Optimization example overview

All examples run against the MNIST dataset. Source code is here.

Objective Functions  
LogisticObjective Logistic Regression classifier objective function
AutoencoderObjective Neural network autoencoder objective function
Convergence examples  
plot_logistic_regression Compares phessianfree against lbfgs for training a logistic regression model directly on the pixel values of the mnist dataset. This is a good example of how large the speedup can be for very smooth objectives, with moderate condition numbers.
plot_autoencoder This illustrates the use of the Gauss-Newton approximation, together with Theano for a simple non-convex objective. Each iteration is much slower than the logistic regression example, so you might want to get cup of coffee while it’s running.
plot_least_squares This is probably the simplest example of phessian use. Fitting a simple linear regression model directly to the mnist pixel values. From a machine learning point of view, it is a stupid thing to do, but it illustrates the optimization functionality quite well. This example uses a simple function rather than a class to define the objective function, unlike the other examples.

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