Source code for jasy.item.Style

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import os, copy, fnmatch, re

import jasy.core.Console as Console
import jasy.core.MetaData as MetaData
import jasy.item.Abstract as AbstractItem
import as Util
import as Engine

[docs]def includeGenerator(node): """ A generator which yiels include names and the origin include nodes for every include in the given root node """ for child in node: if child: if child.type == "include": valueNode = child[0] if valueNode.type in ("string", "identifier"): includeName = valueNode.value elif valueNode.type == "dot": includeName = Util.assembleDot(valueNode) else: raise Exception("Invalid include: %s" % valueNode) yield includeName, child else: includeGenerator(child)
[docs]def collectFields(node, keys=None, condition=False): """ Collects all fields accessed by the given root node and all children. Returns a set of field names. """ if keys is None: keys = set() if getattr(node, "rel", None) == "condition": condition = True elif node.type == "command" and == "field": keys.add(node.params[0].value) elif condition and node.type == "identifier": keys.add(node.value) # Process children for child in reversed(node): if child != None: collectFields(child, keys, condition) return keys
[docs]class StyleError(Exception): """ Error class used for issues during style processing """ def __init__(self, inst, msg): self.__msg = msg self.__inst = inst def __str__(self): return "Error processing stylesheet %s: %s" % (self.__inst, self.__msg)
[docs]class StyleItem(AbstractItem.AbstractItem): kind = "jasy.Style"
[docs] def generateId(self, relpath, package): """ Generates the fileId of this item as being used by other modules """ if package: packageId = "%s/" % package else: packageId = "" pathId = os.path.splitext(relpath)[0] return (packageId + pathId).replace("/", ".")
def __getTree(self): """ Returns the abstract syntax tree of the stylesheet. """ field = "style:tree[%s]" % tree = self.project.getCache().read(field, self.mtime) if not tree:"Parsing stylesheet %s...", Console.colorize(, "bold")) Console.indent() tree = Engine.getTree(self.getText(), Console.outdent() self.project.getCache().store(field, tree, self.mtime, True) return tree def __getPermutatedTree(self, permutation=None): """ Returns a permutated tree: a copy of the original tree where conditions based on the given permutation are resolved. """ if permutation is None: return self.__getTree() permutation = self.filterPermutation(permutation) field = "style:permutated[%s]-%s" % (, permutation) tree = self.project.getCache().read(field, self.mtime) if not tree: tree = copy.deepcopy(self.__getTree())"Permutating stylesheet %s...", Console.colorize(, "bold")) Console.indent() Engine.permutateTree(tree, permutation) Console.outdent() self.project.getCache().store(field, tree, self.mtime, True) return tree
[docs] def getDependencies(self, permutation=None, items=None, fields=None, warnings=True): """ Returns a set of dependencies seen through the given list of known items (ignoring all unknown items in original set). """ meta = self.getMetaData(permutation) result = set() # Manually defined names/classes for entry in meta.requires: if entry == pass elif entry in items and items[entry].kind == "jasy.Style": result.add(items[entry]) elif "*" in entry: reobj = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(entry)) for itemId in items: if itemId != if reobj.match(itemId): result.add(items[itemId]) elif warnings: Console.warn("Missing item for require command: %s in %s", entry, return result
[docs] def getBreaks(self, permutation=None, items=None, warnings=True): """ Returns all down-priorized dependencies. These are dependencies which are required to make the item work, but are not required being available before the current item. """ meta = self.getMetaData(permutation) result = set() for entry in meta.breaks: if entry == pass elif entry in items and items[entry].kind == "jasy.Style": result.add(items[entry]) elif "*" in entry: reobj = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(entry)) for itemId in items: if itemId != if reobj.match(itemId): result.add(items[itemId]) elif warnings: Console.warn("Missing item for break command: %s in %s", entry, return result
[docs] def getMetaData(self, permutation): """ Returns the meta data of this stylesheet """ permutation = self.filterPermutation(permutation) field = "style:meta[%s]-%s" % (, permutation) meta = self.project.getCache().read(field, self.mtime) if meta is None: Console.debug("Collecting meta data %s...", Console.colorize(, "bold")) meta = MetaData.MetaData(self.__getPermutatedTree(permutation)) self.project.getCache().store(field, meta, self.mtime) return meta
[docs] def getFields(self): """ Returns the fields which are used by this stylesheet. """ field = "style:fields[%s]" % fields = self.project.getCache().read(field, self.mtime) if fields is None: Console.debug("Collecting fields %s...", Console.colorize(, "bold")) fields = collectFields(self.__getTree()) self.project.getCache().store(field, fields, self.mtime) return fields
[docs] def getIncludes(self, permutation): """ Returns the includes which are referenced by this stylesheet. """ field = "style:includes[%s]" % includes = self.project.getCache().read(field, self.mtime) if includes is None: Console.debug("Collecting includes %s...", Console.colorize(, "bold")) includes = [] for includeName, includeNode in includeGenerator(self.__getPermutatedTree(permutation)): includes.append(includeName) self.project.getCache().store(field, includes, self.mtime) return includes
[docs] def filterPermutation(self, permutation): """ Returns a new permutation which only contains information about the fields actually accessed in this stylesheet. """ if permutation: fields = self.getFields() if fields: return permutation.filter(fields) return None
[docs] def getModificationTime(self, profile): """ Returns the modification date of the stylesheet (or the sum of modification dates when using includes) """ mtime = self.mtime permutation = self.filterPermutation(profile.getCurrentPermutation()) session = profile.getSession() mtime = self.mtime for includeName in self.getIncludes(permutation): styleItem = session.getStyleByName(includeName) if styleItem is None: raise Exception("Did not find style sheet: %s" % includeName) mtime += styleItem.getModificationTime(profile) return mtime
[docs] def getMergedTree(self, profile): """ Returns the merged (includes resolved) and optimized (permutation values applied) tree. """ session = profile.getSession() # Work is on base of optimized tree tree = self.__getPermutatedTree(profile.getCurrentPermutation()) # Copying original tree tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) # Run the actual resolver engine for includeName, includeNode in includeGenerator(tree): styleItem = session.getStyleByName(includeName) if styleItem is None: raise Exception("Did not find style sheet: %s" % includeName) # Use merged tree for children as well... childRoot = styleItem.getMergedTree(profile) # Copy it for being able to freely modify it childRoot = copy.deepcopy(childRoot) # Then replace it with include node includeNode.parent.replace(includeNode, childRoot) return tree
[docs] def getCompressed(self, profile): """ Returns the compressed CSS code of this item. """ field = "style:compressed[%s]-%s" % (, profile.getId()) mtime = self.getModificationTime(profile) compressed = self.project.getCache().read(field, mtime) if compressed is None:"Compressing tree %s...", Console.colorize(, "bold")) # Start with the merged tree (includes resolved) tree = self.getMergedTree(profile) # Reduce tree Engine.reduceTree(tree, profile) # Compress tree compressed = Engine.compressTree(tree, profile.getCompressionLevel(), profile.getFormattingLevel()) # Store in cache self.project.getCache().store(field, compressed, mtime) return compressed