Command line list creation

A system administrator can create mailing lists by the command line.

>>> class FakeArgs:
...     language = None
...     owners = []
...     quiet = False
...     domain = None
...     listname = None
...     notify = False

You cannot create a mailing list in an unknown domain.

>>> from mailman.commands.cli_lists import Create
>>> command = Create()
>>> class FakeParser:
...     def error(self, message):
...         print(message)
>>> command.parser = FakeParser()
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['test@example.xx']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Undefined domain: example.xx

The -d or --domain option is used to tell Mailman to auto-register the domain. Both the mailing list and domain will be created.

>>> FakeArgs.domain = True
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list: test@example.xx

Now both the domain and the mailing list exist in the database.

>>> from mailman.interfaces.listmanager import IListManager
>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> list_manager = getUtility(IListManager)
>>> list_manager.get('test@example.xx')
<mailing list "test@example.xx" at ...>

>>> from mailman.interfaces.domain import IDomainManager
>>> getUtility(IDomainManager).get('example.xx')
<Domain example.xx, base_url: http://example.xx>

You can also create mailing lists in existing domains without the auto-creation flag.

>>> FakeArgs.domain = False
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

>>> list_manager.get('')
<mailing list "" at ...>

The command can also operate quietly.

>>> FakeArgs.quiet = True
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)

>>> mlist = list_manager.get('')
>>> mlist
<mailing list "" at ...>

Setting the owner

By default, no list owners are specified.

>>> dump_list(mlist.owners.addresses)

But you can specify an owner address on the command line when you create the mailing list.

>>> FakeArgs.quiet = False
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> FakeArgs.owners = ['']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

>>> mlist = list_manager.get('')
>>> dump_list(repr(address) for address in mlist.owners.addresses)
<Address: [not verified] at ...>

You can even specify more than one address for the owners.

>>> FakeArgs.owners = ['',
...                    '',
...                    '']
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

>>> mlist = list_manager.get('')
>>> from operator import attrgetter
>>> dump_list(repr(address) for address in mlist.owners.addresses)
<Address: [not verified] at ...>
<Address: [not verified] at ...>
<Address: [not verified] at ...>

Setting the language

You can set the default language for the new mailing list when you create it. The language must be known to Mailman.

>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> FakeArgs.language = 'ee'
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Invalid language code: ee

>>> from mailman.interfaces.languages import ILanguageManager
>>> getUtility(ILanguageManager).add('ee', 'iso-8859-1', 'Freedonian')
<Language [ee] Freedonian>

>>> FakeArgs.quiet = False
>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> FakeArgs.language = 'fr'
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

>>> mlist = list_manager.get('')
>>> print(mlist.preferred_language)
<Language [fr] French>
>>> FakeArgs.language = None


When told to, Mailman will notify the list owners of their new mailing list.

>>> FakeArgs.listname = ['']
>>> FakeArgs.notify = True
>>> command.process(FakeArgs)
Created mailing list:

The notification message is in the virgin queue.

>>> from mailman.testing.helpers import get_queue_messages
>>> messages = get_queue_messages('virgin')
>>> len(messages)

>>> for message in messages:
...     print(message.msg.as_string())
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Your new mailing list:

The mailing list '' has just been created for you.
The following is some basic information about your mailing list.

You can configure your mailing list at the following web page:

The web page for users of your mailing list is:

There is also an email-based interface for users (not administrators)
of your list; you can get info about using it by sending a message
with just the word 'help' as subject or in the body, to:

Please address all questions to

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