with a custom template loader for working with SHPAML templates.


dutils bundles SHPAML, so there is no need to install anything to user this feature.

What is SHPAML

From their webpage:

SHPAML is a mini language that can help you to build web pages more
quickly. It leverages familiar concepts from HTML and CSS, while striving
to bring brevity and clarity to the primary documents that you edit. It
plays nice with templating languages.


  This is some text.

ul class="list_of_names"
  li | Alice
  li | Bob
  li | Cindy

  You can have multiple classes.


<div class="free_text">
  This is some text.

<ul class="list_of_names">

<div class="class1 class2">
  You can have multiple classes.

More examples available on their webiste: SHPAML.

Using SHPAML Template Loader

dutils.shpaml_loader defines a template loader, that looks for shpaml templates in directories specified in settings.SHPAML_TEMPLATE_DIRS.

Put the following in your to use shpaml_loader:



Using dutils.shpaml Command Line Tool

Another option is to generate HTML from SHPAML using dutils.shpaml module:

$ python -m dutils.shpaml sh.html
<div class="free_text">
    This is some text.

<ul class="list_of_names">

<div class="class1 class2">
    You can have multiple classes.

The output can be redirected to a file, that can then be used by django to server.

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