Package ndg :: Package xacml :: Package core :: Module policy
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Source Code for Module ndg.xacml.core.policy

  1  """NDG Security Policy type definition 
  3  NERC DataGrid 
  4  """ 
  5  __author__ = "P J Kershaw" 
  6  __date__ = "24/02/10" 
  7  __copyright__ = "(C) 2010 Science and Technology Facilities Council" 
  8  __contact__ = "" 
  9  __license__ = "BSD - see LICENSE file in top-level directory" 
 10  __contact__ = "" 
 11  __revision__ = "$Id: 7955 2011-12-21 18:29:45Z rwilkinson $" 
 12  import logging 
 13  log = logging.getLogger(__name__) 
 15  from ndg.xacml.utils import TypedList 
 16  from ndg.xacml.parsers import AbstractReaderFactory, AbstractReader 
 17  from ndg.xacml.core.policybase import PolicyBase 
 18  from ndg.xacml.core.policydefaults import PolicyDefaults 
 19  from import Target 
 20  from ndg.xacml.core.rule import Rule 
 21  from ndg.xacml.core.obligation import Obligation 
 22  from ndg.xacml.core.rule_combining_alg import (RuleCombiningAlgClassFactory, 
 23                                                 RuleCombiningAlgInterface) 
 24  from ndg.xacml.core.functions import (UnsupportedStdFunctionError, 
 25                                        UnsupportedFunctionError) 
26 27 28 -class PolicyParseError(Exception):
29 """Error reading policy attributes from file"""
31 32 -class InvalidPolicyXmlNsError(PolicyParseError):
33 """Invalid XML namespace for policy document"""
35 36 -class Policy(PolicyBase):
37 """XACML Policy 38 39 @cvar DEFAULT_XACML_VERSION: default is 2.0 40 @type DEFAULT_XACML_VERSION: string 41 @cvar ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: XML local name for this element 42 @type ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME: string 43 @cvar POLICY_ID_ATTRIB_NAME: policy id XML attribute name 44 @type POLICY_ID_ATTRIB_NAME: string 45 @cvar RULE_COMBINING_ALG_ID_ATTRIB_NAME: rule combining algorithm id XML 46 attribute name 47 @type RULE_COMBINING_ALG_ID_ATTRIB_NAME: string 48 @cvar VERSION_ATTRIB_NAME: version XML attribute name 49 @type VERSION_ATTRIB_NAME: string 50 @cvar DESCRIPTION_LOCAL_NAME: description XML element local name 51 @type DESCRIPTION_LOCAL_NAME: string 52 @cvar POLICY_DEFAULTS_LOCAL_NAME: policy defaults XML element local name 53 @type POLICY_DEFAULTS_LOCAL_NAME: string 54 @cvar COMBINER_PARAMETERS_LOCAL_NAME: combiner parameter XML element local 55 name 56 @type COMBINER_PARAMETERS_LOCAL_NAME: string 57 @cvar RULE_COMBINER_PARAMETERS_LOCAL_NAME: rule combiner parameter XML 58 element local name 59 @type RULE_COMBINER_PARAMETERS_LOCAL_NAME: string 60 @cvar OBLIGATIONS_LOCAL_NAME: obligations XML element local name 61 @type OBLIGATIONS_LOCAL_NAME: string 62 63 @ivar __policyId: policy id 64 @type __policyId: NoneType / basestring 65 @ivar __version: policy version 66 @type __version: NoneType / basestring 67 @ivar __ruleCombiningAlgId: rule combining algorithm ID 68 @type __ruleCombiningAlgId: NoneType / basestring 69 @ivar __description: policy decription text 70 @type __description: NoneType / basestring 71 @ivar __target: target element 72 @type __target: NoneType / 73 @ivar __attr: list of rules 74 @type __attr: ndg.xacml.utils.TypedList 75 @ivar __obligations: obligations 76 @type __obligations: ndg.xacml.utils.TypedList 77 @ivar __ruleCombiningAlgFactory: rule combining algorithm factory 78 @type __ruleCombiningAlgFactory: ndg.xacml.core.rule_combining_alg.RuleCombiningAlgClassFactory 79 @ivar __ruleCombiningAlg: rule combining algorithm 80 @type __ruleCombiningAlg: NoneType / ndg.xacml.core.rule_combining_alg.RuleCombiningAlgInterface 81 """ 82 DEFAULT_XACML_VERSION = "2.0" 83 ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME = "Policy" 84 POLICY_ID_ATTRIB_NAME = "PolicyId" 85 RULE_COMBINING_ALG_ID_ATTRIB_NAME = "RuleCombiningAlgId" 86 VERSION_ATTRIB_NAME = "Version" 87 88 DESCRIPTION_LOCAL_NAME = "Description" 89 POLICY_DEFAULTS_LOCAL_NAME = "PolicyDefaults" 90 COMBINER_PARAMETERS_LOCAL_NAME = "CombinerParameters" 91 RULE_COMBINER_PARAMETERS_LOCAL_NAME = "RuleCombinerParameters" 92 OBLIGATIONS_LOCAL_NAME = "Obligations" 93 POLICY_ID_REFERENCE = "PolicyIdReference" 94 95 __slots__ = ( 96 '__policyId', 97 '__version', 98 '__ruleCombiningAlgId', 99 '__description', 100 '__policyDefaults', 101 '__target', 102 '__attr', 103 '__obligations', 104 '__ruleCombiningAlgFactory', 105 '__ruleCombiningAlg' 106 ) 107
108 - def __init__(self, ruleCombiningAlgFactory=None):
109 """Customise rule combining behaviour by passing in a custom combining 110 algorithm factory. This is invoked when the combining algorithm Id 111 property is set in order to create the corresponding combining algorithm 112 object 113 114 @param ruleCombiningAlgFactory: factory object for return a rule 115 combining algorithm class for a given URI. Defaults to 116 @type ruleCombiningAlgFactory: NoneType / defaults to 117 ndg.xacml.core.rule_combining_alg.RuleCombiningAlgClassFactory 118 """ 119 super(Policy, self).__init__() 120 self.__policyId = None 121 self.__version = None 122 self.__ruleCombiningAlgId = None 123 self.__description = None 124 self.__target = None 125 self.__policyDefaults = None 126 127 # Attr should eventually allow a choice of Rule, CombinerParameter, 128 # RuleCombinerParameter and VariableDefinition but only Rule type is 129 # currently supported 130 self.__attr = TypedList(Rule) 131 132 self.__obligations = TypedList(Obligation) 133 134 self.__ruleCombiningAlgFactory = None 135 if ruleCombiningAlgFactory is None: 136 self.ruleCombiningAlgFactory = RuleCombiningAlgClassFactory() 137 else: 138 self.ruleCombiningAlgFactory = ruleCombiningAlgFactory 139 140 self.__ruleCombiningAlg = None
143 """ 144 @return: rule combining algorithm factory 145 @rtype: NoneType / ndg.xacml.core.rule_combining_alg.RuleCombiningAlgClassFactory 146 """ 147 return self.__ruleCombiningAlgFactory
149 - def _setRuleCombiningAlgFactory(self, value):
150 """ 151 @param value: rule combining algorithm factory 152 @type value: ndg.xacml.core.rule_combining_alg.RuleCombiningAlgClassFactory 153 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 154 """ 155 if not isinstance(value, RuleCombiningAlgClassFactory): 156 raise TypeError('Expecting %r derived type for ' 157 '"ruleCombiningAlgFactory" attibute; got %r' % 158 (RuleCombiningAlgClassFactory, type(value))) 159 160 self.__ruleCombiningAlgFactory = value
161 162 ruleCombiningAlgFactory = property(_getRuleCombiningAlgFactory, 163 _setRuleCombiningAlgFactory, 164 doc="Rule Combining Algorithm Factory") 165 166 @property
167 - def ruleCombiningAlg(self):
168 """Rule Combining algorithm 169 @return: rule combining algorithm class instance 170 @rtype: ndg.xacml.core.rule_combining_alg.RuleCombiningAlgInterface 171 derived type 172 """ 173 return self.__ruleCombiningAlg
174 175 @classmethod
176 - def fromSource(cls, source, readerFactory):
177 """Create a new policy from the input source parsing it using a 178 reader from the required reader factory e.g. ETreeReaderFactory to use 179 ElementTree based parsing 180 181 @param source: source from which to read the policy - file path, 182 file object, XML node or other dependent on the reader factory selected 183 @type source: string, file, XML node type 184 @param readerFactory: factory class returns reader class used to parse 185 the policy 186 @type readerFactory: ndg.xacml.parsers.AbstractReaderFactory 187 @return: new policy instance 188 @rtype: ndg.xacml.core.policy.Policy 189 """ 190 if not issubclass(readerFactory, AbstractReaderFactory): 191 raise TypeError('Expecting %r derived class for reader factory ' 192 'method; got %r' % (AbstractReaderFactory, 193 readerFactory)) 194 195 reader = readerFactory.getReader(cls) 196 if not issubclass(reader, AbstractReader): 197 raise TypeError('Expecting %r derived class for reader class; ' 198 'got %r' % (AbstractReader, reader)) 199 200 return reader.parse(source)
202 - def _getPolicyId(self):
203 ''' 204 @return: policy id 205 @rtype: NoneType / basestring 206 ''' 207 return self.__policyId
209 - def _setPolicyId(self, value):
210 '''@param value: policy id 211 @type value: basestring 212 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 213 ''' 214 if not isinstance(value, basestring): 215 raise TypeError('Expecting string type for "policyId" ' 216 'attribute; got %r' % type(value)) 217 218 self.__policyId = value
219 220 policyId = property(_getPolicyId, _setPolicyId, None, "Policy Id") 221 # Generic property for ID of Policy and PolicySet 222 ident = property(_getPolicyId, None, None, "Policy Id") 223
224 - def _getVersion(self):
225 '''@return: policy version 226 @rtype: NoneType / basestring 227 ''' 228 return self.__version
230 - def _setVersion(self, value):
231 '''@param value: policy version 232 @type value: basestring 233 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 234 ''' 235 if not isinstance(value, basestring): 236 raise TypeError('Expecting string type for "version" ' 237 'attribute; got %r' % type(value)) 238 239 self.__version = value
240 241 version = property(_getVersion, _setVersion, None, "Policy Version") 242
243 - def _getRuleCombiningAlgId(self):
244 '''@return: rule combining algorithm ID 245 @rtype: NoneType / basestring 246 ''' 247 return self.__ruleCombiningAlgId
249 - def _setRuleCombiningAlgId(self, value):
250 '''@param value: rule combining algorithm ID 251 @type value: NoneType / basestring 252 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 253 ''' 254 if not isinstance(value, basestring): 255 raise TypeError('Expecting string type for "ruleCombiningAlgId" ' 256 'attribute; got %r' % type(value)) 257 258 self.__ruleCombiningAlgId = value 259 self._setRuleCombiningAlgFromId()
262 """Set the rule combining algorithm implementation from the Id set in 263 __ruleCombiningAlgId the attribute 264 265 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 266 @raise UnsupportedStdFunctionError: no implementation is avaliable for 267 this XACML rule combining algorithm 268 @raise UnsupportedFunctionError: the rule combining algorithm is not 269 recognised as a standard XACML one 270 """ 271 # Look-up rule combining algorithm 272 ruleCombiningAlgClass = self.__ruleCombiningAlgFactory( 273 self.__ruleCombiningAlgId) 274 if (not isinstance(ruleCombiningAlgClass, type) or 275 not issubclass(ruleCombiningAlgClass, RuleCombiningAlgInterface)): 276 raise TypeError('Expecting %r derived type for rule combining ' 277 'algorithm class; got %r type' % 278 (RuleCombiningAlgInterface, ruleCombiningAlgClass)) 279 280 self.__ruleCombiningAlg = ruleCombiningAlgClass() 281 if self.__ruleCombiningAlg is NotImplemented: 282 raise UnsupportedStdFunctionError('The rule combining algorithm %r ' 283 'is not currently implemented' % 284 self.__ruleCombiningAlgId) 285 286 elif self.__ruleCombiningAlg is None: 287 raise UnsupportedFunctionError('%r is not recognised as a valid ' 288 'XACML rule combining algorithm' % 289 self.__ruleCombiningAlgId)
290 291 ruleCombiningAlgId = property(_getRuleCombiningAlgId, 292 _setRuleCombiningAlgId, None, 293 doc="Rule Combining Algorithm Id") 294 295 @property
296 - def combinerParameters(self):
297 """@raise NotImplementedError: combiner parameters property is not 298 currently implemented 299 """ 300 raise NotImplementedError()
301 302 @property
303 - def ruleCombinerParameters(self):
304 """@raise NotImplementedError: rule combiner parameters property is not 305 currently implemented 306 """ 307 raise NotImplementedError()
308 309 @property
310 - def variableDefinitions(self):
311 """@raise NotImplementedError: variable definitions parameters property 312 is not currently implemented 313 """ 314 raise NotImplementedError()
315 316 @property
317 - def rules(self):
318 """Return the list of rules 319 @return: list of rules 320 @rtype: ndg.xacml.utils.TypedList 321 """ 322 return self.__attr
323 324 @property
325 - def obligations(self):
326 """@return: obligations 327 @rtype: ndg.xacml.utils.TypedList 328 """ 329 return self.__obligations
331 - def _getTarget(self):
332 """@return: target element 333 @rtype: NoneType / 334 """ 335 return self.__target
337 - def _setTarget(self, value):
338 """@param value: target element 339 @type value: 340 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 341 """ 342 if not isinstance(value, Target): 343 raise TypeError('Expecting Target for "target" ' 344 'attribute; got %r' % type(value)) 345 self.__target = value
346 347 target = property(_getTarget, _setTarget, doc="list of Policy targets") 348
349 - def _getDescription(self):
350 '''@return: policy description text 351 @rtype: NoneType / basestring 352 ''' 353 return self.__description
355 - def _setDescription(self, value):
356 '''@param value: policy description text 357 @type value: basestring 358 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 359 ''' 360 if not isinstance(value, basestring): 361 raise TypeError('Expecting string type for "description" ' 362 'attribute; got %r' % type(value)) 363 self.__description = value
364 365 description = property(_getDescription, _setDescription, 366 doc="Policy Description text") 367
368 - def _getPolicyDefaults(self):
369 '''@return: policy defaults 370 @rtype: NoneType / ndg.xacml.core.policydefaults.PolicyDefaults 371 ''' 372 return self.__policyDefaults
374 - def _setPolicyDefaults(self, value):
375 '''@param value: policy defaults 376 @type value: ndg.xacml.core.policydefaults.PolicyDefaults 377 @raise TypeError: incorrect input type 378 ''' 379 if not isinstance(value, PolicyDefaults): 380 raise TypeError('Expecting string type for "policyDefaults" ' 381 'attribute; got %r' % type(value)) 382 383 self.__policyDefaults = value
384 385 policyDefaults = property(_getPolicyDefaults, 386 _setPolicyDefaults, 387 None, 388 "Policy PolicyDefaults element") 389
390 - def evaluateCombiningAlgorithm(self, context):
391 """Evaluates the rule combining algorithm for this policy. 392 @param context: the request context 393 @type context: ndg.xacml.core.request.Request 394 @return: result of the evaluation - the decision for this policy 395 @rtype: ndg.xacml.core.context.result.Decision 396 """ 397 return self.ruleCombiningAlg.evaluate(self.rules, context)