Source code for gmtasks

Simple multiprocessing server for gearman.

__version__ = '0.2'

import time
import sys, traceback
import gearman
import signal

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, cpu_count, active_children
from Queue import Empty

# Logging
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# A simple task function wrapper designed to exit gracefully and re-queue jobs
# when interrupted.

[docs]class Task(object): """ This class is a simple wrapper around worker functions that does its best to return a job to the queue if the function receives a KeyboardInterrupt or raises an exception. Enable verbose to call log.error() with exception details. """ def __init__(self, task, callback, verbose=False): self.task = task self.callback = callback self.verbose = verbose def __call__(self, worker, job): try: return self.callback(worker, job) except Exception, e: if self.verbose: log.error('WORKER FAILED: {0}, {1}\n{2}'.format( self.task, str(e), traceback.format_exc() )) # Disconnect so this job goes back into the queue worker.shutdown() # Continue with the exception raise # # Main server class #
[docs]class GearmanTaskServer(object): """ The main task server class. **host_list** List of gearman hosts to connect to. See ``gearman`` for full documentation. **tasks** List of tasks. Tasks may be Task() objects, dicts, lists or tuples. **max_workers** Number of worker processes to launch. Defaults to ``multiprocessing.cpu_count()`` **id_prefix** If you want your workers to register a client_id with gearman, provide a prefix here. GearmanTaskServer will append an incrementing number to the end of this, representing the total number of subprocesses started in this run. **GMWorker** GearmanWorker class to use. Defaults to gearman.GearmanWorker. **sighandler** Set to False if you would prefer to use your own signal handlers instead of trapping SIGINT and SIGTERM as KeyboardInterrupt events. **verbose** Set to True to enable logger. """ def __init__(self, host_list, tasks, max_workers=None, id_prefix = None, GMWorker=None, sighandler=True, verbose=False ): self.host_list = host_list self.tasks = tasks self.max_workers = int(max_workers) self.worker = GMWorker self.id_prefix = id_prefix self.verbose = verbose if not self.worker: self.worker = gearman.GearmanWorker # Signal Handler override? if sighandler: self._setup_sighandler() # Sanity check if self.max_workers < 1: try: self.max_workers = int(cpu_count()) except: self.max_workers = 1
[docs] def serve_forever(self): """ Launch the multi-process server and process jobs until an interrupt is received. """ # Initialize a queue designed to track child processes that exit. doneq = Queue() # Keep track of how many clients we have created, so they can have unique IDs process_counter = 0 # Loop workers = [] try: while True: while len(workers) < self.max_workers: process_counter += 1 client_id = None if self.id_prefix: client_id = '{0}{1}'.format(self.id_prefix, process_counter) p = Process(target=_worker_process, args=( self.tasks, doneq, self.host_list, self.worker, client_id, self.verbose )) p.start() workers.append(p) if self.verbose:"Num workers: {0} of {1}".format(len(workers), self.max_workers)) # Use the queue as a poor man's wait/select against the first # child process to finish. Add a timeout so we can repopulate # processes that terminate abnormally. try: r = doneq.get(True, 5) except Empty: r = None if r is not None: if isinstance(r, gearman.errors.ServerUnavailable): #: @todo non-blocking doneq.get() to clear it out of # similar errors? or maybe just reset doneq above # when len(workers)==0 if self.verbose:"Reconnecting.") time.sleep(2) elif r is True: # Job exited normally. Except this shouldn't actually happen.'Normal process exit (May actually be a problem)') # Give things a fraction of a second to catch up, then filter out # the finished process(es) time.sleep(0.1) workers = filter(lambda w: w in workers, active_children()) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.error('EXIT. RECEIVED INTERRUPT')
def _setup_sighandler(self): """ Initialize our slight change to the signal handler setup Provided as a separate function so that users can opt in to this feature, or write their own. """ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _interrupt_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _interrupt_handler) # # Our own interrupt handler #
def _interrupt_handler(signum, frame): """ Python maps SIGINT to KeyboardInterrupt by default, but we need to catch SIGTERM as well, so we can give jobs as much of a chance as possible to alert the gearman server to requeue the job. """ raise KeyboardInterrupt() # # Worker process/function # def _worker_process(tasks, doneq, host_list, worker_class=None, client_id=None, verbose=False): try: if not worker_class: worker_class = gearman.GearmanWorker try: # Connect gm_worker = worker_class(host_list = host_list) if client_id: gm_worker.set_client_id(client_id) # Load the tasks for task in tasks: taskname = callback = None if isinstance(task, dict): taskname = task['task'] callback = task['callback'] elif isinstance(task, list) or isinstance(task, tuple): taskname, callback = task else: taskname = task.task callback = task if verbose:"Registering {0} task {1}".format(client_id, taskname)) gm_worker.register_task(taskname, callback) # Enter the work loop except gearman.errors.ServerUnavailable, e: doneq.put(e) return # Really should never touch this code but it's here just in case. doneq.put(True) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Prevent this child process from printing a traceback pass