convenience (mwavepy.convenience)

Holds pre-initialized objects’s and functions that are general conveniences.


save_all_figs([dir, format]) Save all open Figures to disk.
add_markers_to_lines([ax, marker_list, ...])
legend_off([ax]) turn off the legend for a given axes. if no axes is given then
find_nearest(array, value) find nearest value in array.
find_nearest_index(array, value) find nearest value in array.

Pre-initialized Objects

Frequency Objects

These are predefined Frequency objects that correspond to standard waveguide bands. This information is taken from the VDI Application Note 1002 [1] . The naming convenction is f_wr# where ‘#’ is the band number.

Object Name Description
f_wr10 WR-10, 75-110 GHz
f_wr3 WR-3, 220-325 GHz
f_wr2p2 WR-2.2, 330-500 GHz
f_wr1p5 WR-1.5, 500-750 GHz
f_wr1 WR-1, 750-1100 GHz

Media Objects

These are predefined Media objects that represent Standardized transmission line media’s. This information

Rectangular Waveguide Media’s

RectangularWaveguide Objects for standard bands.

Object Name Description
wr10 WR-10, 75-110 GHz
wr3 WR-3, 220-325 GHz
wr2p2 WR-2.2, 330-500 GHz
wr1p5 WR-1.5, 500-750 GHz
wr1 WR-1, 750-1100 GHz


[1]VDI Application Note: VDI Waveguide Band Designations (VDI-1002)