
NetworkSet.plot_uncertainty_bounds_component(attribute, m=0, n=0, type='shade', n_deviations=3, alpha=0.3, color_error='b', markevery_error=20, ax=None, ppf=None, kwargs_error={}, *args, **kwargs)

plots mean value of the NetworkSet with +- uncertainty bounds in an Network’s attribute. This is designed to represent uncertainty in a scalar component of the s-parameter. for example ploting the uncertainty in the magnitude would be expressed by,

mean(abs(s)) +- std(abs(s))

the order of mean and abs is important.


attribute: attribute of Network type to analyze [string] m: first index of attribute matrix [int] n: second index of attribute matrix [int] type: [‘shade’ | ‘bar’], type of plot to draw n_deviations: number of std deviations to plot as bounds [number] alpha: passed to matplotlib.fill_between() command. [number, 0-1] color_error: color of the +- std dev fill shading markevery_error: if type==’bar’, this controls frequency

of error bars

ax: Axes to plot on ppf: post processing function. a function applied to the

upper and low
*args,**kwargs: passed to Network.plot_s_re command used
to plot mean response
kwargs_error: dictionary of kwargs to pass to the fill_between
or errorbar plot command depending on value of type.
for phase uncertainty you probably want s_deg_unwrap, or similar. uncerainty for wrapped phase blows up at +-pi.

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