Package ndg :: Package httpsclient :: Module ssl_socket :: Class SSLSocket
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Class SSLSocket

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SSL Socket class wraps pyOpenSSL's SSL.Connection class implementing the makefile method so that it is compatible with the standard socket interface and usable with httplib.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, ctx, sock=None)
Create SSL socket object
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Close underlying socket when this object goes out of scope
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Shutdown the SSL connection and call the close method of the underlying socket
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set_shutdown(self, mode)
Set the shutdown state of the Connection.
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Get the shutdown state of the Connection.
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bind(self, addr)
bind to the given address - calls method of the underlying socket
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listen(self, backlog)
Listen for connections made to the socket.
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Set the connection to work in server mode.
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Accept an SSL connection.
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Set the connection to work in client mode.
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connect(self, addr)
Call the connect method of the underlying socket and set up SSL on the socket, using the Context object supplied to this Connection object at creation.
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shutdown(self, how)
Send the shutdown message to the Connection.
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Renegotiate this connection's SSL parameters.
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Returns: numbers of bytes that can be safely read from the SSL buffer.
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send(self, data, *flags_arg)
Send data to the socket.
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sendall(self, data) source code
recv(self, size=8192)
Receive data from the Connection.
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setblocking(self, mode)
Set this connection's underlying socket blocking _mode_.
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Returns: file descriptor number for the underlying socket
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getsockopt(self, *args)
See socket.socket.getsockopt
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setsockopt(self, *args)
See socket.socket.setsockopt
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Return the SSL state of this connection.
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makefile(self, *args)
Specific to Python socket API and required by httplib: convert response into a file-like object.
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Returns: the socket's own address
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Returns: remote address to which the socket is connected
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Retrieve the Context object associated with this Connection.
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Retrieve the other side's certificate (if any)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
int default_buf_size = 8192
default buffer size for recv operations in the makefile method
Properties [hide private]
Buffer size for makefile method recv() operations

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, ctx, sock=None)

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Create SSL socket object

  • ctx (OpenSSL.SSL.Context) - SSL context
  • sock (socket.socket) - underlying socket object
Overrides: object.__init__

set_shutdown(self, mode)

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Set the shutdown state of the Connection.

  • mode - bit vector of either or both of SENT_SHUTDOWN and RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN


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Get the shutdown state of the Connection.

bit vector of either or both of SENT_SHUTDOWN and RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN

bind(self, addr)

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bind to the given address - calls method of the underlying socket

  • addr (tuple) - address/port number tuple

listen(self, backlog)

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Listen for connections made to the socket.

  • backlog - specifies the maximum number of queued connections and should be at least 1; the maximum value is system-dependent (usually 5).
  • backlog - int


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Set the connection to work in server mode. The handshake will be handled automatically by read/write


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Accept an SSL connection.

Returns: tuple
pair (ssl, addr) where ssl is a new SSL connection object and addr is the address bound to the other end of the SSL connection.


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Set the connection to work in client mode. The handshake will be handled automatically by read/write

connect(self, addr)

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Call the connect method of the underlying socket and set up SSL on the socket, using the Context object supplied to this Connection object at creation.

  • addr (tuple) - address/port number pair

shutdown(self, how)

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Send the shutdown message to the Connection.

  • how - for socket.socket this flag determines whether read, write or both type operations are supported. OpenSSL.SSL.Connection doesn't support this so this parameter is IGNORED
Returns: bool
true if the shutdown message exchange is completed and false otherwise (in which case you call recv() or send() when the connection becomes readable/writeable.


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Returns: int
numbers of bytes that can be safely read from the SSL buffer.

send(self, data, *flags_arg)

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Send data to the socket. Nb. The optional flags argument is ignored.

  • retained for compatibility with socket.socket interface
  • data (string) - data to send down the socket

recv(self, size=8192)

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Receive data from the Connection.

  • size (int) - The maximum amount of data to be received at once
Returns: string
data received.

setblocking(self, mode)

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Set this connection's underlying socket blocking _mode_.

  • mode (int) - blocking mode


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Returns: int
file descriptor number for the underlying socket

setsockopt(self, *args)

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See socket.socket.setsockopt

Returns: int/string
value of the given socket option

makefile(self, *args)

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Specific to Python socket API and required by httplib: convert response into a file-like object. This implementation reads using recv and copies the output into a StringIO buffer to simulate a file object for consumption by httplib

Nb. Ignoring optional file open mode (StringIO is generic and will open for read and write unless a string is passed to the constructor) and buffer size - httplib set a zero buffer size which results in recv reading nothing

Returns: cStringIO.StringO
file object for data returned from socket


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the socket's own address


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remote address to which the socket is connected

Property Details [hide private]


Buffer size for makefile method recv() operations

Get Method:
unreachable.buf_size(self) - Buffer size for makefile method recv() operations
Set Method:
unreachable.buf_size(self, value) - Buffer size for makefile method recv() operations