OdooDoc documentation


This extension requires the following packages:

  • Sphinx >= 1.2
  • erppeek
  • path.py

Use pip to install this extension straight from the Python Package Index:

pip install odoodoc


In order to use odoodoc you should add it to the list of extensions in conf.py:

extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.odoodoc']


OdooDoc adds the following set of directives to be used in the docs:


You can refer to any field with the following directive:

.. field:: model/field

which will print the given field name inside an span with the class odoodocfield. You can change this default class with the configuration option odoodoc_fieldclass.

Optionally the :help: flag can be added. See the following example:

.. field:: res.partner/street

It will print the help text of field despite of the field name (if the field doesn’t have help text it will print a message advertising it).

It also have the optional option :class: CLASSLIST.

Inline usage

Inline usage is also available either using Sphinx’s replace mechanism. As it uses the directive it has all options and the same behaviour than directives:

This is a reference to field |partner_street|.

.. |partner_street| field:: res.partner/street

or one provided by odoodoc, which is shorter (but it doesn’t put the text inside and span tag and it doesn’t support any option):

This is a reference to a field @field:res.partner/street@.

In this shorter syntax, options are added at the end, separated by colons. For example:


Model Fields List

This directive takes an Odoo model as argument and generates a Field List for all fields having a Help string defined. In the field list, the columns String and Help are displayed.

The syntax is as follows:

.. fields:: model.name
   :fields: field1 field2
   :class: class1

If option :fields: is specified, it should be a list of fields separated by one blank. If this option is not specified, it will list all fields by default. You can style the field list table using the optional :class: CLASSLIST option, or assigning a CLASSLIST to the variable odoodoc_fieldlistclass in conf.py file.

FA Icon

You can insert any FontAwesome Icon using the faicon role.


This role simply inserts the following HTML (only for html writers)

<i class="fa fa-{}" aria-hidden="true"></i>

where {} is the content of the role.