

lodgeit retrieves and creates pastes. The general syntax is:

lodgeit [global options] action [options] [arguments]

Choosing a pastebin

lodgeit supports different pastebins. The pastebin can be chosen with the lodgeit --pastebin:

--pastebin [HOSTNAME OR URL]

Chose the pastebin to use. It can either be a hostname of one of the builtin pastebins or a URL to the start page of a pastebin site based on the Lodgeit software. The following pastebins are builtin:

The default pastebin can be configured with the pastebin configuration key.

Create pastes

The new action creates a new paste paste from the given filename. If no filename is given, or if a single dash - is specified, the paste is read from standard input. A parent paste [1] may be specified as id or url. If parent is not given, the new paste has no parent:

lodgeit new [options] [filename] [parent]

The following options are available:

-c, --copy

Copy the url of the created paste to the clipboard. Enabled by default, can be configured with the configuration key copy.

-nc, --no-copy

Do not copy the url of the created paste to the clipboard.

-b, --browser

Open the created paste in the favourite web browser. On Unix-Systems you should set $BROWSER to something reasonable. The default can be configured with the configuration key browser.

-nb, --no-browser

Do not open the paste in the browser.

-p, --private

Create a private paste. Private pastes do not have a nummeric id and do not appear in the public list of all pastes. The default can be configured with the configuration key private.

-np, --no-private

Create a public paste.

-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE

Force LANGUAGE as markup language. If unset, the language is guess from the filename (doesn’t work for standard input, of course). A default language can be set with the configuration key language. Use lodgeit list_languages to get a list of available languages.

--encoding ENCODING

The encoding of the input file. If unset, the system encoding is used. A default encoding can be set with the configuration key encoding.

Retrieve pastes

The get action fetches the given paste. paste can be a paste id or a complete paste url. If no paste is given, the last public paste is fetched:

lodgeit get [options] [paste]

The following options are available:

-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE

Write the paste to the specified file. If OUTFILE is single dash - or if this option is not given, the paste is written to standard output.

-p, --parent

Fetch the parent of the specified paste [1].

-i, --information

Write a header with meta data before the paste. This header contains the following information:

  • the paste id
  • the date and time of publication
  • the programming or markup language
  • the id of the parent paste
  • the url of the paste

The default can be configured with configured with the configuration key information.

-ni, --no-information

Do not write the meta data header.

-c, --color

Use colored output. This will highlight the paste according to the language of the paste. If neither this option nor -nc are given, output is colored, if the output file is a tty. Can be configured with the configuration key color.

-nc, --no-color

Do not use colored output.

-s {light,dark}, --colorscheme {light,dark}

The color scheme to use, if colored output is enabled. Use light for terminals with a light background color and dark for terminals with a dark background color. The default can be configured with the configuration key colorscheme.


Some options have configurable defaults, which can be adjusted with the following configuration keys:


The default pastebin. See lodgeit --pastebin for a description of this setting and permitted values. The default is paste.pocoo.org.


The default language for new pastes. Corresponds to lodgeit new -l.


Boolean key providing the default setting for lodgeit new -c and lodgeit new -nc. If true, copying of paste urls is enabled, if false (the default), it’s disabled.


Boolean key providing the default setting for lodgeit new -b and lodgeit new -nb. If true, browsing of new pastes urls is enabled, if false (the default), it’s disabled.


Boolean key providing the default setting for lodgeit new -p and lodgeit new -np. If true, new pastes are private by default, if false (the default), they are public.


Provides the default encoding for input files for lodgeit get. Corresponds to lodgeit new --encoding.


Boolean key providing the default setting for lodgeit get -i and lodgeit get -ni. If true, a header is written by default, if false (the default), the header is suppressed.


Boolean key providing the default setting for lodgeit get -c and lodgeit get -nc. If true, a output is colored by default, if false, it’s not. If unset, colored output is only used on TTYs.


The default color scheme for colored output. Corresponds to lodgeit get -s, see the option description for permitted values. The default is dark.

Boolean configuration keys are true, if their value is any of true, yes, on and 1 (not case sensitive) and false, if their value is any of false, no, off and 0 (again not case sensitive). Other values cause an error.

The configuration file uses classic INI-style syntax. Keys and values are separated with =, comments are started with #:

encoding = utf-8
# open the browser
browser = yes
# do not copy url to clipboard
copy = false

On POSIX systems, the configuration file is read from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lodgeitrc. XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to $HOME/.config. On Windows the configuration is read from $APPDATA/lodgeitrc.


Create a new paste:

lodgeit new foo.py

Create a new private paste:

lodgeit new -p foo.py

Open the new paste in the browser:

lodgeit new -b foo.py

Fetch the last paste:

lodgeit get

Show the information header:

lodgeit get -i

Fetch a paste by id:

lodgeit get C76X4sCbP3FEUCDBbFGa

Or by a complete url:

lodgeit get 'http://paste.pocoo.org/show/C76X4sCbP3FEUCDBbFGa/'

Fetch and save a paste:

lodgeit get -o hello.py C76X4sCbP3FEUCDBbFGa


[1](1, 2) See Advanced Features for a description of this feature.

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