Welcome to the PyHIS documentation page

What is PyHIS?

PyHIS (Python Hydrologic Information System) is a python module that enables retrieval of time series water data from WaterOneFlow/WaterML web services that are part of the national CUAHSI-HIS system. It is a key part of the Python services stack developed by the Texas Water Development Board for ‘Water Data for Texas’ - a unified hydrological information system that shares environmental data for the state of Texas.


Currently PyHIS is under heavy development and should be considered alpha quality. We welcome anybody to use, enjoy, and contribute to pyhis, but we should warn that in it’s current state there are some rough edges and the API has not quite settled down. So some aspects of pyhis will likely change with little warning as we figure things out.

How do I get started

The latest release version of PyHIS is available on pypi and can be installed using easy_install or pip install. The development version of PyHIS is available for download via Github (https://github.com/swtools/pyhis ).

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