lck.common 0.4.4 documentation

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Implements a reusable Java-like synchronization decorator. It is using threading locks or filesystem-based locks to synchronize subsequent calls of the specified functions. The former kind of lock is reentrant, the latter is not.

For filesystem-based locks the module is using Skip Montanaro’s lockfile library, compatible with Windows and POSIX environments.


Instead of importing the whole structure, a recommended shortcut is available. Use from lck.concurrency import synchronized.


synchronized(func=None, lock=None, path=None)

Synchronization decorator.

  • lock – the user can specify a concrete lock object to be used with this specific synchronization decorator. This is useful when a group of functions should be synchronized together.
  • path – instead of using threading-based locking, file-based locks may be used instead. Beware, these are radically less performant than threading locks.