Dealing with the Time Track

As a choreographer for the HCE, the time track is obviously considered the primary domain for the Bee.

Ready and Hold

The Bee will announce which character or characters it thinks are eligible at the current tick. A character can reply with [I am ready.] to take a turn or [I hold.] to wait or pass.


A character can force a turn when the Bee thinks they are ineligible with [I interrupt.]. The need to use this should be rare.

Setting the Time Track

A character’s turn ends when the character sets their own timer, [I set myself to Time Count.] where Time Count is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 9. If the Bee remembers your last action (ie, it happens to be in the current email message or Wave blit), you can omit the [ Time Count.] and the Bee will set the character to the used influence’s count. If the Bee remembers the dice roll of that action, it will double check the intended timing effect against your time track setting.

A character can also set another character’s time track with [I set Character Name to Time Count.]. This allows the Bee to double-check the entire timing effect against a dice roll, given that Bee remembers the dice roll.

The parser accepts the verb “reset” as a synonym of “set”.

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