Source code for jasy.item.Abstract

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import os

from jasy import UserError
import jasy.core.File as File

[docs]class AbstractItem: id = None project = None kind = "jasy.Item" mtime = None __path = None __cache = None __text = None __textFilter = None __filteredText = None @classmethod
[docs] def fromPath(cls, project, relpath, package=None): "Initialize MyData from a dict's items" item = cls(project) item.setId(item.generateId(relpath, package)) return item
def __init__(self, project, id=None, package=None): self.project = project if id: self.setId(id)
[docs] def generateId(self, relpath, package): return "%s/%s" % (package,relpath)
[docs] def attach(self, path): self.__path = path entry = None try: if type(path) is list: mtime = 0 for entry in path: entryTime = os.stat(entry).st_mtime if entryTime > mtime: mtime = entryTime self.mtime = mtime else: entry = path self.mtime = os.stat(entry).st_mtime except OSError as oserr: raise UserError("Invalid item path: %s" % entry) return self
[docs] def getId(self): """Returns a unique identify of the class. Typically as it is stored inside the project.""" return
[docs] def setId(self, id): = id return self
[docs] def getProject(self): """Returns the project which the class belongs to""" return self.project
[docs] def getPath(self): """Returns the exact position of the class file in the file system.""" # Automatically write file (from eventually processed text content) when it does not exist if self.__text is not None and not File.exists(self.__path): File.write(self.__path, self.getText()) return self.__path
[docs] def setPath(self, path): """Sets the path for the item""" self.__path = path
[docs] def getModificationTime(self): """Returns last modification time of the class""" return self.mtime
[docs] def setText(self, text): """Stores text from custom reader""" self.__text = text
[docs] def saveText(self, text, path, encoding="utf-8"): """ Saves the given text under the given path and stores both for future access This is mainly useful for "virtual" files which are not edited by the developer but which are created dynamically during runtime. """ self.__text = text self.__path = path if not File.exists(path) or != text: File.write(path, text) self.mtime = os.stat(path).st_mtime
[docs] def getText(self, encoding="utf-8"): """ Reads the file (as UTF-8) and returns the text """ if self.__text is not None: if self.__textFilter is not None: if not self.__filteredText: self.__filteredText = self.__textFilter(self.__text, self) return self.__filteredText else: return self.__text if self.__path is None: return None if type(self.__path) == list: text = "".join([open(filename, mode="r", encoding=encoding).read() for filename in self.__path]) else: text = open(self.__path, mode="r", encoding=encoding).read() if self.__textFilter is not None: return self.__textFilter(text, self) else: return text
[docs] def setTextFilter(self, filterCallback): """ Sets text filter callback that is called on getText(). With this callback e.g. transformations from CoffeeScript to JavaScript are possible. The callback gets two parameter (text, ItemClass) """ self.__textFilter = filterCallback
[docs] def getChecksum(self, mode="rb"): """ Returns the SHA1 checksum of the item """ return File.sha1(open(self.getPath(), mode)) # Map Python built-ins
__repr__ = getId __str__ = getId