Package ndg :: Package xacml :: Package core :: Module attributedesignator
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Source Code for Module ndg.xacml.core.attributedesignator

  1  """NDG XACML AttributeDesignator type 
  3  NERC DataGrid 
  4  """ 
  5  __author__ = "P J Kershaw" 
  6  __date__ = "16/03/10" 
  7  __copyright__ = "(C) 2010 Science and Technology Facilities Council" 
  8  __contact__ = "" 
  9  __license__ = "BSD - see LICENSE file in top-level directory" 
 10  __contact__ = "" 
 11  __revision__ = "$Id: 7365 2010-08-25 15:41:20Z pjkersha $" 
 12  import logging 
 13  log = logging.getLogger(__name__) 
 15  from ndg.xacml.utils import TypedList 
 16  from ndg.xacml.core.expression import Expression 
 17  from ndg.xacml.core.attributevalue import (AttributeValue,  
 18                                             AttributeValueClassFactory) 
 19  from ndg.xacml.core.context.request import Request 
 20  from ndg.xacml.core.context.handler import CtxHandlerInterface 
 21  from ndg.xacml.core.context.exceptions import MissingAttributeError 
22 23 24 -class AttributeDesignator(Expression):
25 '''Base class for XACML Attribute Designator types 26 27 @cvar ATTRIBUTE_ID_ATTRIB_NAME: attribute ID XML attribute name 28 @type ATTRIBUTE_ID_ATTRIB_NAME: string 29 @cvar ISSUER_ATTRIB_NAME: issuer XML attribute name 30 @type ISSUER_ATTRIB_NAME: string 31 @cvar MUST_BE_PRESENT_ATTRIB_NAME: must be present XML attribute name 32 @type MUST_BE_PRESENT_ATTRIB_NAME: string 33 34 @ivar __attributeId: attribute ID for this designator 35 @type __attributeId: basestring / NoneType 36 @ivar __issuer: issuer if the designator 37 @type __issuer: basestring / NoneType 38 @ivar __mustBePresent: XML must be present flag 39 @type __mustBePresent: bool 40 @ivar __attributeValueFactory: When evaluating matches, use an attribute 41 value class factory to create attribute values for match bag of the correct 42 DataType to respect type based rule functions 43 @type __attributeValueFactory: ndg.xacml.core.attributevalue.AttributeValueClassFactory 44 ''' 45 ATTRIBUTE_ID_ATTRIB_NAME = 'AttributeId' 46 ISSUER_ATTRIB_NAME = 'Issuer' 47 MUST_BE_PRESENT_ATTRIB_NAME = 'MustBePresent' 48 49 __slots__ = ( 50 '__attributeId', 51 '__issuer', 52 '__mustBePresent', 53 '__attributeValueFactory' 54 ) 55
56 - def __init__(self):
57 """Initialise attributes""" 58 super(AttributeDesignator, self).__init__() 59 self.__attributeId = None 60 self.__issuer = None 61 self.__mustBePresent = False 62 63 # When evaluating matches, use an attribute value class factory to 64 # create attribute values for match bag of the correct DataType to 65 # respect type based rule functions 66 self.__attributeValueFactory = AttributeValueClassFactory()
67 68 @property
69 - def attributeId(self):
70 """Get Attribute Id 71 @return: attribute ID 72 @rtype: basestring / NoneType 73 """ 74 return self.__attributeId
75 76 @attributeId.setter
77 - def attributeId(self, value):
78 """Set Attribute Id 79 @param value: attribute ID 80 @type value: basestring 81 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 82 """ 83 if not isinstance(value, basestring): 84 raise TypeError('Expecting %r type for "attributeId" ' 85 'attribute; got %r' % (basestring, type(value))) 86 87 self.__attributeId = value
88 89 @property
90 - def issuer(self):
91 """Get Issuer 92 @return: issuer 93 @rtype: basestring / NoneType 94 """ 95 return self.__issuer
96 97 @issuer.setter
98 - def issuer(self, value):
99 """Set Issuer 100 @param value: issuer 101 @type value: basestring 102 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 103 """ 104 if not isinstance(value, basestring): 105 raise TypeError('Expecting %r type for "issuer" ' 106 'attribute; got %r' % (basestring, type(value))) 107 108 self.__issuer = value
109 110 @property
111 - def mustBePresent(self):
112 """Get Must Be Present flag 113 @return: must be present flag 114 @rtype: bool 115 """ 116 return self.__mustBePresent
117 118 @mustBePresent.setter
119 - def mustBePresent(self, value):
120 """Set Must Be Present flag 121 @param value: must be present flag 122 @type value: bool 123 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 124 """ 125 if not isinstance(value, bool): 126 raise TypeError('Expecting %r type for "mustBePresent" ' 127 'attribute; got %r' % (bool, type(value))) 128 129 self.__mustBePresent = value
130 131 @property
132 - def attributeValueFactory(self):
133 """Get Attribute Value factory function 134 135 @return: attribute value factory instance 136 @rtype: ndg.xacml.core.attributevalue.AttributeValueClassFactory 137 """ 138 return self.__attributeValueFactory
140 141 -class SubjectAttributeDesignator(AttributeDesignator):
142 """XACML Subject Attribute Designator type 143 @cvar ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: XML local name for this element 144 @type ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: string 145 """ 146 ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME = 'SubjectAttributeDesignator' 147 __slots__ = () 148
149 - def evaluate(self, context):
150 """Evaluate the result of the SubjectAttributeDesignator in a condition 151 152 @param context: the request context 153 @type context: ndg.xacml.core.context.request.Request 154 @return: attribute value(s) resulting from execution of this expression 155 in a condition 156 @rtype: AttributeValue/NoneType 157 """ 158 if not isinstance(context, Request): 159 raise TypeError('Expecting %r type for context input; got %r' % 160 (Request, type(context))) 161 162 dataType = self.dataType 163 attributeValueBag = TypedList(self.attributeValueFactory(dataType)) 164 attributeId = self.attributeId 165 issuer = self.issuer 166 167 log.debug("In SubjectAttributeDesignator for attribute %r", attributeId) 168 169 if issuer is not None: 170 _issuerMatch = lambda _issuer: issuer == _issuer 171 else: 172 _issuerMatch = lambda _issuer: True 173 174 _attributeMatch = lambda attr: (attr.attributeId == attributeId and 175 attr.dataType == dataType and 176 _issuerMatch(attr.issuer)) 177 178 for subject in context.subjects: 179 for attr in subject.attributes: 180 if _attributeMatch(attr): 181 attributeValueBag.extend([i for i in attr.attributeValues 182 if i.dataType == dataType]) 183 184 if context.ctxHandler is not None: 185 # Try querying the Policy Information Point via the Context 186 # Handler to see if values for the attribute specified in this 187 # designator can be retrieved externally. If retrieved, they're 188 # added to the bag. 189 log.debug("Making query to PIP for additional subject " 190 "attributes to satify match") 191 192 attributeValues = context.ctxHandler.pipQuery(context, self) 193 if attributeValues is not None: 194 log.debug("PIP retrieved additional subject attributes: %r", 195 attributeValues) 196 197 # Weed out any duplicates 198 if len(attributeValueBag) > 0: 199 filtAttributeValues = [attrVal 200 for attrVal in attributeValues 201 if attrVal not in attributeValueBag] 202 else: 203 filtAttributeValues = attributeValues 204 205 attributeValueBag.extend(filtAttributeValues) 206 207 if len(attributeValueBag) == 0 and self.mustBePresent: 208 raise MissingAttributeError('"MustBePresent" is set for %r but no ' 209 'match for attributeId=%r, dataType=%r ' 210 'and issuer=%r' % 211 (self.__class__.__name__, 212 self.attributeId, 213 self.dataType, 214 self.issuer)) 215 216 return attributeValueBag
218 219 -class ResourceAttributeDesignator(AttributeDesignator):
220 """XACML Resource Attribute Designator type 221 @cvar ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: XML local name for this element 222 @type ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: string 223 """ 224 ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME = 'ResourceAttributeDesignator' 225 __slots__ = () 226
227 - def evaluate(self, context):
228 """Evaluate the result of the ResourceAttributeDesignator in a condition 229 230 @param context: the request context 231 @type context: ndg.xacml.core.context.request.Request 232 @return: attribute value(s) resulting from execution of this expression 233 in a condition 234 @rtype: AttributeValue/NoneType 235 """ 236 if not isinstance(context, Request): 237 raise TypeError('Expecting %r type for context input; got %r' % 238 (Request, type(context))) 239 240 dataType = self.dataType 241 attributeValueBag = TypedList(self.attributeValueFactory(dataType)) 242 attributeId = self.attributeId 243 issuer = self.issuer 244 245 if issuer is not None: 246 _issuerMatch = lambda _issuer: issuer == _issuer 247 else: 248 _issuerMatch = lambda _issuer: True 249 250 _attributeMatch = lambda attr: (attr.attributeId == attributeId and 251 attr.dataType == dataType and 252 _issuerMatch(attr.issuer)) 253 254 for resource in context.resources: 255 for attr in resource.attributes: 256 if _attributeMatch(attr): 257 attributeValueBag.extend([i for i in attr.attributeValues 258 if i.dataType == dataType]) 259 260 if len(attributeValueBag) == 0 and self.mustBePresent: 261 raise MissingAttributeError('"MustBePresent" is set for %r but no ' 262 'match for attributeId=%r, dataType=%r ' 263 'and issuer=%r' % 264 (self.__class__.__name__, 265 self.attributeId, 266 self.dataType, 267 self.issuer)) 268 269 return attributeValueBag
271 272 -class ActionAttributeDesignator(AttributeDesignator):
273 """XACML Action Attribute Designator type 274 @cvar ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: XML local name for this element 275 @type ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: string 276 """ 277 ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME = 'ActionAttributeDesignator' 278 __slots__ = () 279
280 - def evaluate(self, context):
281 """Evaluate the result of the ActionAttributeDesignator in a condition 282 283 @param context: the request context 284 @type context: ndg.xacml.core.context.request.Request 285 @return: attribute value(s) resulting from execution of this expression 286 in a condition 287 @rtype: AttributeValue/NoneType 288 """ 289 if not isinstance(context, Request): 290 raise TypeError('Expecting %r type for context input; got %r' % 291 (Request, type(context))) 292 293 dataType = self.dataType 294 attributeValueBag = TypedList(self.attributeValueFactory(dataType)) 295 attributeId = self.attributeId 296 issuer = self.issuer 297 action = context.action 298 299 if issuer is not None: 300 _issuerMatch = lambda _issuer: issuer == _issuer 301 else: 302 _issuerMatch = lambda _issuer: True 303 304 _attributeMatch = lambda attr: (attr.attributeId == attributeId and 305 attr.dataType == dataType and 306 _issuerMatch(attr.issuer)) 307 308 for attr in action.attributes: 309 if _attributeMatch(attr): 310 attributeValueBag.extend([i for i in attr.attributeValues 311 if i.dataType == dataType]) 312 313 if len(attributeValueBag) == 0 and self.mustBePresent: 314 raise MissingAttributeError('"MustBePresent" is set for %r but no ' 315 'match for attributeId=%r, dataType=%r ' 316 'and issuer=%r' % 317 (self.__class__.__name__, 318 self.attributeId, 319 self.dataType, 320 self.issuer)) 321 322 return attributeValueBag
324 325 -class EnvironmentAttributeDesignator(AttributeDesignator):
326 """XACML Environment Attribute Designator type 327 @cvar ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: XML local name for this element 328 @type ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: string 329 """ 330 ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME = 'EnvironmentAttributeDesignator' 331 __slots__ = () 332
333 - def evaluate(self, context):
334 """Evaluate the result of the EnvironmentAttributeDesignator in a 335 condition 336 337 @param context: the request context 338 @type context: ndg.xacml.core.context.request.Request 339 @return: attribute value(s) resulting from execution of this expression 340 in a condition 341 @rtype: AttributeValue/NoneType 342 """ 343 if not isinstance(context, Request): 344 raise TypeError('Expecting %r type for context input; got %r' % 345 (Request, type(context))) 346 347 dataType = self.dataType 348 attributeValueBag = TypedList(self.attributeValueFactory(dataType)) 349 attributeId = self.attributeId 350 issuer = self.issuer 351 environment = context.environment 352 353 if issuer is not None: 354 _issuerMatch = lambda _issuer: issuer == _issuer 355 else: 356 _issuerMatch = lambda _issuer: True 357 358 _attributeMatch = lambda attr: (attr.attributeId == attributeId and 359 attr.dataType == dataType and 360 _issuerMatch(attr.issuer)) 361 362 for attr in environment.attributes: 363 if _attributeMatch(attr): 364 attributeValueBag.extend([i for i in attr.attributeValues 365 if i.dataType == dataType]) 366 367 if len(attributeValueBag) == 0 and self.mustBePresent: 368 raise MissingAttributeError('"MustBePresent" is set for %r but no ' 369 'match for attributeId=%r, dataType=%r ' 370 'and issuer=%r' % 371 (self.__class__.__name__, 372 self.attributeId, 373 self.dataType, 374 self.issuer)) 375 376 return attributeValueBag