ECL Facebook ============ ECL Facebook is a Facebook library for Python 2.7+. It makes the Facebook API a joy to use and has built-in integration for `Django`_ and `Flask`_. If you have an issue to report or a feature request, add it at .. _Django: .. _Flask: .. _installation: Installation ------------ ECL Facebook is on `PyPi`_, and we recommend installing via `pip`_ :: $ pip install ecl-facebook .. _pip: .. _PyPi: .. _configuration: Configuration ------------- If you'd like to use ECL Facebook for a stand alone application (e.g., in a script you're writing to download your tweets), you'll need to set the environment variables ``FACEBOOK_KEY``, ``FACEBOOK_SECRET``, ``FACEBOOK_REDIRECT_URL``, and ``FACEBOOK_SCOPE`` with the values appropriate for your Facebook application. :: export FACEBOOK_KEY="256064624431781" export FACEBOOK_SECRET="4925935cb93e3446eff851ddaf5fad07" export FACEBOOK_REDIRECT_URL="" export FACEBOOK_SCOPE="email" If you're only interested in integration with Django, read the section below. .. _authentication: Authentication -------------- We've made authentication very simple. Probably too simple, to be honest. :: >>> from ecl_facebook.settings import DIALOG_URL >>> DIALOG_URL After opening this URL in your browser and allowing the application, you'll be redirected to a page with a URL similar to the following. :: You'll need to paste this code in the ``code`` variable below. :: >>> from ecl_facebook import Facebook >>> code = "AQDOvI5wqlwNXQ6AK9jepHW4LUKboJk7v9yLGeaFNCDCs1hchWpCYoqDF0FZFLS03YOZJ1lLhrzQrQ7PNWD2iiZZ6IBaW0KG6255_e3prYu60QZd6_IOIiC1z0U3w2SWJDiq_rtD0KQtcJk__YvZa1XSicZA5fnyEtEZBE3XzNpEgzp1fZZ8HEeQCrqazGjUNjU" >>> facebook = Facebook() >>> data = facebook.oauth.access_token(code=code) >>> data Congratulations, you have successfully authenticated with Facebook. ``data`` is an ``Objectifier`` object which should contains your token and its expiration time. To call the API, use your newly-acquired access token and access token secret. :: >>> facebook = Facebook(data.access_token) >>> So, yeah. That's it. Be fruitful and multiply. Integrating with Django ----------------------- What we did above is easy. For Django projects, we've made it even easier. In your views file, :: from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from ecl_facebook.django_decorators import facebook_begin, facebook_callback from ecl_facebook import Facebook from .models import User # ... @facebook_begin def oauth_facebook_begin(request): pass @facebook_callback def oauth_facebook_complete(request, access_token, error): if error is None: facebook = Facebook(token) fbuser = user, _ = User.objects.get_or_create(, defaults={ 'access_token': access_token}) user = authenticate( login(request, user) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home')) else: # handle authentication exception pass Of course, you'll need to have a URL with the name ``home`` defined in your URLs file. Now, add these values to your settings. :: # The User model that you'll be using to authenticate with Facebook. PRIMARY_USER_MODEL = "app.User" AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( # ... 'ecl_facebook.backends.FacebookAuthBackend', ) FACEBOOK_KEY = "256064624431781" FACEBOOK_SECRET = "4925935cb93e3446eff851ddaf5fad07" FACEBOOK_REDIRECT_URL = "" FACEBOOK_SCOPE = "email" There's also setting called ``FACEBOOK_CSRF_TOKEN_REQUIRED``, which is ``True`` by default. We don't suggest you change this one unless you have a really good reason. Then map the above views in your :: # ... urlpatterns = patterns('app.views', # ... url(r'^oauth/facebook/begin$', 'oauth_facebook_begin'), url(r'^oauth/facebook/complete$', 'oauth_facebook_complete'), ) You're done. Oh, you might also want to add some fields for storing the Facebook-related fields in your user model. TODO ---- * Decorators for other popular Python frameworks. * More comprehensive test suite. * More users! Contributing, feedback, and questions ------------------------------------- * Bitbucket: * Github: * Email: * Twitter: `@elmcitylabs `_ Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`