Eutester 0.0.6 documentation



Source code for eucaops.ec2ops

# Software License Agreement (BSD License)
# Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or
# without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
#   Redistributions of source code must retain the above
#   copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
#   following disclaimer.
#   Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
#   copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
#   following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
#   materials provided with the distribution.
# Author:

import time
import re
import os
import copy
import socket
import types
import StringIO
import traceback
import sys
from datetime import datetime

from boto.ec2.image import Image
from boto.ec2.keypair import KeyPair
from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceMapping, BlockDeviceType
from boto.ec2.volume import Volume
from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
from boto.ec2.regioninfo import RegionInfo
import boto

from eutester import Eutester
from eutester.euinstance import EuInstance
from eutester.euvolume import EuVolume
from eutester.eusnapshot import EuSnapshot

EC2RegionData = {
    'us-east-1' : '',
    'us-west-1' : '',
    'eu-west-1' : '',
    'ap-northeast-1' : '',
    'ap-southeast-1' : ''}

[docs]class EC2ops(Eutester): def __init__(self, host=None, credpath=None, endpoint=None, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key = None, username="root",region=None, is_secure=False, path='/', port=80, boto_debug=0, APIVersion = '2012-07-20'): super(EC2ops, self).__init__(credpath=credpath, aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key) self.setup_ec2_connection(host= host, region=region, endpoint=endpoint, aws_access_key_id=self.aws_access_key_id , aws_secret_access_key=self.aws_secret_access_key, is_secure=is_secure, path=path, port=port, boto_debug=boto_debug, APIVersion=APIVersion) self.poll_count = 48 self.username = username self.test_resources = {} self.setup_ec2_resource_trackers() self.key_dir = "./" self.ec2_source_ip = None #Source ip on local test machine used to reach instances
[docs] def setup_ec2_connection(self, endpoint=None, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, is_secure=True,host=None , region=None, path = "/", port = 443, APIVersion ='2012-07-20', boto_debug=0): ec2_region = RegionInfo() if region: self.debug("Check region: " + str(region)) try: if not endpoint: ec2_region.endpoint = EC2RegionData[region] else: ec2_region.endpoint = endpoint except KeyError: raise Exception( 'Unknown region: %s' % region) else: = 'eucalyptus' if not host: if endpoint: ec2_region.endpoint = endpoint else: ec2_region.endpoint = self.get_ec2_ip() connection_args = { 'aws_access_key_id' : aws_access_key_id, 'aws_secret_access_key': aws_secret_access_key, 'is_secure': is_secure, 'debug':boto_debug, 'port' : port, 'path' : path, 'host' : host} if'2.6', boto.__version__): connection_args['validate_certs'] = False try: ec2_connection_args = copy.copy(connection_args) ec2_connection_args['path'] = path ec2_connection_args['api_version'] = APIVersion ec2_connection_args['region'] = ec2_region self.debug("Attempting to create ec2 connection to " + ec2_region.endpoint + str(port) + path) self.ec2 = boto.connect_ec2(**ec2_connection_args) except Exception, e: self.critical("Was unable to create ec2 connection because of exception: " + str(e)) #Source ip on local test machine used to reach instances self.ec2_source_ip = None
[docs] def setup_ec2_resource_trackers(self): """ Setup keys in the test_resources hash in order to track artifacts created """ self.test_resources["reservations"] = [] self.test_resources["volumes"] = [] self.test_resources["snapshots"] = [] self.test_resources["keypairs"] = [] self.test_resources["security-groups"] = [] self.test_resources["images"] = []
[docs] def create_tags(self, resource_ids, tags): """ Add tags to the given resource :param resource_ids: List of resources IDs to tag :param tags: Dict of key value pairs to add, for just a name include a key with a '' value """ self.debug("Adding the following tags:" + str(tags)) self.debug("To Resources: " + str(resource_ids)) self.ec2.create_tags(resource_ids=resource_ids, tags=tags)
[docs] def delete_tags(self, resource_ids, tags): """ Add tags to the given resource :param resource_ids: List of resources IDs to tag :param tags: Dict of key value pairs to add, for just a name include a key with a '' value """ self.debug("Deleting the following tags:" + str(tags)) self.debug("From Resources: " + str(resource_ids)) self.ec2.delete_tags(resource_ids=resource_ids, tags=tags)
[docs] def add_keypair(self, key_name=None): """ Add a keypair with name key_name unless it already exists :param key_name: The name of the keypair to add and download. """ if key_name is None: key_name = "keypair-" + str(int(time.time())) self.debug("Looking up keypair " + key_name) key = [] try: key = self.ec2.get_all_key_pairs(keynames=[key_name]) except EC2ResponseError: pass if not key: self.debug( 'Creating keypair: %s' % key_name) # Create an SSH key to use when logging into instances. key = self.ec2.create_key_pair(key_name) # AWS will store the public key but the private key is # generated and returned and needs to be stored locally. # The save method will also chmod the file to protect # your private key. #Add the fingerprint header to file keyfile = open('.pem','r') data = keyfile.close() keyfile = open('.pem','w') keyfile.write('KEYPAIR '+str(' '+str(key.fingerprint)+"\n") keyfile.write(data) keyfile.close() self.test_resources["keypairs"].append(key) return key else: self.debug( "Key " + key_name + " already exists")
[docs] def verify_local_keypath(self,keyname, path=None, exten=".pem"): """ Convenience function to verify if a given ssh key 'keyname' exists on the local server at 'path' :returns: the keypath if the key is found. >>> instance= self.get_instances(state='running')[0] >>> keypath = self.get_local_keypath(instance.key_name) """ if path is None: path = os.getcwd() keypath = path + "/" + keyname + exten try: os.stat(keypath) self.debug("Found key at path:"+str(keypath)) except: raise Exception("key:"+keyname+"not found at the provided path:"+str(path)) return keypath
[docs] def get_all_current_local_keys(self,path=None, exten=".pem"): """ Convenience function to provide a list of all keys in the local dir at 'path' that exist on the server to help avoid producing additional keys in test dev. :param path: Filesystem path to search in :param exten: extension of private key file :return: list of key names """ keylist = [] keys = self.ec2.get_all_key_pairs() keyfile = None for k in keys: try: keypath = self.verify_local_keypath(, path, exten) keyfile = open(keypath,'r') for line in keyfile.readlines(): if'KEYPAIR',line): fingerprint = line.split()[2] break keyfile.close() if fingerprint == k.fingerprint: self.debug('Found key:' keylist.append(k) except: pass finally: if keyfile and not keyfile.closed: keyfile.close() return keylist
[docs] def delete_keypair(self,keypair): """ Delete the keypair object passed in and check that it no longer shows up :param keypair: Keypair object to delete and check :return: boolean of whether the operation succeeded """ name = self.debug( "Sending delete for keypair: " + name) keypair.delete() try: keypair = self.ec2.get_all_key_pairs(keynames=[name]) except EC2ResponseError: keypair = [] if len(keypair) > 0:"Keypair found after attempt to delete it") return False return True
[docs] def get_windows_instance_password(self, instance, private_key_path=None, key=None, dir=None, exten=".pem", encoded=True): """ Get password for a windows instance. :param instance: euinstance object :param private_key_path: private key file used to decrypt password :param key: name of private key :param dir: Path to private key :param exten: extension of private key :param encoded: boolean of whether string returned from server is Base64 encoded :return: decrypted password :raise: Exception when private key cannot be found on filesystem """ self.debug("get_windows_instance_password, instance:"+str(", keypath:"+str(private_key_path)+ ", dir:"+str(dir)+", exten:"+str(exten)+", encoded:"+str(encoded)) try: from M2Crypto import RSA import base64 except ImportError: raise ImportError("Unable to load M2Crypto. Please install by using your package manager to install " "python-m2crypto or 'easy_install M2crypto'") key = key or self.get_keypair(instance.key_name) if private_key_path is None and key is not None: private_key_path = str(self.verify_local_keypath( , dir, exten)) if not private_key_path: raise Exception('get_windows_instance_password, keypath not found?') encrypted_string = self.ec2.get_password_data( user_priv_key = RSA.load_key(private_key_path) if encoded: string_to_decrypt = base64.b64decode(encrypted_string) else: string_to_decrypt = encrypted_string return user_priv_key.private_decrypt(string_to_decrypt,RSA.pkcs1_padding)
[docs] def add_group(self, group_name=None, fail_if_exists=False ): """ Add a security group to the system with name group_name, if it exists dont create it :param group_name: Name of the security group to create :param fail_if_exists: IF set, will fail if group already exists, otherwise will return the existing group :return: boto group object upon success or None for failure """ if group_name is None: group_name = "group-" + str(int(time.time())) if self.check_group(group_name): if fail_if_exists: "Group " + group_name + " already exists") else: self.debug( "Group " + group_name + " already exists") group = self.ec2.get_all_security_groups(group_name)[0] self.test_resources["security-groups"].append(group) return group else: self.debug( 'Creating Security Group: %s' % group_name) # Create a security group to control access to instance via SSH. group = self.ec2.create_security_group(group_name, group_name) return group
[docs] def delete_group(self, group): """ Delete the group object passed in and check that it no longer shows up :param group: Group object to delete and check :return: bool whether operation succeeded """ name = self.debug( "Sending delete for group: " + name ) group.delete() if self.check_group(name):"Group found after attempt to delete it") return False return True
[docs] def check_group(self, group_name): """ Check if a group with group_name exists in the system :param group_name: Group name to check for existence :return: bool whether operation succeeded """ self.debug( "Looking up group " + group_name ) try: group = self.ec2.get_all_security_groups(groupnames=[group_name]) except EC2ResponseError: return False if not group: return False else: return True
[docs] def authorize_group_by_name(self,group_name="default", port=22, protocol="tcp", cidr_ip=""): """ Authorize the group with group_name :param group_name: Name of the group to authorize, default="default" :param port: Port to open, default=22 :param protocol: Protocol to authorize, default=tcp :param cidr_ip: CIDR subnet to authorize, default="" everything :return: """ try: self.debug( "Attempting authorization of " + group_name + " on port " + str(port) + " " + protocol ) self.ec2.authorize_security_group_deprecated(group_name,ip_protocol=protocol, from_port=port, to_port=port, cidr_ip=cidr_ip) return True except self.ec2.ResponseError, e: if e.code == 'InvalidPermission.Duplicate': self.debug( 'Security Group: %s already authorized' % group_name ) else: raise
[docs] def authorize_group(self, group, port=22, protocol="tcp", cidr_ip=""): """ Authorize the object :param group: object :param port: Port to open, default=22 :param protocol: Protocol to authorize, default=tcp :param cidr_ip: CIDR subnet to authorize, default="" everything :return: True on success :raise: Exception if operation fails """ return self.authorize_group_by_name(, port, protocol, cidr_ip)
[docs] def terminate_single_instance(self, instance, timeout=300 ): """ Terminate an instance :param instance: boto.instance object to terminate :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for terminated state :return: True on success """ instance.terminate() return self.wait_for_instance(instance, state='terminated', timeout=timeout)
[docs] def wait_for_instance(self,instance, state="running", poll_count = None, timeout=480): """ Wait for the instance to enter the state :param instance: Boto instance object to check the state on :param state: state that we are looking for :param poll_count: Number of 10 second poll intervals to wait before failure (for legacy test script support) :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait before failure :return: True on success :raise: Exception when instance does not enter proper state """ if poll_count is not None: timeout = poll_count*10 self.debug( "Beginning poll loop for instance " + str(instance) + " to go to " + str(state) ) instance.update() instance_original_state = instance.state start = time.time() elapsed = 0 ### If the instance changes state or goes to the desired state before my poll count is complete while( elapsed < timeout ) and (instance.state != state) and (instance.state != 'terminated'): #poll_count -= 1 self.debug( "Instance("") State("+instance.state+"), elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+"/"+str(timeout)) time.sleep(10) instance.update() elapsed = int(time.time()- start) if instance.state != instance_original_state: break self.debug("Instance("") State("+instance.state+") time elapsed (" +str(elapsed).split('.')[0]+")") #self.debug( "Waited a total o" + str( (self.poll_count - poll_count) * 10 ) + " seconds" ) if instance.state != state: raise Exception( str(instance) + " did not enter "+str(state)+" state after elapsed:"+str(elapsed)) self.debug( str(instance) + ' is now in ' + instance.state ) return True
[docs] def wait_for_reservation(self,reservation, state="running",timeout=480): """ Wait for an entire reservation to enter the state :param reservation: Boto reservation object to check the state on :param state: state that we are looking for :param timeout: How long in seconds to wait for state :return: True on success """ self.debug( "Beginning poll loop for the " + str(len(reservation.instances)) + " found in " + str(reservation) ) aggregate_result = True for instance in reservation.instances: if not self.wait_for_instance(instance, state, timeout=timeout): aggregate_result = False return aggregate_result
[docs] def create_volume(self, azone, size=1, eof=True, snapshot=None, timeout=0, poll_interval=10,timepergig=120): """ Create a new EBS volume then wait for it to go to available state, size or snapshot is mandatory :param azone: Availability zone to create the volume in :param size: Size of the volume to be created :param count: Number of volumes to be created :param eof: Boolean, indicates whether to end on first instance of failure :param snapshot: Snapshot to create the volume from :param timeout: Time to wait before failing. timeout of 0 results in size of volume * timepergig seconds :param poll_interval: How often in seconds to poll volume state :param timepergig: Time to wait per gigabyte size of volume, used when timeout is set to 0 :return: """ return self.create_volumes(azone, size=size, count=1, mincount=1, eof=eof, snapshot=snapshot, timeout=timeout, poll_interval=poll_interval,timepergig=timepergig)[0]
[docs] def create_volumes(self, azone, size = 1, count = 1, mincount = None, eof = True, monitor_to_state = 'available', delay = 0, snapshot = None, timeout=0, poll_interval = 10, timepergig = 120 ): """ Definition: Create a multiple new EBS volumes then wait for them to go to available state, size or snapshot is mandatory :param azone: Availability zone to create the volume in :param size: Size of the volume to be created :param count: Number of volumes to be created :param mincount: Minimum number of volumes to be created to be considered a success.Default = 'count' :param eof: Boolean, indicates whether to end on first instance of failure :param monitor_to_state: String, if not 'None' will monitor created volumes to the provided state :param snapshot: Snapshot to create the volume from :param timeout: Time to wait before failing. timeout of 0 results in size of volume * timepergig seconds :param poll_interval: How often in seconds to poll volume state :param timepergig: Time to wait per gigabyte size of volume, used when timeout is set to 0 :return: list of volumes """ start = time.time() elapsed = 0 volumes = [] mincount = mincount or count if mincount > count: raise Exception('Mincount can not be greater than count') #if timeout is set to 0, use size to create a reasonable timeout for this volume creation if timeout == 0: if snapshot is not None: timeout = timepergig * int(snapshot.volume_size) else: timeout = timepergig * size if snapshot and not hasattr(snapshot,'eutest_volumes'): snapshot = self.get_snapshot( self.debug( "Sending create volume request, count:"+str(count) ) for x in xrange(0,count): vol = None try: cmdstart = time.time() vol = self.ec2.create_volume(size, azone, snapshot) cmdtime = time.time() - cmdstart if vol: vol = EuVolume.make_euvol_from_vol(vol, tester=self, cmdstart=cmdstart) vol.eutest_cmdstart = cmdstart vol.eutest_createorder = x vol.eutest_cmdtime = "{0:.2f}".format(cmdtime) vol.size = size volumes.append(vol) except Exception, e: if eof: #Clean up any volumes from this operation and raise exception for vol in volumes: vol.delete() raise e else: self.debug("Caught exception creating volume,eof is False, continuing. Error:"+str(e)) if delay: time.sleep(delay) if len(volumes) < mincount: #Clean up any volumes from this operation and raise exception for vol in volumes: vol.delete() raise Exception("Created "+str(len(volumes))+"/"+str(count)+' volumes. Less than minimum specified:'+str(mincount)) self.debug( str(len(volumes))+"/"+str(count)+" requests for volume creation succeeded." ) if volumes: self.print_euvolume_list(volumes) if not monitor_to_state: self.test_resources["volumes"].extend(volumes) if snapshot: snapshot.eutest_volumes.extend(volumes) return volumes #If we begain the creation of the min volumes, monitor till completion, otherwise cleanup and fail out retlist = self.monitor_created_euvolumes_to_state(volumes,eof=eof, mincount=mincount, state=monitor_to_state, poll_interval=poll_interval, timepergig=timepergig) self.test_resources["volumes"].extend(retlist) if snapshot: snapshot.eutest_volumes.extend(retlist) return retlist
[docs] def monitor_created_euvolumes_to_state(self, volumes, eof=True, mincount=None, state='available', poll_interval=10, deletefailed=True, size=1, timepergig=120): """ Description: Monitors a list of created volumes until 'state' or failure. Allows for a variety of volumes, using differnt types and creation methods to be monitored by a central method. :param volumes: list of created volumes :param eof: boolean, if True will end on first failure :param mincount: minimum number of successful volumes, else fail :param state: string indicating the expected state to monitor to :param deletefailed: delete all failed volumes, in eof case deletes 'volumes' list. In non-eof, if mincount is met, will delete any failed volumes. :param timepergig: integer, time allowed per gig before failing. """ retlist = [] failed = [] if not volumes: raise Exception("Volumes list empty in monitor_created_volumes_to_state") count = len(volumes) mincount = mincount or count self.debug("Monitoring "+str(count)+" volumes for at least "+str(mincount)+" to reach state:"+str(state)) origlist = copy.copy(volumes) self.debug("Monitoring "+str(count)+" volumes for at least "+str(mincount)+" to reach state:"+str(state)) for volume in volumes: if not isinstance(volume, EuVolume): raise Exception("object not of type EuVolume. Found type:"+str(type(volume))) #volume = EuVolume() # Wait for the volume to be created. self.debug( "Polling "+str(len(volumes))+" volumes for status:\""+str(state)+"\"...") start = time.time() while volumes: for volume in volumes: volume.update() voltimeout = timepergig * (volume.size or size) elapsed = time.time()-start self.debug("Volume #"+str(volume.eutest_createorder)+" ("") State("+volume.status+"), seconds elapsed: " + str(int(elapsed))+'/'+str(voltimeout)) if volume.status == state: #add to return list and remove from volumes list retlist.append(volumes.pop(volumes.index(volume))) else: if elapsed > voltimeout: volume.status = 'timed-out' if volume.status == 'failed' or volume.status == 'timed-out': if eof: #Clean up any volumes from this operation and raise exception if deletefailed: for vol in origlist: self.debug('Failure caught in monitor volumes, attempting to delete all volumes...') try: self.delete_volume(vol) except Exception, e: self.debug('Could not delete volume:'+str(", err:"+str(e)) raise Exception(str(volume) + ", failed to reach state:"+str(state)+", vol status:"+str(volume.eutest_laststatus)+", test status:"+str(vol.status)) else: #End on failure is not set, so record this failure and move on msg = str(volume) + " went to: " + volume.status self.debug(msg) volume.eutest_failmsg = msg failed.append(volumes.pop(volumes.index(volume))) #Fail fast if we know we've exceeded our mincount already if (count - len(failed)) < mincount: if deletefailed: for failedvol in failed: retlist.remove(failedvol) buf += str("-state:"+str(failedvol.status) + "," self.debug(buf) for vol in origlist: self.debug('Failure caught in monitor volumes, attempting to delete all volumes...') try: self.delete_volume(vol) except Exception, e: self.debug('Could not delete volume:'+str(", err:"+str(e)) raise Exception("Mincount of volumes did not enter state:"+str(state)+" due to faults") self.debug("----Time Elapsed:"+str(int(elapsed))+", Waiting on "+str(len(volumes))+" volumes to enter state:"+str(state)+"-----") if volumes: time.sleep(poll_interval) else: break #We have at least mincount of volumes, delete any failed volumes if failed and deletefailed: self.debug( "Deleting volumes that never became available...") for volume in failed: self.debug('Failure caught in monitor volumes, attempting to delete all volumes...') try: self.delete_volume(volume) except Exception, e: self.debug('Could not delete volume:'+str(", err:"+str(e)) buf = str(len(failed))+'/'+str(count)+ " Failed volumes after " +str(elapsed)+" seconds:" for failedvol in failed: retlist.remove(failedvol) buf += str("-state:"+str(failedvol.status)+"," self.debug(buf) self.print_euvolume_list(origlist) return retlist
[docs] def print_euvolume_list(self,euvolumelist): buf="" euvolumes = copy.copy(euvolumelist) if not euvolumes: raise Exception('print_euvolume_list: Euvolume list to print is empty') for volume in euvolumes: if not isinstance(volume, EuVolume): raise Exception("object not of type EuVolume. Found type:"+str(type(volume))) volume = euvolumes.pop() buf = volume.printself() for volume in euvolumes: buf += volume.printself(title=False) self.debug("\n"+str(buf)+"\n")
[docs] def print_eusnapshot_list(self,eusnapshots): buf="" if not eusnapshots: raise Exception('print_eusnapshot_list: EuSnapshot list to print is empty') for snapshot in eusnapshots: if not isinstance(snapshot, EuSnapshot): raise Exception("object not of type EuSnapshot. Found type:"+str(type(snapshot))) snapshot = eusnapshots.pop() buf = snapshot.printself() for snapshot in eusnapshots: buf += snapshot.printself(title=False) self.debug("\n"+str(buf)+"\n")
[docs] def delete_volume(self, volume, poll_interval=10, timeout=120): """ Delete the EBS volume then check that it no longer exists :param volume: Volume object to delete :return: bool, success of the operation """ self.ec2.delete_volume( self.debug( "Sent delete for volume: " + str( ) start = time.time() elapsed = 0 volume.update() while elapsed < timeout: try: self.debug( str(volume) + " in " + volume.status + " sleeping:"+str(poll_interval)+", elapsed:"+str(elapsed)) time.sleep(poll_interval) volume.update() elapsed = int(time.time()-start) if volume.status == "deleted": break except EC2ResponseError as e: if e.status == 400: self.debug(str(volume) + "no longer exists in system") return True else: raise e if volume.status != 'deleted': + " left in " + volume.status + ',elapsed:'+str(elapsed)) return False return True
[docs] def delete_volumes(self, volume_list, poll_interval=10, timeout=120): """ Deletes a list of EBS volumes then checks for proper state transition :param volume_list: List of volume objects to be deleted :param poll_interval: integer, seconds between polls on volumes' state :param timeout: integer time allowed before this method fails """ if volume_list: vollist = copy.copy(volume_list) else: raise Exception("delete_volumes: volume_list was empty") for volume in vollist: self.ec2.delete_volume( self.debug( "Sent delete for volume: " + str( ) start = time.time() elapsed = 0 while vollist and elapsed < timeout: for volume in vollist: volume.update() self.debug( str(volume) + " in " + volume.status) volume.update() if volume.status == "deleted": vollist.remove(volume) elapsed = int(time.time()-start) time.sleep(poll_interval) self.debug("---Sleeping:"+str(poll_interval)+", elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+"---") if vollist: errmsg ="" for volume in vollist: errmsg += "ERROR:"+str(volume) + " left in " + volume.status + ',elapsed:'+str(elapsed) raise Exception(errmsg)
[docs] def delete_all_volumes(self): """ Deletes all volumes on the cloud """ volumes = self.ec2.get_all_volumes() for volume in volumes: self.delete_volume(
[docs] def attach_volume(self, instance, volume, device_path, pause=10, timeout=120): """ Attach a volume to an instance :param instance: instance object to attach volume to :param volume: volume object to attach :param device_path: device name to request on guest :param pause: Time in seconds to wait before checking volume state :param timeout: Total time in seconds to wait for volume to reach the attached state :return: :raise: Exception of failure to reach proper state or enter previous state """ self.debug("Sending attach for " + str(volume) + " to be attached to " + str(instance) + " at requested device " + device_path) volume.attach(,device_path ) start = time.time() elapsed = 0 volume.update() status = "" laststatus=None while elapsed < timeout: volume.update() astatus=None if volume.attach_data is not None: if"attached",str(volume.attach_data.status)): self.debug(str(volume) + ", Attached: " + volume.status+ " - " + str(volume.attach_data.status) + ", elapsed:"+str(elapsed)) return True else: astatus = volume.attach_data.status if astatus: laststatus = astatus elif laststatus and not astatus: raise Exception('Volume status reverted from '+str(laststatus)+' to None, attach failed') self.debug( str(volume) + ", state:" + volume.status+', attached status:'+str(astatus) + ", elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+'/'+str(timeout)) self.sleep(pause) elapsed = int(time.time()-start)
[docs] def detach_volume(self, volume, pause = 10, timeout=60): """ Detach a volume :param volume: volume to detach :param pause: Time in seconds to wait before checking volume state :param timeout: Total time in seconds to wait for volume to reach the attached state :return: True on success """ if volume is None: raise Exception(str(volume) + " does not exist") volume.detach() self.debug( "Sent detach for volume: " + + " which is currently in state: " + volume.status) start = time.time() elapsed = 0 while elapsed < timeout: volume.update() if volume.status != "in-use": self.debug(str(volume) + " left in " + volume.status) return True self.debug( str(volume) + " state:" + volume.status + " pause:"+str(pause)+" elapsed:"+str(elapsed)) self.sleep(pause) elapsed = int(time.time() - start) raise Exception('Volume status remained at '+str(volume.status)+', attach failed')
[docs] def get_volume_time_attached(self,volume): """ Get the seconds elapsed since the volume was attached. :type volume: boto volume object :param volume: The volume used to calculate the elapsed time since attached. :rtype: integer :returns: The number of seconds elapsed since this volume was attached. """ self.debug("Getting time elapsed since volume attached...") volume.update() if volume.attach_data is None: raise Exception('get_time_since_vol_attached: Volume '+str(" not attached") #get timestamp from attach_data attached_time = self.get_datetime_from_resource_string(volume.attach_data.attach_time) #return the elapsed time in seconds return time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple()) - time.mktime(attached_time.utctimetuple())
[docs] def get_volume_time_created(cls,volume): """ Get the seconds elapsed since the volume was created. :type volume: boto volume object :param volume: The volume used to calculate the elapsed time since created. :rtype: integer :returns: The number of seconds elapsed since this volume was created. """ volume.update() #get timestamp from attach_data create_time = cls.get_datetime_from_resource_string(volume.create_time) #return the elapsed time in seconds return time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple()) - time.mktime(create_time.utctimetuple())
[docs] def get_snapshot_time_started(cls,snapshot): """ Get the seconds elapsed since the snapshot was started. :type snapshot: boto snapshot object :param snapshot: The volume used to calculate the elapsed time since started. :rtype: integer :returns: The number of seconds elapsed since this snapshot was started. """ snapshot.update() #get timestamp from attach_data start_time = cls.get_datetime_from_resource_string(snapshot.start_time) #return the elapsed time in seconds return time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple()) - time.mktime(start_time.utctimetuple())
[docs] def get_instance_time_launched(cls,instance): """ Get the seconds elapsed since the volume was attached. :type volume: boto volume object :param volume: The volume used to calculate the elapsed time since attached. :rtype: integer :returns: The number of seconds elapsed since this volume was attached. """ #instance.update() #get timestamp from launch data launch_time = cls.get_datetime_from_resource_string(instance.launch_time) #return the elapsed time in seconds return time.mktime(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple()) - time.mktime(launch_time.utctimetuple())
[docs] def get_datetime_from_resource_string(cls,timestamp): """ Convert a typical resource timestamp to datetime time_struct. :type timestamp: string :param timestamp: Timestamp held within specific boto resource objects.Example timestamp format: 2012-09-19T21:24:03.864Z :rtype: time_struct :returns: The time_struct representation of the timestamp provided. """ t = re.findall('\w+',str(timestamp).replace('T',' ')) #remove milliseconds from list... t.pop() #create a time_struct out of our list return datetime.strptime(" ".join(t), "%Y %m %d %H %M %S")
[docs] def create_snapshot_from_volume(self, volume, wait_on_progress=20, poll_interval=10, timeout=0, description=""): """ Create a new EBS snapshot from an existing volume then wait for it to go to the created state. By default will poll for poll_count. If wait_on_progress is specified than will wait on "wait_on_progress" overrides # of poll_interval periods, using wait_on_progress # of periods of poll_interval length in seconds w/o progress before failing. If is passed, euvolume data will not be transfered to snapshot created. :param volume: (mandatory Volume) Volume id of the volume to create snapshot from :param wait_on_progress: (optional string) string used to describe the snapshot :param poll_interval: (optional integer) # of poll intervals to wait while 0 progress is made before exiting, overrides "poll_count" when used :param timeout: (optional integer) time to sleep between polling snapshot status :param description: (optional integer) over all time to wait before exiting as failure :return: EuSnapshot """ return self.create_snapshots(volume, count=1, mincount=1, eof=True, wait_on_progress=wait_on_progress, poll_interval=poll_interval, timeout=timeout, description=description)[0]
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, volume_id, wait_on_progress=20, poll_interval=10, timeout=0, description=""): """ Create a new single EBS snapshot from an existing volume id then wait for it to go to the created state. By default will poll for poll_count. If wait_on_progress is specified than will wait on "wait_on_progress" overrides # of poll_interval periods, using wait_on_progress # of periods of poll_interval length in seconds w/o progress before failing. If is passed, euvolume data will not be transfered to snapshot created. :param volume: (mandatory string) Volume id of the volume to create snapshot from :param wait_on_progress: (optional string) string used to describe the snapshot :param poll_interval: (optional integer) # of poll intervals to wait while 0 progress is made before exiting, overrides "poll_count" when used :param timeout: (optional integer) time to sleep between polling snapshot status :param description: (optional integer) over all time to wait before exiting as failure :return: EuSnapshot """ snapshots = self.create_snapshots_from_vol_id(volume_id, count=1, mincount=1, eof=True, wait_on_progress=wait_on_progress, poll_interval=poll_interval, timeout=timeout, description=description) if len(snapshots) == 1: return snapshots[0] else: raise Exception("create_snapshot: Expected 1 snapshot, got '"+str(len(snapshots))+"' snapshots")
[docs] def create_snapshots_from_vol_id(self,volume_id, count=1, mincount=None, eof=True, delay=0, wait_on_progress=20, poll_interval=10, timeout=0, description=""): """ Create a new EBS snapshot from an existing volume' string then wait for it to go to the created state. By default will poll for poll_count. If wait_on_progress is specified than will wait on "wait_on_progress" overrides # of poll_interval periods, using wait_on_progress # of periods of poll_interval length in seconds w/o progress before failing :param volume_id: (mandatory string) Volume id of the volume to create snapshot from :parram count: (optional Integer) Specify how many snapshots to attempt to create :param mincount: (optional Integer) Specify the min success count, defaults to 'count' :param eof: (optional boolean) End on failure.If true will end on first failure, otherwise will continue to try and fufill mincount :param wait_on_progress: (optional string) string used to describe the snapshot :param poll_interval: (optional integer) # of poll intervals to wait while 0 progress is made before exiting, overrides "poll_count" when used :param timeout: (optional integer) time to sleep between polling snapshot status :param description: (optional integer) over all time to wait before exiting as failure :return: EuSnapshot list """ if isinstance(volume_id, Volume): raise Exception('Expected got Volume, try create_snapshots or create_snapshot_from_volume methods instead') volume = EuVolume.make_euvol_from_vol(self.get_volume(volume_id), tester=self) return self.create_snapshots(volume, count=count, mincount=mincount, eof=eof, delay=delay, wait_on_progress=wait_on_progress, poll_interval=poll_interval, timeout=timeout, description=description)
[docs] def create_snapshots(self, volume, count=1, mincount=None, eof=True, delay=0, wait_on_progress=20, poll_interval=10, timeout=0, monitor_to_completed=True, delete_failed = True, description="Created by eutester"): """ Create a new EBS snapshot from an existing volume then wait for it to go to the created state. By default will poll for poll_count. If wait_on_progress is specified than will wait on "wait_on_progress" overrides # of poll_interval periods, using wait_on_progress # of periods of poll_interval length in seconds w/o progress before failing :param volume: (mandatory Volume object) Volume to create snapshot from :parram count: (optional Integer) Specify how many snapshots to attempt to create :param mincount: (optional Integer) Specify the min success count, defaults to 'count' :param eof: (optional boolean) End on failure.If true will end on first failure, otherwise will continue to try and fufill mincount :param wait_on_progress: (optional integer) # of poll intervals to wait while 0 progress is made before exiting, overrides "poll_count" when used :param poll_interval: (optional integer) time to sleep between polling snapshot status :param monitor_to_completed: (optional boolean) If true will monitor created snapshots to the completed state, else return a list of created snaps :param timeout: (optional integer) over all time to wait before exiting as failure :param delete_failed: (optional boolean) automatically delete failed volumes :param description: (optional string) string used to describe the snapshot :return: EuSnapshot list """ #Fix EuSnapshot for isinstance() use later... if not hasattr(volume, 'md5'): volume = EuVolume.make_euvol_from_vol(volume,tester= self) volume_id = snapshots = [] retlist = [] failed = [] mincount = mincount or count if mincount > count: raise Exception('Mincount can not be greater than count') if wait_on_progress > 0: poll_count = wait_on_progress else: poll_count = self.poll_count last_progress = 0 elapsed = 0 polls = 0 self.debug('Create_snapshots count:'+str(count)+", mincount:"+str(mincount)+', wait_on_progress:'+str(wait_on_progress)+",eof:"+str(eof)) for x in xrange(0,count): try: start = time.time() snapshot = self.ec2.create_snapshot( volume_id, description=str(description)) cmdtime = time.time()-start if snapshot: self.debug("Attempting to create snapshot #"+str(x)+ ", id:"+str( snapshot = EuSnapshot().make_eusnap_from_snap(snapshot, tester=self ,cmdstart=start) #Append some attributes for tracking snapshot through creation and test lifecycle. snapshot.eutest_polls = 0 snapshot.eutest_poll_count = poll_count snapshot.eutest_last_progress = 0 snapshot.eutest_failmsg = "FAILED" snapshot.eutest_laststatus = None snapshot.eutest_timeintest = 0 snapshot.eutest_createorder = x snapshot.eutest_cmdtime = "{0:.2f}".format(cmdtime) snapshot.eutest_volume_md5 = volume.md5 snapshot.eutest_volume_md5len = volume.md5len snapshot.eutest_volume_zone = snapshot.update() if description and (not re.match(str(snapshot.description), str(description)) ): raise Exception('Snapshot Description does not match request: Snap.description:"'+str(snapshot.description)+'" -vs- "'+str(description)+'"') if snapshot: snapshots.append(snapshot) except Exception, e: self.debug("Caught exception creating snapshot,eof is False, continuing. Error:"+str(e)) if eof: if delete_failed: try: self.delete_snapshots(snapshots) except: pass raise e else: failed.append(snapshot) #Check to see if our min count of snapshots succeeded, we allow this for specific tests. #If not clean up all snapshots from this system created from this operation if (count - len(failed)) > mincount: if delete_failed: snapshots.extend(failed) try: self.delete_snapshots(snapshots) except:pass raise Exception('Failed to created mincount('+str(mincount)+') number of snapshots from volume:'+str(volume_id)) #If a delay was given, wait before next snapshot gets created if delay: time.sleep(delay) #If we have failed snapshots, but still met our minimum clean up the failed and continue (this might be better as a thread?)... if delete_failed: try: self.delete_snapshots(failed) except: pass #Pass the list of created snapshots to monitor method if state was not None, otherwise just return the list of newly created #snapshots. if monitor_to_completed: snapshots = self.monitor_eusnaps_to_completed(snapshots, mincount=mincount, eof=eof, wait_on_progress=wait_on_progress, poll_interval=poll_interval, timeout=timeout, delete_failed=delete_failed ) return snapshots
[docs] def monitor_eusnaps_to_completed(self, snaps, mincount=None, eof=True, wait_on_progress=20, poll_interval=10, timeout=0, monitor_to_completed=True, delete_failed=True ): """ Monitor an EBS snapshot list for snapshots to enter the to the completed state. By default will poll for poll_count. If wait_on_progress is specified than will wait on "wait_on_progress" overrides # of poll_interval periods, using wait_on_progress # of periods of poll_interval length in seconds w/o progress before failing :param mincount: (optional Integer) Specify the min success count, defaults to length of list provided :param eof: (optional boolean) End on failure.If true will end on first failure, otherwise will continue to try and fufill mincount :param wait_on_progress: (optional integer) # of poll intervals to wait while 0 progress is made before exiting, overrides "poll_count" when used :param poll_interval: (optional integer) time to sleep between polling snapshot status :param timeout: (optional integer) over all time to wait before exiting as failure :param delete_failed: (optional boolean) automatically delete failed volumes :return: EuSnapshot list """ failed = [] retlist = [] elapsed = 0 self.debug("Monitor_snapshot_to_completed starting...") mincount = mincount or len(snaps) if mincount > len(snaps): raise Exception('Mincount can not be greater than count') if wait_on_progress > 0: poll_count = wait_on_progress else: poll_count = self.poll_count last_progress = 0 monitor_start = time.time() for snap in snaps: if not isinstance(snap, EuSnapshot): raise Exception("object not of type EuSnapshot. Found type:"+str(type(snap))) snapshots = copy.copy(snaps) for snap in snapshots: if not snap.eutest_polls: snap.eutest_poll_count = poll_count self.debug('Waiting for '+str(len(snapshots))+" snapshots to go to completed state...") while (timeout == 0 or elapsed <= timeout) and snapshots: self.debug("Waiting for "+str(len(snapshots))+" snapshots to complete creation") for snapshot in snapshots: try: snapshot.eutest_polls += 1 snapshot.update() snapshot.eutest_laststatus = snapshot.status if snapshot.status == 'failed': raise Exception(str(snapshot) + " failed after Polling("+str(snapshot.eutest_polls)+") ,Waited("+str(elapsed)+" sec), last reported (status:" + snapshot.status+" progress:"+snapshot.progress+")") curr_progress = int(snapshot.progress.replace('%','')) #if progress was made, then reset timer if (wait_on_progress > 0) and (curr_progress > snapshot.eutest_last_progress): snapshot.eutest_poll_count = wait_on_progress else: snapshot.eutest_poll_count -= 1 snapshot.eutest_last_progress = curr_progress elapsed = int(time.time()-monitor_start) if snapshot.eutest_poll_count <= 0: raise Exception("Snapshot did not make progress for "+str(wait_on_progress)+" polls, after "+str(elapsed)+" seconds") self.debug(str(", Status:"+snapshot.status+", Progress:"+snapshot.progress+", Polls w/o progress:"+str(wait_on_progress-snapshot.eutest_poll_count)+"/"+str(wait_on_progress)+", Time Elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+"/"+str(timeout)) if snapshot.status == 'completed': self.debug(str(" created after " + str(elapsed) + " seconds. Status:"+snapshot.status+", Progress:"+snapshot.progress) self.test_resources["snapshots"].append(snapshot) snapshot.eutest_timeintest = elapsed snapshot.eutest_failmsg ='SUCCESS' retlist.append(snapshot) snapshots.remove(snapshot) except Exception, e: if eof: #If exit on fail, delete all snaps and raise exception self.delete_snapshots(snapshots) raise e else: self.debug("Exception caught in snapshot creation, snapshot:"+str(".Err:"+str(e)) snapshot.eutest_failmsg = str(e) snapshot.eutest_timeintest = elapsed failed.append(snapshot) snapshots.remove(snapshot) elapsed = int(time.time()-monitor_start) if snapshots: time.sleep(poll_interval) for snap in snapshots: snapshot.eutest_failmsg = "Snapshot timed out in creation after "+str(elapsed)+" seconds" snapshot.eutest_timeintest = elapsed failed.append(snapshot) snapshots.remove(snapshot) #If delete_failed flag is set, delete the snapshots believed to have failed... if delete_failed: try: self.delete_snapshots(failed) except: pass #join the lists again for printing debug purposes, retlist should only contain snaps believed to be good snapshots = copy.copy(retlist) snapshots.extend(failed) #Print the results in a formated table self.print_eusnapshot_list(snapshots) #Check for failure and failure criteria and return self.test_resources['snapshots'].extend(snapshots) if failed and eof: raise(str(len(failed))+' snapshots failed in create, see debug output for more info') if len(retlist) < mincount: raise('Created '+str(len(retlist))+'/'+str(mincount)+' snapshots is less than provided mincount, see debug output for more info') return retlist
[docs] def get_snapshot(self,snapid=None): snaps = self.get_snapshots(snapid=snapid, maxcount=1) if snaps: return snaps[0] else: return None
[docs] def get_snapshots(self,snapid=None, volume_id=None, volume_size=None, volume_md5=None, maxcount=None, owner_id=None): retlist =[] owner_id = owner_id or self.get_account_id() snapshots = self.test_resources['snapshots'] snapshot_list = [] if snapid: snapshot_list.append(snapid) snapshots.extend( self.ec2.get_all_snapshots(snapshot_ids=snapshot_list, owner=owner_id)) for snap in snapshots: if not hasattr(snap,'eutest_volume_md5'): snap = EuSnapshot.make_eusnap_from_snap(snap, tester=self) self.debug("Checking snap:"+str(" for match...") if volume_id and snap.volume_id != volume_id: continue if volume_size and snap.volume_size != volume_size: continue if volume_md5 and snap.eutest_volume_md5 != volume_md5: continue retlist.append(snap) if maxcount and (len(retlist) >= maxcount): return retlist self.debug("Found "+str(len(retlist))+" snapshots matching criteria") return retlist
[docs] def delete_snapshots(self, snapshots, valid_states='completed,failed', base_timeout=60, add_time_per_snap=10, wait_for_valid_state=120, poll_interval=10, eof=False): snaps = copy.copy(snapshots) delete_me = [] start = time.time() elapsed = 0 valid_delete_states = str(valid_states).split(',') if not valid_delete_states: raise Exception("delete_snapshots, error in valid_states provided:"+str(valid_states)) while snaps and (elapsed < wait_for_valid_state): elapsed = int(time.time()-start) for snap in snaps: snap.update() self.debug("Checking snapshot:"+str(" status:"+str(snap.status)) for v_state in valid_delete_states: v_state = str(v_state).rstrip().lstrip() if snap.status == v_state: delete_me.append(snap) snap.delete() break for snap in delete_me: snaps.remove(snap) if snaps: buf = "\n-------| WAITING ON "+str(len(snaps))+" SNAPSHOTS TO ENTER A DELETE-ABLE STATE:("+str(valid_states)+"), elapsed:"+ str(elapsed)+'/'+str(wait_for_valid_state)+"|-----" for snap in snaps: buf = buf +"\nSnapshot:"+str(",status:"+str(snap.status)+", progress:"+str(snap.progress) self.debug(buf) self.debug('waiting poll_interval to recheck snapshots:'+str(poll_interval)+' seconds') time.sleep(poll_interval) if snaps: buf = "" for snap in snaps: buf = buf+','+str( msg = "Following snapshots did not enter a valid state("+str(valid_states)+") for deletion:"+str(buf) if eof: raise Exception(msg) else: self.debug(msg) start = time.time() elapsed = 0 timeout= base_timeout + (add_time_per_snap*len(delete_me)) while delete_me and (elapsed < timeout): self.debug('Waiting for remaining '+str(int(len(delete_me)))+' snaps to delete...' ) for snapshot in delete_me: snapshot.update() if not self.ec2.get_all_snapshots(snapshot_ids=[]) or snapshot.status == 'deleted': self.debug('Snapshot:'+str(" is deleted") delete_me.remove(snapshot) time.sleep(poll_interval) elapsed = int(time.time()-start) if delete_me: buf = "" for snap in snaps: buf += "\nSnapshot:"+str(",status:"+str(snap.status)+", progress:"+str(snap.progress)+", elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+'/'+str(timeout) raise Exception("Snapshots did not delete within timeout:"+str(timeout)+"\n"+str(buf))
[docs] def delete_snapshot(self,snapshot,timeout=60): """ Delete the snapshot object :param snapshot: boto.ec2.snapshot object to delete :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for deletion """ snapshot.delete() self.debug( "Sent snapshot delete request for snapshot: " + return self.delete_snapshots([snapshot], base_timeout=60)
[docs] def register_snapshot(self, snapshot, rdn="/dev/sda1", description="bfebs", windows=False, bdmdev=None, name=None, ramdisk=None, kernel=None, dot=True): """Convience function for passing a snapshot instead of its id. See register_snapshot_by_id""" return self.register_snapshot_by_id(, rdn, description, windows, bdmdev, name, ramdisk, kernel, dot )
[docs] def register_snapshot_by_id( self, snap_id, rdn="/dev/sda1", description="bfebs", windows=False, bdmdev=None, name=None, ramdisk=None, kernel=None, dot=True ): """ Register an image snapshot :param snap_id: snapshot id :param rdn: root-device-name for image :param description: description of image to be registered :param windows: Is windows image boolean :param bdmdev: block-device-mapping device for image :param name: name of image to be registered :param ramdisk: ramdisk id :param kernel: kernel id (note for windows this name should be "windows") :param dot: Delete On Terminate boolean :return: emi id of registered image """ if bdmdev is None: bdmdev=rdn if name is None: name="bfebs_"+ snap_id if ( windows is True ) and ( kernel is not None): kernel="windows" bdmap = BlockDeviceMapping() block_dev_type = BlockDeviceType() block_dev_type.snapshot_id = snap_id block_dev_type.delete_on_termination = dot bdmap[bdmdev] = block_dev_type self.debug("Register image with: snap_id:"+str(snap_id)+", rdn:"+str(rdn)+", desc:"+str(description)+", windows:"+str(windows)+", bdname:"+str(bdmdev)+", name:"+str(name)+", ramdisk:"+str(ramdisk)+", kernel:"+str(kernel)) image_id = self.ec2.register_image(name=name, description=description, kernel_id=kernel, ramdisk_id=ramdisk, block_device_map=bdmap, root_device_name=rdn) self.debug("Image now registered as " + image_id) return image_id
[docs] def register_image( self, image_location, rdn=None, description=None, bdmdev=None, name=None, ramdisk=None, kernel=None ): """ Register an image based on the s3 stored manifest location :param image_location: :param rdn: root-device-name for image :param description: description of image to be registered :param bdmdev: block-device-mapping object for image :param name: name of image to be registered :param ramdisk: ramdisk id :param kernel: kernel id (note for windows this name should be "windows") :return: image id string """ image_id = self.ec2.register_image(name=name, description=description, kernel_id=kernel, image_location=image_location, ramdisk_id=ramdisk, block_device_map=bdmdev, root_device_name=rdn) self.test_resources["images"].append(image_id) return image_id
[docs] def deregister_image(self, image, clear=False): """ Deregister an image. :param image: boto image object to deregister """ self.ec2.deregister_image( image = self.get_emi( if image.state is not "deregistered": raise Exception("Image " + + " did not enter deregistered state after deregistration was sent to server") else: if clear: self.ec2.deregister_image(
[docs] def get_emi(self, emi=None, root_device_type=None, root_device_name=None, location=None, state="available", arch=None, owner_id=None, not_location=None): """ Get an emi with name emi, or just grab any emi in the system. Additional 'optional' match criteria can be defined. :param emi: Partial ID of the emi to return, defaults to the 'emi-" prefix to grab any :param root_device_type: example: 'instance-store' or 'ebs' :param root_device_name: example: '/dev/sdb' :param location: partial on location match example: 'centos' :param state: example: 'available' :param arch: example: 'x86_64' :param owner_id: owners numeric id :param not_location: skip if location string matches this string. Example: not_location='windows' :return: image id :raise: Exception if image is not found """ if emi is None: emi = "mi-" self.debug("Looking for image prefix: " + str(emi) ) images = self.ec2.get_all_images() for image in images: if not, continue if (root_device_type is not None) and (image.root_device_type != root_device_type): continue if (root_device_name is not None) and (image.root_device_name != root_device_name): continue if (state is not None) and (image.state != state): continue if (location is not None) and (not location, image.location)): continue if (arch is not None) and (image.architecture != arch): continue if (owner_id is not None) and (image.owner_id != owner_id): continue if (not_location is not None) and ( not_location, image.location)): continue self.debug("Returning image:"+str( return image raise Exception("Unable to find an EMI") return None
[docs] def get_all_allocated_addresses(self,account_id=None): """ Return all allocated addresses for a given account_id as boto.ec2.address objects :param account_id: account number to filter on :return: list of boto.ec2.address objects """ self.debug("get_all_allocated_addresses...") account_id = account_id or self.get_account_id() ret = [] if account_id: account_id = str(account_id) addrs = self.ec2.get_all_addresses() for addr in addrs: if addr.instance_id and, str(addr.instance_id)): ret.append(addr) return ret
[docs] def get_available_addresses(self): """ Get all available addresses :return: a list of all available boto.ec2.address """ self.debug("get_available_addresses...") ret = [] addrs = self.ec2.get_all_addresses() for addr in addrs: if addr.instance_id and"(available|nobody)", addr.instance_id): ret.append(addr) return ret
[docs] def allocate_address(self): """ Allocate an address for the current user :return: boto.ec2.address object allocated """ try: self.debug("Allocating an address") address = self.ec2.allocate_address() except Exception, e: self.critical("Unable to allocate address") return False self.debug("Allocated " + str(address)) return address
[docs] def associate_address(self,instance, address, timeout=75): """ Associate an address object with an instance :param instance: instance object to associate ip with :param address: address to associate to instance :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for operation to complete :raise: Exception in case of association failure """ ip = str(address.public_ip) self.debug("Attemtping to associate " + str(ip) + " with " + str( try: address.associate( except Exception, e: self.critical("Unable to associate address "+str(ip)+" with instance:"+str("\n") raise e start = time.time() elapsed = 0 address = self.ec2.get_all_addresses(addresses=[ip])[0] ### Ensure address object holds correct instance value while not address.instance_id: if elapsed > timeout: raise Exception('Address ' + str(ip) + ' never associated with instance') self.debug('Address {0} not attached to {1} but rather {2}'.format(str(address),, address.instance_id) ) self.sleep(5) address = self.ec2.get_all_addresses(addresses=[ip])[0] elapsed = int(time.time()-start) poll_count = 15 ### Ensure instance gets correct address while instance.ip_address not in address.public_ip: if elapsed > timeout: raise Exception('Address ' + str(address) + ' did not associate with instance after:'+str(elapsed)+" seconds") self.debug('Instance {0} has IP {1} attached instead of {2}'.format(, instance.public_dns_name, address.public_ip) ) self.sleep(5) instance.update() elapsed = int(time.time()-start) self.debug("Associated IP successfully")
[docs] def disassociate_address_from_instance(self, instance, timeout=75): """ Disassociate address from instance and ensure that it no longer holds the IP :param instance: An instance that has an IP allocated :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for address to disassociate :raise: """ self.debug("disassociate_address_from_instance: instance.public_dns_name:" + str(instance.public_dns_name) + " instance:" + str(instance)) ip=str(instance.public_dns_name) address = self.ec2.get_all_addresses(addresses=[instance.public_dns_name])[0] start = time.time() elapsed = 0 address = self.ec2.get_all_addresses(addresses=[address.public_ip])[0] ### Ensure address object hold correct instance value while address.instance_id and not re.match(, str(address.instance_id)): self.debug('Address {0} not attached to Instance "{1}" but rather Instance "{2}" after {3} seconds'.format(str(address),, address.instance_id, str(elapsed)) ) if elapsed > timeout: raise Exception('Address ' + str(address) + ' never associated with instance after '+str(elapsed)+' seconds') address = self.ec2.get_all_addresses(addresses=[address.public_ip])[0] self.sleep(5) elapsed = int(time.time()-start) self.debug("Attemtping to disassociate " + str(address) + " from " + str( address.disassociate() start = time.time() ### Ensure instance gets correct address while instance.ip_address,address.public_ip): self.debug('Instance {0} has IP "{1}" still using address "{2}" after {3} seconds'.format(, instance.public_dns_name, address.public_ip, str(elapsed)) ) if elapsed > timeout: raise Exception('Address ' + str(address) + ' never disassociated with instance after '+str(elapsed)+' seconds') instance.update() self.sleep(5) elapsed = int(time.time()-start) address = self.ec2.get_all_addresses(addresses=[address.public_ip])[0] self.debug("Disassociated IP successfully")
[docs] def release_address(self, address): """ Release all addresses or a particular IP :param address: Address object to release :raise: Exception when the address does not release """ try: self.debug("Releasing address: " + str(address)) address.release() except Exception, e: raise Exception("Failed to release the address: " + str(address) + ": " + str(e))
[docs] def check_device(self, device_path): """ Used with instance connections. Checks if a device at a certain path exists :param device_path: Path to check :return: bool, if device was found """ return self.found("ls -1 " + device_path, device_path)
[docs] def get_volumes(self, volume_id="vol-", status=None, attached_instance=None, attached_dev=None, snapid=None, zone=None, minsize=1, maxsize=None, md5=None, eof=False): """ Return list of volumes that matches the criteria. Criteria options to be matched: :param volume_id: string present within volume id :param status: examples: 'in-use', 'creating', 'available' :param attached_instance: instance id example 'i-1234abcd' :param attached_dev: example '/dev/sdf' :param snapid: snapshot volume was created from example 'snap-1234abcd' :param zone: zone of volume example 'PARTI00' :param minsize: minimum size of volume to be matched :param maxsize: maximum size of volume to be matched :param eof: exception on failure to find volume, else returns empty list :return: List of volumes matching the filters provided :raise: """ retlist = [] if (attached_instance is not None) or (attached_dev is not None): status='in-use' volumes = self.ec2.get_all_volumes() for volume in volumes: if not hasattr(volume,'md5'): volume = EuVolume.make_euvol_from_vol(volume, tester=self) if not re.match(volume_id, continue if (snapid is not None) and (volume.snapshot_id != snapid): continue if (zone is not None) and ( != zone): continue if (status is not None) and (volume.status != status): continue if (md5 is not None) and hasattr(volume,'md5') and (volume.md5 != md5): continue if volume.attach_data is not None: if (attached_instance is not None) and ( volume.attach_data.instance_id != attached_instance): continue if (attached_dev is not None) and (volume.attach_data.device != attached_dev): continue if not (volume.size >= minsize) and (maxsize is None or volume.size <= maxsize): continue if not hasattr(volume,'md5'): volume = EuVolume.make_euvol_from_vol(volume) retlist.append(volume) if eof and retlist == []: raise Exception("Unable to find matching volume") else: return retlist
[docs] def get_volume(self, volume_id="vol-", status=None, attached_instance=None, attached_dev=None, snapid=None, zone=None, minsize=1, maxsize=None, eof=True): """ Return first volume that matches the criteria. :param volume_id: string present within volume id :param status: examples: 'in-use', 'creating', 'available' :param attached_instance: instance id example 'i-1234abcd' :param attached_dev: example '/dev/sdf' :param snapid: snapshot volume was created from example 'snap-1234abcd' :param zone: zone of volume example 'PARTI00' :param minsize: minimum size of volume to be matched :param maxsize: maximum size of volume to be matched :param eof: exception on failure to find volume, else returns None :return: List of volumes matching the filters provided :raise: """ vol = None try: vol = self.get_volumes(volume_id=volume_id, status=status, attached_instance=attached_instance, attached_dev=attached_dev, snapid=snapid, zone=zone, minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize, eof=eof)[0] except Exception, e: if eof: raise e return vol
[docs] def run_instance(self, image=None, keypair=None, group="default", type=None, zone=None, min=1, max=1, user_data=None,private_addressing=False, username="root", password=None, is_reachable=True, timeout=480): """ Run instance/s and wait for them to go to the running state :param image: Image object to use, default is pick the first emi found in the system :param keypair: Keypair name to use for the instances, defaults to none :param group: Security group name to apply to this set of instnaces, defaults to none :param type: VM type to use for these instances, defaults to m1.small :param zone: Availability zone to run these instances :param min: Minimum instnaces to launch, default 1 :param max: Maxiumum instances to launch, default 1 :param user_data: User-data string to pass to instance :param private_addressing: Runs an instance with only private IP address :param username: username to use when connecting via ssh :param password: password to use when connecting via ssh :param is_reachable: Instance can be reached on its public IP (Default=True) :param timeout: Time in seconds for instance to enter running state :return: Reservation object :raise: """ if image is None: images = self.ec2.get_all_images() for emi in images: if re.match("emi", image = emi if not isinstance(image, Image): image = self.get_emi(emi=str(image)) if image is None: raise Exception("emi is None. run_instance could not auto find an emi?") if private_addressing is True: addressing_type = "private" is_reachable= False else: addressing_type = None #In the case a keypair object was passed instead of the keypair name if keypair: if isinstance(keypair, KeyPair): keypair = start = time.time() self.debug( "Attempting to run "+ str(image.root_device_type) +" image " + str(image) + " in group " + str(group)) reservation =,security_groups=[group],instance_type=type, placement=zone, min_count=min, max_count=max, user_data=user_data, addressing_type=addressing_type) self.test_resources["reservations"].append(reservation) if (len(reservation.instances) < min) or (len(reservation.instances) > max): fail = "Reservation:"+str(" returned "+str(len(reservation.instances))+" instances, not within min("+str(min)+") and max("+str(max)+")" try: self.wait_for_reservation(reservation,timeout=timeout) except Exception, e: self.debug(self.get_traceback()) self.critical("An instance did not enter proper running state in " + str(reservation) ) self.critical("Terminatng instances in " + str(reservation)) self.terminate_instances(reservation) raise Exception("Instances in " + str(reservation) + " did not enter proper state") for instance in reservation.instances: if instance.state != "running": self.critical("Instance " + + " now in " + instance.state + " state in zone: " + instance.placement ) else: self.debug( "Instance " + + " now in " + instance.state + " state in zone: " + instance.placement ) # # check to see if public and private DNS names and IP addresses are the same # if (instance.ip_address is instance.private_ip_address) and (instance.public_dns_name is instance.private_dns_name) and ( private_addressing is False ): self.debug(str(instance) + " got Public IP: " + str(instance.ip_address) + " Private IP: " + str(instance.private_ip_address) + " Public DNS Name: " + str(instance.public_dns_name) + " Private DNS Name: " + str(instance.private_dns_name)) self.critical("Instance " + + " has he same public and private IPs of " + str(instance.ip_address)) else: self.debug(str(instance) + " got Public IP: " + str(instance.ip_address) + " Private IP: " + str(instance.private_ip_address) + " Public DNS Name: " + str(instance.public_dns_name) + " Private DNS Name: " + str(instance.private_dns_name)) try: self.wait_for_valid_ip(instance) except Exception: self.terminate_instances(reservation) raise Exception("Reservation " + str(reservation) + " has been terminated because instance " + str(instance) + " did not receive a valid IP") if is_reachable:, 20) #calculate remaining time to wait for establishing an ssh session/euinstance timeout -= int(time.time() - start) #if we can establish an SSH session convert the instances to the test class euinstance for access to instance specific test methods if is_reachable: self.debug("Converting " + str(reservation) + " into euinstances") return self.convert_reservation_to_euinstance(reservation, username=username, password=password, keyname=keypair, timeout=timeout) else: return reservation
[docs] def run_image(self, image=None, keypair=None, group="default", type=None, zone=None, min=1, max=1, user_data=None, private_addressing=False, username="root", password=None, auto_connect=True, clean_on_fail=True, monitor_to_running = True, timeout=480): reservation = None try: instances = [] if image is None: images = self.ec2.get_all_images() for emi in images: if re.match("emi", image = emi if not isinstance(image, Image): image = self.get_emi(emi=str(image)) if image is None: raise Exception("emi is None. run_instance could not auto find an emi?") if private_addressing is True: addressing_type = "private" connect = False else: addressing_type = None #In the case a keypair object was passed instead of the keypair name if keypair: if isinstance(keypair, KeyPair): keypair = self.debug( "Attempting to run "+ str(image.root_device_type) +", image " + str(image) + " in group " + str(group)) cmdstart=time.time() reservation =,security_groups=[group],instance_type=type, placement=zone, min_count=min, max_count=max, user_data=user_data, addressing_type=addressing_type) self.test_resources["reservations"].append(reservation) if (len(reservation.instances) < min) or (len(reservation.instances) > max): fail = "Reservation:"+str(" returned "+str(len(reservation.instances))+" instances, not within min("+str(min)+") and max("+str(max)+")" if image.root_device_type == 'ebs': self.wait_for_instances_block_dev_mapping(reservation.instances, timeout=timeout) for instance in reservation.instances: try: self.debug(str(':Converting instance to euinstance type.') #convert to euinstances, connect ssh later... eu_instance = EuInstance.make_euinstance_from_instance( instance, self, keypair=keypair, username = username, password=password, reservation = reservation, private_addressing=private_addressing, timeout=timeout, cmdstart=cmdstart, auto_connect=False ) #set the connect flag in the euinstance object for future use eu_instance.auto_connect = auto_connect instances.append(eu_instance) except Exception, e: self.debug(self.get_traceback()) raise Exception("Unable to create Euinstance from " + str(instance)+", err:\n"+str(e)) if monitor_to_running: return self.monitor_euinstances_to_running(instances, timeout=timeout) else: return instances except Exception, e: trace = self.get_traceback() self.debug('!!! Run_instance failed, terminating reservation. Error:'+str(e)+"\n"+trace) if reservation: self.terminate_instances(reservation=reservation) raise e
[docs] def wait_for_instances_block_dev_mapping(self, instances, poll_interval=1, timeout=60): waiting = copy.copy(instances) elapsed = 0 good = [] start = time.time() self.debug('wait_for_instance_block_dev_mapping started...') while waiting and (elapsed < timeout): elapsed = time.time() - start for instance in waiting: instance.update() if instance.root_device_type == 'ebs': if instance.block_device_mapping and instance.block_device_mapping.current_value: self.debug('Instance block device mapping is populated:'+str( good.append(instance) else: good.append(instance) for instance in good: if instance in waiting: waiting.remove(instance) if waiting: if not int(elapsed)%10: for instance in waiting: self.debug('Waiting for instance block device mapping to be populated:'+str( time.sleep(poll_interval) if waiting: err_buf = 'Instances failed to populate block dev mapping after '+str(elapsed)+'/'+str(timeout)+' seconds: ' for instance in waiting: err_buf += str(',' raise Exception(err_buf) self.debug('wait_for_instance_block_dev_mapping started done. elapsed:'+str(elapsed))
[docs] def monitor_euinstances_to_running(self,instances, poll_interval=10, timeout=480): self.debug("("+str(len(instances))+") Monitor_instances_to_running starting...") #Wait for instances to go to running state... self.monitor_euinstances_to_state(instances,timeout=timeout) #Wait for instances in list to get valid ips, check for duplicates, etc... self.wait_for_valid_ip(instances, timeout) #Now attempt to connect to instances if connect flag is set in the instance... waiting = copy.copy(instances) good = [] elapsed = 0 start = time.time() self.debug("Instances in running state and IPs are valid, attempting connections...") while waiting and (elapsed < timeout): self.debug("Checking "+str(len(waiting))+" instance ssh connections...") elapsed = int(time.time()-start) for instance in waiting: self.debug('Checking instance:'+str(" ...") if instance.auto_connect: try: #First try ping self.debug('Security group rules allow ping from this test machine:'+str(self.does_instance_sec_group_allow(instance, protocol='icmp', port=0))), 2) #now try to connect ssh allow = "None" try: allow=str(self.does_instance_sec_group_allow(instance, protocol='tcp', port=22)) except:pass self.debug('Does security group rules allow ssh from this test machine:'+str(allow)) instance.connect_to_instance(timeout=15) self.debug("Connected to instance:"+str( good.append(instance) except : self.debug(self.get_traceback()) pass else: good.append(instance) for instance in good: if instance in waiting: waiting.remove(instance) if waiting: time.sleep(poll_interval) if waiting: buf = "Timed out waiting to connect to the following instances:\n" for instance in waiting: buf += str(":"+str(instance.public_dns_name)+"," raise Exception(buf) self.print_euinstance_list(good) return good
[docs] def does_instance_sec_group_allow(self, instance, src_addr=None, protocol='tcp',port=22): s = None self.debug("does_instance_sec_group_allow:"+str(" src_addr:"+str(src_addr)) try: if not src_addr: #Use the local test machine's addr if not self.ec2_source_ip: #Try to get the outgoing addr used to connect to this instance s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM,socket.IPPROTO_UDP) s.connect((instance.public_dns_name,1)) #set the tester's global source_ip, assuming it can re-used (at least until another method sets it to None again) self.ec2_source_ip = s.getsockname()[0] if self.ec2_source_ip == "": raise Exception('Test machine source ip detected:'+str(self.ec2_source_ip)+', tester may need ec2_source_ip set manually') src_addr = self.ec2_source_ip self.debug('Using src_addr:'+str(src_addr)) groups = self.get_instance_security_groups(instance) for group in groups: self.debug("Is src_addr:"+str(src_addr)+" allowed in group:"+str("...?") if self.does_sec_group_allow(group, src_addr, protocol=protocol, port=port): self.debug("Sec allows from source") return True self.debug("Sec does NOT allow from source") return False except Exception, e: self.debug(self.get_traceback()) raise e finally: if s: s.close()
[docs] def does_sec_group_allow(self, group, src, protocol='tcp', port=22): """ Test whether a security group will allow traffic from a specific 'src' ip address to a specific 'port' using a specific 'protocol' """ self.debug('does_sec_group_allow: sec_group:'+str(", from_src:"+str(src)+", proto:"+str(protocol)+", port:"+str(port)) g_buf ="" for rule in group.rules: if rule.ip_protocol == protocol: for grant in rule.grants: g_buf += str(grant)+"," self.debug("rule#"+str(group.rules.index(rule))+": port:"+str(rule.to_port)+", grants:"+str(g_buf)) to_port= int(rule.to_port) if (to_port == 0 ) or (to_port == -1) or (to_port == port): for grant in rule.grants: if self.is_address_in_network(src, str(grant)): self.debug("does_sec_group_allow? True") return True self.debug("does_sec_group_allow? False") return False
[docs] def is_address_in_network(cls,ip_addr, network): ip_addr = str(ip_addr) network = str(network) ipaddr = int(''.join([ '%02x' % int(x) for x in ip_addr.split('.') ]), 16) netstr, bits = network.split('/') netaddr = int(''.join([ '%02x' % int(x) for x in netstr.split('.') ]), 16) mask = (0xffffffff << (32 - int(bits))) & 0xffffffff return (ipaddr & mask) == (netaddr & mask)
[docs] def get_instance_security_groups(self,instance): secgroups = [] if hasattr(instance, 'security_groups') and instance.security_groups: return instance.security_groups if hasattr(instance, 'reservation') and instance.reservation: res = instance.reservation else: res = self.get_reservation_for_instance(instance) for group in res.groups: secgroups.extend(self.ec2.get_all_security_groups(groupnames=str( return secgroups
[docs] def get_reservation_for_instance(self, instance): for res in self.ec2.get_all_instances(): for inst in res.instances: if == if hasattr(instance,'reservation'): instance.reservation = res return res raise Exception('No reservation found for instance:'+str(
[docs] def monitor_euinstances_to_state(self, instance_list, state='running', min=None, poll_interval=10, timeout=120, eof=True): self.debug('('+str(len(instance_list))+") monitor_instances_to_state: '"+str(state)+"' starting....") monitor = copy.copy(instance_list) for instance in monitor: if not isinstance(instance, EuInstance): instance = EuInstance.make_euinstance_from_instance( instance, self, connect=False) good = [] failed = [] elapsed = 0 start = time.time() failmsg = None pollinterval = 10 failmsg = "" #If no min allowed successful instance count is given, set it to the length of the list provdied. if min is None: min = len(instance_list) while monitor and elapsed < timeout: elapsed = int(time.time() - start) self.debug("\nWaiting for remaining "+str(len(monitor))+"/"+str(len(instance_list))+" instances to go to state:"+str(state)+', elapsed:'+str(elapsed)+'/'+str(timeout)+")...") for instance in monitor: try: instance.update() bdm_vol_status = None bdm_vol_id = None if instance.root_device_type == 'ebs': if not instance.bdm_vol: try: instance.bdm_vol = self.get_volume(volume_id = instance.block_device_mapping.current_value.volume_id) bdm_vol_id = bdm_vol_status = instance.bdm_vol.status except: pass else: instance.bdm_vol.update() bdm_vol_id = bdm_vol_status = instance.bdm_vol.status if instance.laststate: #fail fast on ebs backed instances that go into stopped stated unintentionally if state != "stopped" and ( instance.laststate == 'pending' and instance.state == "stopped"): raise Exception("Instance:"+str(" illegal state transition from "+str(instance.laststate)+" to "+str(instance.state)) dbgmsg = (str(state)+": "+str(' state:'+str(instance.state)+', backing volume:'+str(bdm_vol_id)+' status:'+str(bdm_vol_status)+", elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+"/"+str(timeout)) if instance.state == state: self.debug("SUCCESS "+ dbgmsg) #This instance is in the correct state, remove from monitor list good.append(instance) else: self.debug("WAITING for "+dbgmsg) except Exception, e: failed.append(instance) tb = self.get_traceback() self.debug('FAILED: Instance:'+str(",err:"+str(e)+"\n"+str(tb)) if eof: self.debug("EOF set to True, monitor_euinstances_to_state ending...") raise e if len(instance_list) - len(failed) > min: self.debug('Failed instances has exceeded allowed minimum('+str(min)+") monitor_euinstances_to_state ending...") raise e else: failmsg += str(e)+"\n" #remove good instances from list to monitor for instance in monitor: if instance in good or instance in failed: monitor.remove(instance) if monitor: time.sleep(poll_interval) self.print_euinstance_list(instance_list) if monitor: failmsg = "Some instances did not go to state:"+str(state)+' within timeout:'+str(timeout)+"\nFailed:" for instance in monitor: failed.append(instance) failmsg += str("," if eof: raise Exception(failmsg) if len(instance_list) - len(failed) > min: self.debug('Failed instances has exceeded allowed minimum('+str(min)+") monitor_euinstances_to_state ending...") raise Exception(failmsg) else: self.debug(failmsg)
[docs] def print_euinstance_list(self, list): plist = copy.copy(list) first = plist.pop(0) for instance in plist: if not isinstance(instance,EuInstance): raise Exception("print_euinstance list passed non-EuInstnace type") buf = first.printself(title=True, footer=False) for instance in plist: buf += instance.printself(title=False, footer=False) self.debug("\n"+str(buf)+"\n")
[docs] def wait_for_valid_ip(self, instances, poll_interval=10, timeout = 60): """ Wait for instance public DNS name to clear from :param instance: instance object to check :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for IP to change :return: True on success :raise: Exception if IP stays at """ self.debug("wait_for_valid_ip: Monitoring instances for valid ips...") if not isinstance(instances, types.ListType): monitoring = [instances] else: monitoring = copy.copy(instances) elapsed = 0 good = [] start = time.time() zeros = re.compile("") while monitoring and (elapsed <= timeout): elapsed = int(time.time()- start) for instance in monitoring: instance.update() if self.debug(str(": WAITING for public ip. Current:"+str(instance.public_dns_name)+", elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+"/"+str(timeout)) else: self.debug(str(": FOUND public ip. Current:"+str(instance.public_dns_name)+", elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+"/"+str(timeout)) if (instance.ip_address is instance.private_ip_address) and (instance.public_dns_name is instance.private_dns_name) and not instance.private_addressing: self.debug("ERROR:"+str( + " got Public IP: " + str(instance.ip_address) + " Private IP: " + str(instance.private_ip_address) + " Public DNS Name: " + str(instance.public_dns_name) + " Private DNS Name: " + str(instance.private_dns_name)) else: good.append(instance) #clean up list outside of loop for instance in good: if instance in monitoring: monitoring.remove(instance) if monitoring: time.sleep(poll_interval) if monitoring: buf = "Instances timed out waiting for a valid IP, elapsed:"+str(elapsed)+"/"+str(timeout)+"\n" for instance in instances: buf += "Instance: "+str(", public ip: "+str(instance.public_dns_name)+"\n" raise Exception(buf) self.check_system_for_dup_ip(instances=good) self.debug('Wait_for_valid_ip done')
[docs] def check_system_for_dup_ip(self, instances=None): """ Check system for instances with conflicting duplicate IPs. Will raise exception at end of iterating through all running, pending, or starting instances with info as to which instances and IPs conflict. If a list of instances is provided, all other conflicting IPS will be ignored and will only raise an exception for conflicts with the provided instance 'inst' """ errbuf = "" publist = {} privlist = {} self.debug('Check_system_for_dup_ip starting...') reslist = self.ec2.get_all_instances() for res in reslist: self.debug("Checking reservation: "+str( for instance in res.instances: self.debug('Checking instance '+str(', state:'+str(instance.state).ljust(20)+' pubip:'+str(instance.public_dns_name).ljust(20)+' privip:'+str(instance.private_dns_name).ljust(20)) if instance.state == 'running' or instance.state == 'pending' or instance.state == 'starting': if instance.public_dns_name != '': if instance.public_dns_name in publist: errbuf += "PUBLIC:"+str("/"+str(instance.state)+"="+str(instance.public_dns_name)+" vs: "+str(publist[instance.public_dns_name])+"\n" if instances and (instance in instances): raise Exception("PUBLIC:"+str("/"+str(instance.state)+"="+str(instance.public_dns_name)+" vs: "+str(publist[instance_public_dns_name])) else: publist[instance.public_dns_name] = str("/"+instance.state) if instance.private_dns_name != '': if instance.private_dns_name in privlist: errbuf += "PRIVATE:"+str("/"+str(instance.state)+"="+str(instance.private_dns_name)+" vs: "+str(privlist[instance_private_dns_name])+"\n" if instances and (instance in instances): raise Exception("PRIVATE:"+str("/"+str(instance.state)+"="+str(instance.private_dns_name)+" vs: "+str(privlist[instance_private_dns_name])) else: privlist[instance.private_dns_name] = str("/"+instance.state) if not instances and errbuf: raise Exception("DUPLICATE IPs FOUND:"+errbuf) self.debug("Done with check_system_for_dup_ip")
[docs] def convert_reservation_to_euinstance(self, reservation, username="root", password=None, keyname=None, timeout=60): """ Convert all instances in an entire reservation into eutester.euinstance.Euinstance objects. :param reservation: reservation object to use in conversion :param username: SSH user name of instance :param password: SSH password :param keyname: Private key file to use when connecting to the instance :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for successful SSH connection :return: """ euinstance_list = [] keypair = None if keyname is not None: keypair = self.get_keypair(keyname) for instance in reservation.instances: if keypair is not None or (password is not None and username is not None): try: euinstance_list.append( EuInstance.make_euinstance_from_instance(instance, self, keypair=keypair, username = username, password=password, timeout=timeout )) except Exception, e: self.debug(self.get_traceback()) euinstance_list.append(instance)"Unable to create Euinstance from " + str(instance)+": "+str(e)) else: euinstance_list.append(instance) reservation.instances = euinstance_list return reservation
[docs] def get_keypair(self, name): """ Retrieve a boto.ec2.keypair object by its name :param name: Name of keypair on the cloud :return: boto.ec2.keypair object :raise: Exception on failure to find keypair """ try: return self.ec2.get_all_key_pairs([name])[0] except IndexError, e: raise Exception("Keypair: " + name + " not found")
[docs] def get_zones(self): """ Return a list of availability zone names. :return: list of zone names """ zone_objects = self.ec2.get_all_zones() zone_names = [] for zone in zone_objects: zone_names.append( return zone_names
[docs] def get_instances(self, state=None, idstring=None, reservation=None, rootdevtype=None, zone=None, key=None, pubip=None, privip=None, ramdisk=None, kernel=None, image_id=None ): """ Return a list of instances matching the filters provided. :param state: str of desired state :param idstring: instance-id string :param reservation: reservation-id :param rootdevtype: 'instance-store' or 'ebs' :param zone: Availablity zone :param key: Keypair the instance was launched with :param pubip: Instance public IP :param privip: Instance private IP :param ramdisk: Ramdisk ID string :param kernel: Kernel ID string :param image_id: Image ID string :return: list of instances """ ilist = [] if isinstance(idstring, list): instance_ids = idstring else: instance_ids = idstring reservations = self.ec2.get_all_instances(instance_ids=instance_ids) for res in reservations: if ( reservation is None ) or (, for i in res.instances: #if (idstring is not None) and (not, : # continue if (state is not None) and (i.state != state): continue if (rootdevtype is not None) and (i.root_device_type != rootdevtype): continue if (zone is not None) and (i.placement != zone ): continue if (key is not None) and (i.key_name != key): continue if (pubip is not None) and (i.ip_address != pubip): continue if (privip is not None) and (i.private_ip_address != privip): continue if (ramdisk is not None) and (i.ramdisk != ramdisk): continue if (kernel is not None) and (i.kernel != kernel): continue if (image_id is not None) and (i.image_id != image_id): continue ilist.append(i) return ilist
[docs] def get_connectable_euinstances(self,path=None,username='root', password=None, connect=True): """ Convenience method, returns a list of all running instances, for the current creduser for which there are local keys at 'path' :param path: Path to look for private keys :param username: username to use if path is not pfassed :param password: password to use if path is not passed :param connect: bool, Whether to create an ssh connection to the instances :return: """ try: euinstances = [] keys = self.get_all_current_local_keys(path=path) if keys: for keypair in keys: self.debug('looking for instances using keypair:' instances = self.get_instances(state='running', if instances: for instance in instances: if not connect: keypair=None euinstances.append(instance) else: euinstances.append(EuInstance.make_euinstance_from_instance( instance, self, username=username,password=password,keypair=keypair)) return euinstances except Exception, e: self.debug("Failed to find a pre-existing instance we can connect to:"+str(e)) pass
[docs] def get_all_attributes(self, obj, verbose=True): """ Get a formatted list of all the key pair values pertaining to the object 'obj' :param obj: Object to extract information from :param verbose: Print key value pairs :return: Buffer of key value pairs """ buf="" list = sorted(obj.__dict__) for item in list: if verbose: print str(item)+" = "+str(obj.__dict__[item]) buf += str(item)+" = "+str(obj.__dict__[item])+"\n" return buf
[docs] def get_traceback(self): """ Returns a string buffer with traceback, to be used for debug/info purposes. """ try: out = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info(),file=out) buf = except Exception, e: buf = "Could not get traceback"+str(e) return str(buf)
[docs] def terminate_instances(self, reservation=None, timeout=480): """ Terminate instances in the system :param reservation: Reservation object to terminate all instances in, default is to terminate all instances :raise: Exception when instance does not reach terminated state """ ### If a reservation is not passed then kill all instances aggregate_result = True if reservation is None: reservations = self.ec2.get_all_instances() #first send terminate for all instances for res in reservations: for instance in res.instances: self.debug( "Sending terminate for " + str(instance) ) instance.terminate() #now go wait on the instance states for res in reservations: if self.wait_for_reservation(res, state="terminated", timeout=timeout) is False: aggregate_result = False ### Otherwise just kill this reservation else: for instance in reservation.instances: self.debug( "Sending terminate for " + str(instance) ) instance.terminate() if self.wait_for_reservation(reservation, state="terminated", timeout=timeout) is False: aggregate_result = False return aggregate_result
[docs] def stop_instances(self,reservation, timeout=480): """ Stop all instances in a reservation :param reservation: boto.ec2.reservation object :raise: Exception when instance does not reach stopped state """ for instance in reservation.instances: self.debug( "Sending stop for " + str(instance) ) instance.stop() if self.wait_for_reservation(reservation, state="stopped", timeout=timeout) is False: return False return True
[docs] def start_instances(self,reservation, timeout=480): """ Start all instances in a reservation :param reservation: boto.ec2.reservation object :raise: Exception when instance does not reach running state """ for instance in reservation.instances: self.debug( "Sending start for " + str(instance) ) instance.start() if self.wait_for_reservation(reservation, state="running", timeout=timeout) is False: return False return True
